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LSD Effects in Micrograms
A single dose of acid is [1/4 inch x 1/4 inch paper] or [1 full gravity weight drop ~ liquid]
Doses are currently [ 60 - 400 micrograms a single dose / hit ]
The data within this thread was recorded with NO TOLERANCE.
Set = The mindset and expectations that One has before the psychedelic experience
Setting = The environment, atmosphere, and vibes where the psychedelic experience will take place
~ Considering "Set and Setting" before any LSD voyage, is very advisable due LSD's radical effects. "Set and Setting" means where the trip will occur and how One feels before/during/after the trip. It is recommended to trip with people You do trust for the whole trip.
Flashbacks and HPPD [hallucinogen persisting perception disorder] become more and more common the more One uses psychedelic substances. This includes reading fairy tale novels, radically questioning authority, and smoking copious amounts of marijuana.
Microdose Section (Level 1 Threshold) - can be achieved with low - moderate amounts of cannabis, low doses of LSD and psilocybin, and low - small amounts of MDMA [60-100 mgs].
5 ugs - 45 ugs - First level / 'Microdose' threshold. ~ Exhilarating, hopeful butterflies and eager Beavers. Visuals gently appear and flutter. Weird brain feelings. Significant / refreshing synchronicities. Manifest YOUR dreams. Meaningful / important Family moments. Medium rare; exciting and charged occasions. Passionate / Uncomfortable, cramping lifestyle / job changes / placements. Relationship / career / Lifestyle interference / repairs. Calm findings, reasons for purpose, and point of being. Moderate - Extreme metaphysical and spiritual attraction / interests. Wicked and waggish hairstyles / wardrobe. Appreciation and production for life. Need / want to enrich and adorn "Set and Setting" with colors, candles, torches, tapestries, rugs, smells...etc. Individual / group / architectural improvements. Monumental ideas and manifestations. Slight mucus production, jaw clenching and eye dilation. Daydreaming elation stations. Music / artwork acknowledgment and admiration. Amplified bass dropping, electric UM beatjams. Cliffhanger follow ups, extensions, and protractions [post heavy trip curiosity/ideas]. Hedonism hang overs and headaches [overly moderate use]. Visuals, effects, and levels increase, open and closed eye after consecutive drops. ~ Effects last about 6-8 hours. ~ Level 1 - 2 ~
25 ugs - - Many beginners find this dose comfortable and a good place to start. ~ Soft - moderate euphoria and mood lift. Creativity and pleasure becomes extremely apparent. Daily energy boost / stimulant / enhancer [it's like a cup of coffee but trippier]. A lot of people use this dose as a microdose. Great for the daily 9 am- 5 pm "ers". Visual experiences are very mild and some people may not even see visuals. ~ Level 1 without cannabis ~
30 ugs - Many use this as a daily "microdose" [Helps / aids in getting a job done quicker] ~ Increase in creative / social / associative thinking. A great fellowship / interaction / chilling / working dose. Meaningful, harmonic, expanding thoughts. Thought patterns are noticeably sped up [noobs find this uneasy at first but the come down more comfy]. Philosophical banter rants / psychedelic jibber jabbers / [can be annoying; at times]. Visuals/effects become more pronounced with cannabis, but not as vivid as one would think. Creating art like painting or drawing becomes extremely enjoyable. Many artists grind on this dose. This is kind of like smoking a high end sativa but with no tolerance. Who wants to laugh Their ass off? ~ Easier to handle for Noobies, [ set and setting].
40 ugs - ~ Level 1 " Spiritual Birthing Dose " ~ A great beginner dose ~ 40+ micrograms is considered life changing. ~ Soothing but mellow therapeutic, psychological reflection [this effect increases the higher the dose]. Third Eye and spiritual cord is found [confusion may arise.; aka increase in thoughts, this is where next level / interesting things start to happen]. Telepathic interaction and advanced communication. Achieving higher Left and Right Neuro-Brain Cues; aka Sensual Enhancement. Amplification / collaboration of the senses [.ie. music sounds wider, smells / tastes are more saturated. feelings are deeper. etc]. -Energy is more sensitive / active / energetic. If You want stronger visuals, You gotta take a higher dosage. A great laughing time; especially with weed.
- [Level 2 with cannabis or other psychedelics]
Noob Tripping Section (Level 2 Threshold) - can be achieved with heavy amounts of cannabis and/or mixing with low - small amounts of lsd and psilocybin together. Level 2's effects obviously increase with dosage.
50 ugs - ~" Mild Tripping threshold " Starting to feel LSD's 'tripping' effects. Slow come up. ~ Visuals and optical illusions start to manifest and show. Appreciation for music. Intense increase of energy. Mind / thought pattern alterations during come up / peak. A lot more sensitive to emotions and energy. One can start to see Closed Eye Visuals. Melting and bending optical illusions become obvious but mild. ~ Intuition / awareness is greatly increased, ~ Mild visuals [ lucy, trails, very mild patterning on surfaces], Natural perception filter is somewhat bypassed [10%-15%] ~ Short term memory lapses. - A great dose for meditation ~ Food smells/tastes amazing. [ a lot like 150 mgs of MDMA ]
60 ugs- ~ The typical low quality blotter ~ Starting to get into some interesting places. Emotional / thought recollection emerges. Healing space opens wider. Visuals: Tessellations start to appear on walls, surfaces, faces etc. [this effect is very interesting, especially in higher doses] Trails / shuttering / after imaging / tracers. Thoughts and mind start racing at a rapid rate, [some noobies need to be left alone when this effect occurs]. ~Dream / memory experience recall~ Slight blissful euphoria.. Visual acuity is enhanced. This dosage makes for a good time. Closed Eye Visuals are calm, pretty, and gentle , [some report 2D visuals with color, objects, and geometry]. Memory smells / odor hallucinations. Nature and hikes are great at this dosage.
90 ugs- Whole duration is about 8+ hours. A great dose for visuals, mindscapes, and trails. LSD visual, color enhancement [ very ‘real’ looking surroundings]. This is the dose where the mind can start to go to weird places [good/bad]. Playful / cartoony type scenarios. Tingly sensation up the spine / limbs / shivers. Eye dilation is very prominent. Mild-intense change of short term memory. ~ Increased distractive thought patterns. ~Total trip outs and fuck withs can happen. [it’s good for You, YOU can take it]. Your mind starts racing more rapidly and sped up thoughts/ ideas / manifestations. ~ A lot like half a gram of mushrooms ~ Level 2
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