LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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Common Tripping Section (Level 3 Threshold) - Cannot be achieved with cannabis by One's lonesome, needs LSD assistance to get into Level 3
100 ugs ~ " Common tripping threshold " THE "SWEET SPOT" credit to SCI ~ The most sought after LSD dosage.
~ Chronically tapping into source. Most people have been caught laughing their asses off for no reason at this dose. Most report this dose as a thought provoking / fun, entertaining time. Sped up thoughts / mind alterations. [comforting and/or distressing thoughts may arise]. ~Starting to revert back to natural instincts / starting to lose the ego. This dose is used for communion, ceremonies, and rituals even though 250 ugs is the true "sacrament". Primitive senses and impulses may come up. Body buzzing is mild but sometimes euphoric and/or uncomfortable on come up; Your body and spirit is talking to You. Consciousness starts to blend with hallucinations. Sensitive / meaningful semblance and symbolism; intuition becomes more present. Some realistic imagery / imagination thought trains. Memory Trances / Visions are possible at this dose. Deep meditation. Most report Level 3 mixed with cannabis.

150 ugs
~-~ Getting into strong tripping territory. ~ Deep & meaningful emotional insight into One's own life; contemplative thoughts. Visuals are so saturated and attractive that One can get caught staring at a wall for hours. Flowing energy and rushing brain activity. ~Moonlit nights, meaningful moments, and divine rays. Insightful thoughts and moments of clarity. Meaningful judgement into One's own life / situations. Uncommon / abnormal phenomenon may happen. Auditory hallucinations become mildly apparent; this can be a trip. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories come to life. Closed eye visuals are very apparent during peak and start to become 3-Dimensional.
~ Effects are a lot like 100 micrograms or less.

150 ugs - 400 ugs: " Strong Tripping Territory "~ [1 - 2 tabs of LSD]
| One hit of LSD can put You here, people! ~ Healing / Spiritual experiences - Most people will wind up here if They voyage LSD's profound mind altering effects. The peak is usually always uncomfortable for people with no tolerance / experience {see dosage}. Come down effects are described as ‘more comfortable’ but less visual. ~ Extremely sensitive to energy. Music controls / vividly affects mood. Empathic / Aggressive vibes will arise. Life changing, spiritual experiences or realizations can happen. ~Hang over effects increase the higher the dose ~ This is where things can get powerful. These doses always show noobies how powerful acid really is. ~Megalomania may come up. [Deep over analyzations may manifest Themselves within the self conscious matrix] - Relationship interference / repairs [it is important to trip with the ones You love] ~ Alice in Wonderland type scenarios. Surreal Emerginative Portal Fractals [dmt like visuals/phenomenon], Ancient Ancestor Energetic Interaction, and Theological Spiritual Warfare; [spiritual veil is somewhatlifted]. Focal point landscapes, expanding clouds, and rolling thunder. ~ Aura bubble air wave visuals. Funny slurs / speech impediments. Wonderful dance moves. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Tessellation Aztec Designs are all over surfaces and the ground. Intense energy flashes and pulsating nerves ~-~ Abnormal / inappropriate ideas and behavior [getting naked]. Astral Projections are possible and mild out of body experiences may happen. ~ Most always report a Level 2 or 3 experience but some can report a Level 4 experience mixed with other psychedelics. The ability to discern can get thrown off; which in turn causes over analyzing an event / thought / situation. This can be potentially life threatening to ANYONE. At this dose, it is wise to consider a trustworthy tripper to watch over an inexperienced tripper; just in case. Recommended to not drive on doses this high

200 ugs
-~~ This is where things can get powerful. Your mind is racing. Beautiful colors are everywhere. If you are a noob to lsd this dose is simply too high for you. ~ Life transformational, spiritual experiences will happen. Communication, the third eye, consciousness, and visions become very present; tapping in. Abnormal, overly confident energy / will power. Extreme sense to energy / vibes, sometimes overwhelming depending on set and setting. Subtle - abnormal fun house situations. Bulging, and obvious deviations. ~ Some people can handle it quite well but some may FREAK OUT during the peak. Closed eye visuals are amazing at this dose. Energy stimulant and muscle contractions.
~ A lot like 150 mics.

250 ugs- ~- " Entheogenic threshold "~
This is the classic and legendary acid trip dosage; this is a true LSD trip. ~ The peak can be intense as fuck but the come down is a lot more enjoyable. ~ Remarkable, life transformational experiences. Rich sensory input / speed racing color enhancement. ~ Memory flashbacks and strong intuitive experiences [this can be incredibly painful and/or incredibly beautiful]. Talented expressions. Peak effects are intense / delightful / scary. Sometimes mild-extreme confusion or thought loop lessons can happen at this dose [karma]. Color / opaque / hue changing visuals. Detailed shuttering / after imaging / trails / shutter smears. Dilated, mysterious, eerie pupils. Spiritual harmony and/or discord. Idler auditory hallucinations and whispers [hearing things are very likely]. Giggly underwater cerebral head / body high. Interesting - uncomfortable brain / body feelings. Cotton mouth / body shivers / vasoconstriction. {This effect is more uncomfortable the higher the dose} ~ High bet chances of lifestyle benefit and/or wreckage. After glow / side effects seem to stick in both, positive and negative ways.

300 ugs- ~ ~ VERY intense during peak. ~
Careful... Patience... Getting into powerful places. Still not considered by most to be a heavy dose, but thats only because they know where most people including themselves draw the line if they are experienced. Its a lot like 250 mics. ~ Recommended that the tripper work his / her way up to this type of dosage. Some report experiencing crossing the space / time continue-om [one up]. Extremely vivid memories, absorbing flashbacks and wanted / unwanted visions, emotions, and regressions will manifest themselves, [depending on karma]. Detailed trails, tracers, and after imaging. ~~~ OEV fractals start to show and appear. CEV & OEV are very detailed / entertaining at the peak. ~ Intense energy stimulant, body shivers and noticeable tryptamine shakes/muscle aches. Communication with nature [birds, animals, etc.] ~~~~ Level 3 ~
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Heavy Tripping Section (Level 4 Threshold) - can be achieved with any psychedelic combination such as mixing psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, LSD and MDMA together.
400 ugs- ~~
Most people would never take this much unless they knew the acid they have in their possession and really wanted to get pretty far out there. ~ People report this dose as thought provoking and / or life changing. Intense Extra Sensory Perception and communication effects start to manifest. This is where things start to get real insane, profoundly intense, and outrageous. 400+ micrograms is considered a Heavy dose of LSD. People have reported profusely sweating. Increase in heart rate. Still able to move and walk about, no problem. There can be mild synesthesia (i.e. seeing sounds, tasting colors, hearing others thoughts etc.) ~ CEV and OEV start to blend together. The biometric reality filter is bypassed [25%-45%]; 1/4 identity loss, slight splitting of the ego or starting to feel contradictory towards things ["Who are You?"]. Some dissolving of reality, “further tapping in”. [some may report the feeling of dying ] ~ Intense hallucinations, visions, and/or imaginative experiences. Clock distortions and some moments of time being non existent after second peak. The environment starts to come to life. There is an extreme heightened sense of awareness of one's own feelings and drive. This is where One really starts playing Willard's game. Some report experiencing intense, maternal, divine intervention or going through a rough, but much needed spiritual carwash. Please reconsider this dose before taking it if You are a noobie.~ (Two Hits of LSD may get You here) The ability to discern can get thrown off; which in turn causes over analyzing a situation.

Extremely Powerful Tripping Section - Used as sacrament and dedicated psychonauts that really want to explore.

~ 400-800 ugs ~ " HEAVY tripping territory " ~ (2 - 5 hits of acid)
These doses and higher can be VERY psychologically dangerous to anyone. [Blackouts/psychotic episodes may happen]~ Effects come on within the first 3 minutes - half hour. Peak effects last 6-7 hours. Total effects last around 16-18 Hours. ~ Pretty much where even some of the most experienced people draw the line. HEARTFELT contemplative insights into One's and others situations/lifestyle. Communication with God and/or higher powers. Extremely extraordinary spiritual experiences. Auditory hallucinations. Extra Sensory Perception type experiences. Blending of the senses. ~Extremely deep / introspective personal revelations. Profound / Hard knocking / Individualized emotions emerge ( joyful, depressed, fearful, giddiness, anger, relieved, unsure, courageous, irritated, blissful {depending on set & setting} ~ Body movements start to become difficult and disorienting. ~ Unusual thoughts and speech. Jaw clenching. ~ DMT body high. - Some may report the feeling of dying or the feeling of loosing One's body. [LSD at doses this high provides a dissociative effect] ~ Astral Projections are possible. {It is very wise to consider SET AND SETTING at these dose.} You WILL think You are a genius. People WILL think You are insane. ~ Extremely sensitive to environment and temperature. Body / Brain / Muscle feelings and contractions become so sensitive, the most powerful use hydrotherapy to relieve this effect. ~ Music can be so intense that it can control the trip / emotions. ~ During the peak, Your vision is almost completely enveloped by fractal patterns, and if you were to stare at some pavement or something, it looks like you can see to the end of eternity. Miles and miles of visual depth. ~ Exceedingly abnormal / "inappropriate" ideas and behavior will be exhibited. Unwanted and overwhelming experiences can arise. ~ It is extremely important to stay, sleep, and eat healthy when taking doses this high. There will be a lot of tiredness the next day. Taking a day off from work post trip is a really good idea. Achieving Higher States of Consciousness.

500 ugs-
"Four way / Four Square" -
Strong hallucinations and visuals. objects morphing into other objects (both closed and open eye visuals). Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are contradicting things simultaneously). Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Meaningful - Profound life changing experiences. This dose will alter anyone's perception in such a profound way, that describing the experience is ineffable. Peak effects seem to keep going and going, this is can overwhelming. Ability to almost see through body during peak effects / profound trails. Futuristic visual improvements / designs. Profound hallucinations and visuals. Intense alice in wonderland type scenarios. Visuals lay over everything. Vastly expanding. Zooming in and out. Micro and Macro features become aware and present in the most profound ways; [this effect is breathtaking at higher doses]. Very detailed Closed Eye Visuals containing 3D imagery and never ending fractals. ~ Auditory hallucinations. Intense imagery within the subconscious / imagination such as trilobites, mitochondria, hovers, DNA cells...etc ~~~ This dose or higher WILL show anyone profound things about Themselves, no matter what. [good or bad]. The spiritual veil is lifted so much that it becomes inevitably indescribable.~ Level 3 - 4

700 ugs~
Do You want to talk about life changing experiences?... INTENSE perspective conversions. Exquisite, brain expanding ESP type phenomena. Intense open and closed eye imagery from Mexican, Greek, Hindu, American, Buddhist, Aztec, French, Mayan, Native American, Indian, and African cultures are quite common. Profound time distortions. ~ Objects / cognition / audio / emotions / visuals blend into the environment. If One has no experience/tolerance with LSD; paranoia, terror, and panic are very common at these doses. The earlier levels are relatively easier to handle and explain in terms of measurable changes in perception, reality, and thought patterns.

800 ugs- Who wants to go to a different planet ?! ~ This dose is much easier to handle with experience, an interest in astronomy, and tolerance to LSD. ~ Superficial, digitally animated visuals during peak [this is mind boggling]. X - ray vision, intense trails and after imaging. Astounding and life transformational optical displays and visions. Thoughts/ ideas come to life. Feeling/s of being teleported into another dimension has been reported, [depending on set and setting]. Moving / crescendo kaleidoscopic visuals and holographic blueprints. God / DMT entity contact is often reported, open and closed eye visual. Ridiculous and intriguing experiences that makes One question everything. ~ Level 4

1,000 ugs-~ " Heroic threshold " ~ Some report and experience teleporting and seeing things You normally would not see, depending on set and setting. Most people will think they are dying. Only visionaries and those who really seek will go this high. If you have 100 mic. and up hits of acid, this is where a "full strip" will put you. You basically cant see anything but visuals, your mind as a whole is infinitely connected with its self and your external environment. Some people forget to breathe frequently, and it's possible for people to pass out. Trails are so intense they become disorienting with movement. Ominous figures and melting walls come to life. ~ Amazing things happen on this dose no matter what. This dose will terrify most people shitless because they were not ready for this dose. Microdots used to get people here before Lysergic Acid Diethylamide started to become more regulated.

1,200 ugs ~~ Impossible, breath taking things will always happen at this dose. [That doesn't mean it will always be what You want.] ~ Extremely vivid time lapses. [reports of experiencing past, present, and future events happening all at once] - Body movements are extremely confusing / disorienting. Dissolving of ego and boundaries between self and other. Trails are so intense You can see what You were/are doing in Your past / present / future; the transition between each moment blends together. You can no longer really see your own hand in front of your face. Your intellect and observations become one. ~ You will loose your ego, but you will meet many organizers of human cognition in this egoless place. Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies logic. If One has no experience/tolerance with LSD; paranoia, terror, and panic are very common at these doses. Extremely profound loop / thought lessons. ~

A dose like 700 ugs and above will show anyone some very profound things.
Doses like 500 ugs and above have changed many lives in both positive and negative ways.

More research notes:
All dosage information on the effects of LSD may vary person to person. Each microgram { µg } benchmark and trip level reached is pretty spot on. However, YOU may experience some of the effects said in other microgram ranges. It is important to stay informed and updated with Your doses, knowledge, and quality of LSD.
~~~ Much love and microdoses.

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Heavy Tripping Section (Level 4 Threshold) - can be achieved with any psychedelic combination such as mixing psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, LSD and MDMA together.
400 mics- ~~ Level 3 - Level 4 ~
Most people would never take this much unless they knew the acid they have in their possession and really wanted to get pretty far out there. ~ People report this dose as thought provoking and / or life changing. Intense Extra Sensory Perception and communication effects start to manifest. This is where things start to get real insane, profoundly intense, and outrageous. 400+ micrograms is considered a Heavy dose of LSD.Increase in heart rate. Still able to move and walk about, no problem. There can be mild synesthesia (i.e. seeing sounds, tasting colors, hearing others thoughts etc.) ~ CEV & OEV are very detailed / entertaining at the peak.~ The biometric reality filter is bypassed [25%-45%]; 1/4 identity loss, slight splitting of the ego or starting to feel contradictory towards things [take it easy]. Some dissolving of reality, “further tapping in”. [some may report the feeling of dying ] ~ Intense hallucinations, visions, and/or imaginative experiences; typically world war III box theories. Time distortions and some moments of eternity after second peak. There is an extreme heightened sense of awareness of one's own feelings and drive. This is where One really starts playing Willard's game. Some report feeling of getting chewed up and spit out; and/Or going through a rough spiritual carwash. Some people regret taking doses this high. Please reconsider this dose before taking it if You are a newbie.~ (Two Hits of LSD may get You here) The ability to discern can get thrown off; which in turn causes over analyzing a situation.

Extremely Powerful Tripping Section - Used as sacrament and dedicated psychonauts that really want to explore.

~ 400-800 mics ~ " HEAVY tripping territory " ~ (2 - 5 hits of acid)
These doses and higher can be VERY psychologically dangerous to anyone. [Blackouts/psychotic episodes may happen]~ Effects come on within the first 3 minutes - half hour. Peak effects last 6-7 hours. Total effects last around 16-18 Hours. ~ Pretty much where even some of the most experienced people draw the line. Communication with God and/or higher powers. Extremely extraordinary spiritual experiences. ~ PROFOUND contemplative insights into One's situations/lifestyle. Extremely sensitive to environment and temperature [Most males end up shaving and/or cutting their hair]. ~ Music can be so intense that it can control the trip / emotions. ~Auditory hallucinations. Extra Sensory Perception type experiences. ~Deep / introspective personal revelations. Profound / Hard knocking / Individualized emotions emerge ( joyful, depressed, fearful, giddiness, anger, relieved, unsure, courageous, irritated, blissful {depending on set & setting} ~ During the peak, Your vision is almost completely enveloped by fractal patterns, and if you were to stare at some pavement or something, it looks like you can see to the end of eternity. Miles and miles of visual depth. ~Body movements start to become difficult and disorienting. ~ Unusual thoughts and speech. Jaw clenching. ~ DMT body high. - Some may report the feeling of dying or the feeling of loosing One's body. [LSD at doses this high provides a dissociative effect] ~ Astral Projections are possible. {It is very wise to consider SET AND SETTING at these dose.} You WILL think You are a genius. People WILL think You are insane. Extremely abnormal / "inappropriate" ideas and behavior will be exhibited. Unwanted and overwhelming experiences can arise. However, some do not regret these experiences.~ It is extremely important to stay, sleep, and eat healthy when taking doses this high. There will be a lot of tiredness the next day. Taking a day off from work post trip is a really good idea. Melting / wire frame objects are usually reported; open or closed eye visuals.

500 mics-
"Four way / Four Square" -
Strong hallucinations and visuals. objects morphing into other objects (both closed and open eye visuals). Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are contradicting things simultaneously). Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Meaningful - Profound life changing experiences. This dose will alter anyone's perception in such a profound way, that describing the experience is ineffable. Peak effects seem to keep going and going, this is can overwhelming. Ability to almost see through body during peak effects / profound trails. Futuristic visual improvements / designs. Profound hallucinations and visuals. Intense alice in wonderland type scenarios. Visuals lay over everything. Vastly expanding. Zooming in and out. Micro and Macro features become aware and present in the most profound ways; [this effect is breathtaking at higher doses]. Very detailed Closed Eye Visuals containing 3D imagery and never ending fractals. CEV and OEV start to blend together. Auditory hallucinations. Intense imagery within the subconscious / imagination such as trilobites, mitochondria, hovers, DNA cells...etc ~~~ This dose or higher WILL show anyone profound things about Themselves, no matter what. [good or bad]~ Level 3 - 4

700 mics~
Do You want to talk about life changing experiences?... INTENSE perspective conversions. Exquisite, brain expanding ESP type phenomena. Intense open and closed eye imagery from Mexican, Greek, Hindu, American, Buddhist, Aztec, French, Mayan, Native American, Indian, and African cultures are quite common. Profound time distortions. ~ Objects / cognition / audio / emotions / visuals blend into the environment. If One has no experience/tolerance with LSD; paranoia, terror, and panic are very common at these doses. The earlier levels are relatively easy to explain in terms of measurable changes in perception and thought patterns. Blending of the senses.

800 mics- Who wants to go to a different planet ?! ~ Blatant, overwhelming visuals during peak lasting hours. Intense trails and after imaging. Shocking and overwhelming optical displays. Thoughts/ ideas come to life. Feeling/s of being teleported into another dimension has been reported, [depending on set and setting]. Awfully appealing / moving kaleidoscopic OEV and CEV. Dissolving of boundaries between self and other. God / DMT entity contact is usually reported. Ridiculous, intriguing, and monumental experiences that make One question everything.

1,000 mics-~ " Heroic threshold " ~ Some report and experience teleporting and seeing things You normally would not see, depending on set and setting. Most people will think they are dying. Only visionaries and those who really seek will go this high. If you have 100 mic. and up hits of acid, this is where a "full strip" will put you. You basically cant see anything but visuals, your mind as a whole is infinitely connected with its self and your external environment. Some people forget to breathe frequently, and it's possible for people to pass out. Trails are so intense they become disorienting with movement. Ominous figures and melting walls come to life. ~ Amazing things happen on this dose no matter what. This dose will terrify most people shitless because they were not ready for this dose. Microdots used to get people here before Lysergic Acid Diethylamide started to become more regulated.

1,200 mics ~~ Impossible, breath taking things will always happen at this dose. [That doesn't mean it will always be what You want.] ~ Extremely vivid time lapses. [reports of experiencing past, present, and future events happening all at once] - Body movements are extremely confusing / disorienting. Trails are so intense You can see what You were/are doing in Your past / present / future; the transition between each moment blends together. You can no longer really see your own hand in front of your face. Your intellect and observations become one. ~ You will loose your ego, but you will meet many organizers of human cognition in this egoless place. Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies logic. If One has no experience/tolerance with LSD; paranoia, terror, and panic are very common at these doses. Extremely profound loop / thought lessons. ~

A dose like 700 mics and above will show anyone some very profound things.
Doses like 500 mics and above have changed many lives in both positive and negative ways.

More research notes:
All dosage information on the effects of LSD may vary person to person. Each microgram benchmark and trip level reached is pretty spot on. However, YOU may experience some of the effects said in other microgram ranges. It is important to stay informed and updated with Your doses, knowledge, and quality of LSD. Much love and microdoses.

That has to be the best description of lsd ever, I've read books and many articles but nothing compared to that. I've experienced all these things on my first 2 trips 5 hits of California sunshine and 5 of alien candy.
I watched this vid a week ago. lol.. 700 mcgs I believe he took and hardly affected him other then seeming high on weed.. I would of been crawling on floor drooling at that fucking amazing how assburgers affects lsd..
yeah,i watched it too awhile back.dude was solid the whole night.i thought it a bit funny when the narrator said he started acting a bit "bizarre" during one of the interviews be asking for thorazine
yeah,i watched it too awhile back.dude was solid the whole night.i thought it a bit funny when the narrator said he started acting a bit "bizarre" during one of the interviews be asking for thorazine
yeah he got a little out there at one point , but fuck! he was coherent and having a conversation with no problems.. I would of been talking
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