If you hadn't noticed, it's not billionaires that are suffering. It's everyone else. What the heck do billionaires need credit for? AT&T can't get credit. GM can't get credit. Caterpillar is having problems, and paying higher rates, to get credit. Car sales are waaaay down because it's getting mighty hard for anyone to get a car loan now.
This isn't a bailout for billionaires. This is economic lubricant to keep the economy functioning, so normal people can do the things they need to do, like buy/sell cars and houses, get student loans, get their home remodeled, keep their jobs, that kind of thing. My brother-in-law just got laid off from his job because his boss couldn't access short-term credit to make payroll, and my bro-in-law wasn't willing to work for nothing. My bro-in-law did nothing wrong, nor did his boss, but even so, the business is shut down and my bro-in-law is out of a job. I assure you, he isn't a billionaire either. Our economy is staggering to a halt. If that continues, a whole lot more people will be jobless in a month or two. When your company can't meet payroll, they have to cut back, or shut down.
As long as your income isn't job-dependent, and as long as you don't need credit for anything, and don't need to sell anything that would require the buyer to need credit, then you'll be fine even if it doesn't pass.