Should I top? Day ~40


Well-Known Member
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Alright so I've raised the LED as much as possible as well as dimmed it a bit to avoid scorching/light burn. I tried supercropping the top several times over 2 days but she just laughed it off and straightened right out. I don't have anymore of the thick rubber coated zip tie type material to hold it in place after bending over the top just velcro intended to secure plants to posts/stocks.

She's just a few inches from the LED and still growing like crazy so I'm thinking of topping her. But before doing so I would like some input as this is my first auto and only my third grow and first going notill organics (coming from pure coco).
It's an auto, if you top it at this stage you are going to lose a huge chunk of yield.
This is what I thought but I don't know what else to do? Straight loss from topping or loss due to diminished light and possibly light burned buds?

I also figured that by removing the top, and redirecting apical dominance from the top would allow lower sights to ascend and possibly have a more uniform canopy. Thanks for your input.
We break open the main stems and fold them out, so they basically have a 90-degree kink in by the time they harden off. Our whole canopy is about knee high
You need to snap that bitch properly then support her for a few days.
I agree, at least that was my original inclination I just need sturdier plant ties. In your opinion, do you think she's too close to the LED even if I'm able to trim a few inches off by being more aggressive with my training? The fixture is ~190w dual (obviously) COB at full power, but currently have dimmed to avoid burning the top.
It looks super close. Watch out for bleaching or tacoing.
I would snap that tall bit back a foot or so. I wouldn't cut off the top cola. at this stage.
It looks super close. Watch out for bleaching or tacoing.
I would snap that tall bit back a foot or so. I wouldn't cut off the top cola. at this stage.
Really, a foot or so? I mean I know she's super close but that seems so harsh to me haha. Though if it's necessary I will do it, I somewhat contrary to my ideology do like to dominate the ladies lol. I'll have to run to a local grow store and purchase some plant ties.
Really, a foot or so? I mean I know she's super close but that seems so harsh to me haha. Though if it's necessary I will do it, I somewhat contrary to my ideology do like to dominate the ladies lol. I'll have to run to a local grow store and purchase some plant ties.

A foot is probably a bit extreme. How tall is it? About 2 ft since it's an auto? I would say 6 inches would be sufficient, but I am no expert and have never attempted that type of maneuver with any of my plants. Snapping the stems scares the hell out of me!
Its night time for the ladies, but I will snap a pic or two to demonstrate in the morning. I've taken whole 6 foot plants and staked them back flat on the ground outdoors before... all the shoots then grew back the 6 foot in height and ended up peeking over the wall anyway. Was a solid harvest that plant.
A foot is probably a bit extreme. How tall is it? About 2 ft since it's an auto? I would say 6 inches would be sufficient, but I am no expert and have never attempted that type of maneuver with any of my plants. Snapping the stems scares the hell out of me!
She's nearly 3 feet in a 14" pot (I believe) and damn near exceeding the 5' height of the tent.
You need to snap that bitch properly then support her for a few days.

I went ahead and did just this, now she has a nice even canopy and I think this bend will hold even without supports/ties. Now I can run the LED at full power again, thanks dude.