Purple leaves in week 4 of flower.

Canadain Closet Gardener

Well-Known Member
Hi all
I have one of my plants that is from seed that the leaves are turning purple, I'm on day 28 of flower.
I'm using soil and teas. No bottle or synthetic nutes.
I water once a week and I'm in 5 gallon cheap china fabric pots.
I think this female just turns purple early but I do have some yellowing on the bottom leaves.
I think it's fine but looking for a 2nd opinion.
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I'm no expert so take it with a grain of salt..

I see some clawing in the second pic. Calcium or Magnesium deficiency is the answer 70% of the time it seems. Next would be PH which can also affect cal/mag uptake as I have read..

I am also reading it can me not enough phosphorus .. Or genetics..

Hopefully someone else can chime in...
clawing is usually caused by too much N.
i'm not an expert on organic growing, but i don't think tea will carry you through a grow unless you've built your soil to do that.
most tea is actually feed for your benes, and replacements to replenish the ranks. if your soil is depleted, theres nothing for your benes to break down and feed your plant

however, your plants are getting too much nitrogen, thats why the leaf tips are curling under. so it seems unlikely they're under fed.
i'm kind of curious what kind of soil you used or what kind of tea you're using that has that much N in it?
i would tend to think that thats the plants natural coloring coming out, and i wouldn't get too concerned about it unless the purple areas starts getting dried out and leaves start dropping.
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Probably need more info on grow ....

Water ( ph , etc. )
Medium ( type )
Tea used -

To me IMO is that the strain is expressing its genetics.
Which strain is this .... Whatever it is it is Sativa dominate for sure.
Purpling leaves does not always mean a problem , purple stems are usually a more obvious issue but sometimes that is also a pheno trait.

Why no Nutes ? .... Looks to me she looks hungry as hell and is cannabilizing herself .
i'm kind of curious what kind of soil you used or what kind of tea you're using that has that much N in it?

Probably need more info on grow ....

Water ( ph , etc. )
Medium ( type )
Tea used -

I'll try and give more info

Temps = I try too keep my tent quite cool 72-75 with lights on 67 with them off

Light = I have a 800W LED. It's a 10 cob cxb3590

Water = It's a mixture, Sometimes I use rainwater, sometimes it's spring water or distilled. I'm on city water and they use chloramine. So I have to find other sources so I don't kill my mycros

Medium = Soil
as the base i used
100L of Biocanna Bio Terra Plus Earthmix
Lambert Shrimp compost 30L
30L of worm castings
30 Mushroom compost
I also have some old soil added too but I cant remember what kind
Amendments I've added to the soil

Bat Guano bloom
Bat Guano Veg
Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Doleimite lime
Endo Mycorrhizae
Glacier Rock Dust
Granular Humic Acid
Humic Acid Soluble
K-MAG 0-0-22
Kelp Flour
Kelp soluble
Oyster Shell

Then I let it sit for 54 days


Early in veg I did a Blood meal tea
I use a product called boogie brew that I got for free ordering amendments every two weeks
I also used a kelp tea
A worm casting tea
I'm currently brewing a Alfalfa tea
Next weeks feeding is a Banana Peel Tea and Bat Guano tea

I've also top dressed with a cup of worm castings on week two of flower in each pot
The strain is Alaska
sativa: 70%
Indica: 30%

I'll try and give more info

Temps = I try too keep my tent quite cool 72-75 with lights on 67 with them off

Light = I have a 800W LED. It's a 10 cob cxb3590

Water = It's a mixture, Sometimes I use rainwater, sometimes it's spring water or distilled. I'm on city water and they use chloramine. So I have to find other sources so I don't kill my mycros

Medium = Soil
as the base i used
100L of Biocanna Bio Terra Plus Earthmix
Lambert Shrimp compost 30L
30L of worm castings
30 Mushroom compost
I also have some old soil added too but I cant remember what kind
Amendments I've added to the soil

Bat Guano bloom
Bat Guano Veg
Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Doleimite lime
Endo Mycorrhizae
Glacier Rock Dust
Granular Humic Acid
Humic Acid Soluble
K-MAG 0-0-22
Kelp Flour
Kelp soluble
Oyster Shell

Then I let it sit for 54 days


Early in veg I did a Blood meal tea
I use a product called boogie brew that I got for free ordering amendments every two weeks
I also used a kelp tea
A worm casting tea
I'm currently brewing a Alfalfa tea
Next weeks feeding is a Banana Peel Tea and Bat Guano tea

I've also top dressed with a cup of worm castings on week two of flower in each pot
The strain is Alaska
sativa: 70%
Indica: 30%


How close are the lights?

I’m aware that weed puts purple pigments into its leaves if the light is too intense, don’t count me on this though.

To me it looks either natural or cool temps.

But I would increase my night temps if I was you. I like to keep them around the 74-76f mark. Being that Sativas genetics are more suited to the equator. Minimising the exposure to cool temps. Also this can be exaggerated if your phenotype is sativa based, which it looks to be in your case.
Can you post pictures of other parts of the same plant? If the picture you posted is only showing that plant, you can definitely see interveinal chlorosis on some of the lower leaves.

Based on my limited knowledge of those additives, seems like you got all the bases covered so could be a PH issue causing uptake problems?

Any chance you PH your water just to see what it's at?

A good quality built soil will PH buffer, but if you contactly put in 8.0PH, it's gonna raise it eventually.

Anyway, just some food for thought, I'm not saying I know exactly what's going on there.
not being a dick, but if he needs N, whats causing the tip curl like that? doesn't look like over watering
I don't think its a 100% organic grow or some guano high in P or K was used.

I could be wrong. Usually they won't lock out in organics as easy and the plant would be a lot darker with N tox. Dark. Almost black.
well, you have a point about the color, just wondering what else would cause that tip curl? never seen P or K tox do that....or maybe i have and just assumed it was N?
I normally would agree. Curled tips or clawing is normally N tox. I'm quite sure I've seen other things cause it. Can't place my finger on it.

That's why I have a suspicion its not an 100% organic grow. The teas may be heavily cheleated and readily available and causing a lock out. It normally doesn't happen with organics that need to break down.

To me it looks like it needs N and mag. Just the curl is thing throwing me off a bit.

I don't think a dose of mag will hurt it.
Your plants are root bound most likely, 5 gallon containers are too small in my opinion to do a proper organic soil
well, you have a point about the color, just wondering what else would cause that tip curl? never seen P or K tox do that....or maybe i have and just assumed it was N?

Salt build up? Perhaps one of his many ingredients are collectively causing a salt lock out..

How dry do you let
Your soil run?
Here are some more pictures

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I think this is my best looking bud so far day 29.

I'm thinking it's just a female that turns purple early.
Here is what it looked like finished last round (It was over watered and I stunted it by burning it in veg.)

I really do appreciate all the help and advice.
Salt build up? Perhaps one of his many ingredients are collectively causing a salt lock out..

How dry do you let
Your soil run?

I use a few of those cheap ebay soil moisture meters. They give me a rough idea but the soil is still moist when I do water.
I really give it a good watering every 6-7 days.