Millionaire Donor Threatens Democratic Party: “If They Go Far Left, I’m Out”

Then what is Cloobeck threatening Democratic politicians with when he says he'll cut them off? Why will he cut them off for using the word "billionaires"

Cloobeck is clearly saying to the Democratic party "Stop talking about raising my taxes or I'll stop funding your campaigns"

What do you believe he's saying?
i've already told you what i think he is saying and why he said it

Again, I don't hate rich people for being rich, as I said before, I don't even "hate" the elites funding the campaigns behind the scenes. This is simply a strawman argument attempt to paint me as a fringe extremist because you can't actually argue against the merits of the arguments I've made. Most Democrats, Independents, and a majority of Republicans agree with the positions I espouse

The facts are that Cloobeck is fed up with the Democratic party criticizing the amount of taxes he pays, if they keep it up, he will cut them off. And you, for some reason, support Cloobeck in this instead of the constituents that voted to put these people in office
i support the truth pada i dont really care about cloobeck

now i asked you a question earlier

should CLoobeck have to buy the pitchforks and torches when you decide to attacking him for being rich?
or is it his choice where and who and what he donates to

anyway perhaps you should use your psychic powers for good. theres a million dollar prise waiting for someone with your skill to collect

but then you'd be rich and attacked by your own kind
That's a weak attempt at trying to justify it. Maybe politics is dirty because people like you accept it and you elect people that make it that way because loyalty to the team is more important than the individual
ok ask yourself. How long has Politics been around ? Does history show politics to always be dirty ?
If not name the time period when it was not. Man create politics. man can be a dirty motherfucker.
ok ask yourself. How long has Politics been around ? Does history show politics to always be dirty ?
If not name the time period when it was not. Man create politics. man can be a dirty motherfucker.
how many times in history have people tried to change the system from the ground up only to end up with a dictator and a much worse situation than they had before

thats the probem with ideologues
ok ask yourself. How long has Politics been around ? Does history show politics to always be dirty ?
If not name the time period when it was not. Man create politics. man can be a dirty motherfucker.
how many times in history have people tried to change the system from the ground up only to end up with a dictator and a much worse situation than they had before

thats the probem with ideologues
"It's always been that way" doesn't justify anything

How many times in history have people sought a better life for themselves, worked to achieve it, and then changed history for the better? It's a slow process because it's not an easy thing to do. The easy thing to do would be to tacitly accept it as just the way things are. That's a defeatist argument that serves no purpose in finding pragmatic solutions to these problems moving forward.
"It's always been that way" doesn't justify anything

How many times in history have people sought a better life for themselves, worked to achieve it, and then changed history for the better? It's a slow process because it's not an easy thing to do. The easy thing to do would be to tacitly accept it as just the way things are. That's a defeatist argument that serves no purpose in finding pragmatic solutions to these problems moving forward.
you can't maintain an erection with a female.
"It's always been that way" doesn't justify anything

How many times in history have people sought a better life for themselves, worked to achieve it, and then changed history for the better? It's a slow process because it's not an easy thing to do. The easy thing to do would be to tacitly accept it as just the way things are. That's a defeatist argument that serves no purpose in finding pragmatic solutions to these problems moving forward.
Yeah, yeah. Your Messiah complex is showing.

Who is talking about accepting anything? On the other hand, what I see you talking about is mankind changing its nature. People always seek advantage in contests, especially when results matter to their lives, which elections most certainly do. Bernie's campaign took advantage of a weakness in the DNC's security systems for its database. Clinton's campaign took advantages too. I don't think you'd be whining at all if Bernie had won. So, there it is, you are complaining more because Bernie lost. You are seeking advantage. It's what people do.

Yet Jesus Padabater talks as if he's all pure or something and he wants the world to change.

The superdelegate rules were changed with Bernie's people's agreement. Yet you still complain. Because your side lost, not because you really care.
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I agree

So why did multiple Democrats just side with Republicans on removing banking regulations that were enacted after the crash to protect average Americans?

Because there are some Democrats who are shills to politics. They side with whatever shit is blowing the way of being re-elected. Is completely disingenuous and in no way deserving of my respect.
He's the most popular politician in the country.. did you purposefully ignore that part of my post to make this irrelevant reply?


Get a grip kid.

The number you're so fucking proud of is 53 percent.

Have you bothered mentioning that?

The elder, ass grabbing Bush averaged 60.9%
Kennedy averaged 70.1%