Aphids in flower

Maybe he can start an aphid circus.

The thing is, these buggers have been there for a too long. You should have dealt with this before flower. In flower you are fucked. Most of an apple with a worm in, can still be eaten, but it is less enjoyable.You will have to take what you get at the end of harvest and be happy with it.
If you really want to spray I would use Method-1 pps. You need a good sprayer though as you need to spray all the insects.
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Maybe he can start an aphid circus.

The thing is, these buggers have been there for a too long. You should have dealt with this before flower. In flower you are fucked. Most of an apple with a worm in, can still be eaten, but it is less enjoyable.You will have to take what you get at the end of harvest and be happy with it.
If you really want to spray I would use Method-1 pps. You need a good sprayer though as you need to spray all the insects.
I saw something about using cinnamon and water? Any ideas as too if that would work
Fight Insects ,with Insects ,Look up the best place to get Lady birds from.

I all ways have them in my Loft space all the time, I take them Out and release them once a year but all ways replace with new ones.Most Hydroponic Stores sell them .Or if the weather is the right season try and collect a few.The reason i replace them ,is that i run my main room just on a 12/12 off and because they hunker down for winter you need to replace them each year.
Ok to use in flower?

microbe lift is a natural soil bacteria that quickly consumes the larvae of a broad spectrum of pest. Its used in ponds, stocktanks
and commercial fisheries. I use it once a week in every dirt pot, one drop to a gallon and one gallon doses ever pot in my garden.
start their safely, hang some yellow sticky traps, and as many of those sticky fly traps you can hang. pests cant resits a good stickin.
With those I've ended an outbreak in less than four days with reductions beginning next day. good luck
amazon carries it.
microbe lift is a natural soil bacteria that quickly consumes the larvae of a broad spectrum of pest. Its used in ponds, stocktanks
and commercial fisheries. I use it once a week in every dirt pot, one drop to a gallon and one gallon doses ever pot in my garden.
start their safely, hang some yellow sticky traps, and as many of those sticky fly traps you can hang. pests cant resits a good stickin.
With those I've ended an outbreak in less than four days with reductions beginning next day. good luck
amazon carries it.
I always stick my head in those sticky strips that hang. Lol sux
They do hate garlic/ onion water. You could try that till your stuff arrives.
I'm hearing all different remedies from all different people I'm now stuck with what method to go for lol I think I'm gonna try the microbe lift alongside a good spray with that method 1 pps you recommended and also get some sticky traps up
Monterey Garden Spray with spinosad. One or 2 applications will get rid of aphids pretty fast but any affected leaves with those splotchy looking marks from the leaf biters will never fully recover. Neem oil will also work just takes a bit longer to work. Both are organic & totally safe; the Monterey garden spray is even ok to spray buds with as it will dissipate in about 10 days. Re-apply then if needed.

Does Monterrey Spinosad also work well on spider mites? I know people have said it is but I am skeptical.
microbe lift is a natural soil bacteria that quickly consumes the larvae of a broad spectrum of pest. Its used in ponds, stocktanks
and commercial fisheries. I use it once a week in every dirt pot, one drop to a gallon and one gallon doses ever pot in my garden.
start their safely, hang some yellow sticky traps, and as many of those sticky fly traps you can hang. pests cant resits a good stickin.
With those I've ended an outbreak in less than four days with reductions beginning next day. good luck
amazon carries it.
What microbe lift product? I was using PL, I think, for a tea in my res, smells like a septic tank lol.
I'm hearing all different remedies from all different people I'm now stuck with what method to go for lol I think I'm gonna try the microbe lift alongside a good spray with that method 1 pps you recommended and also get some sticky traps up

You can get a small Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap at any grocery store or health food type store. The small bottle is $4 and big 32 oz bottle about $11.


Aphids vary in size and color, but they all have a piercing mouth that sucks out plant juices. They usually live on the underside of leaves and in developing buds. They put out a sweet sap that attracts other insects, including ants. If you see a plant with a lot of ants, check for aphids.

Control: Add 2 tablespoons of Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap to 1 gallon of water and spray the bottom side of plant leaves. You can get Dr. Bronner's soap at a health food store. Another easy and effective solution is to wash aphids off with a high-pressure water spray. Aphids have a short life cycle and most will die before they cause more damage.

You can also get canola oil for $1 a Wal Mart and you may want to add a teaspoon of Canola to that mix and a drop or two of dish soap like Dawn or Ivory.

Well I went out and bought a bottle of spray checked my ladies and they seem to have buggered off, its gotten very cold recently so I'm wondering wether the cold weather has scared em off if I see any next time I'm gonna blast em with the spray but I really don't want to as only 3 4 weeks till chop ):
I didnt look into it, but are these different microlift offerings the same bacteria maybe?
Not sure, last time I tried to find out the type they use it was futile, they kept it on the down low lol. Did yours smell like you just stuck your head in a septic tank?
Does Monterrey Spinosad also work well on spider mites? I know people have said it is but I am skeptical.
Don't think so but then again I've never had them or had to treat for them. I know for sure that spinosad works against thrips which I always thought were the same bug as aphids but guess I'm wrong