Getting involved in legalization

I was going to dump my shares in my store but didn't work out, I do have a few people interested still but because it took too long another opportunity where I was going to help someone set up another store fell through as it took to long and they backed out. We were on a tight timeline and I didn't want to get involved unless my name was 100% off any financial/legal requirements from my shop. The pay was going to be pretty good so that really sucks as that would have allowed me to set up another business with a friend of mine and still be able to pay an employee (Using part of my income) to run it while I set up the other place for these people.
It's never to late to do it man. I often think that some of the people on here, if they had law degrees they could do so much more than just well, you know....

The feds wouldn't know what hit them if a number of the members had a law degree behind them.

I even asked one the guys on here if they thought you needed a law degree to own a law firm in Canada. I don't think you do. You could be an expert in something and hire lawyer grads to work for you. Do class actions on cannabis. Look at how much money branch mcmasters is going to make from our class action. We might get say $20k each but they'll get over 200 million.
If there was a legal/legit way to sell seeds my site would already be up and running. There's no provision for growing or selling seeds in the current or future regime. Even existing seed banks are being hassled constantly through the banks/payment systems and they're having to constantly maneuver to accept online payments, bitcoin seems to be the only safe bet but that's so restrictive it's not worth it imo, at least at this time, there's simply not enough market penetration.

Keeping an eye open for legal ways to get in on this but more as a retirement hobby than making huge money. The way they have things locked in right now though, not seeing much opportunity and I won't do it if I'm constantly having to bob & weave with the government, cops, and banks. F*kit.

RE: Quebec home grows. That's strictly rec, they can't refuse medical grows as the Supreme Court has already ruled there, unless there's a case that reverses that, medical grows are good for a while. Looks like in Quebec, anyone who was waiting for the ability to grow in the recreational legalization will have to register through the medical program. Should see a spike in registrations from Quebec in the next few months.
Bitcoin is off the table. Did you see how much one Bitcoin is worth now? $9800 Canadian. Thats A LOT of seeds lol
It's never to late to do it man. I often think that some of the people on here, if they had law degrees they could do so much more than just well, you know....

The feds wouldn't know what hit them if a number of the members had a law degree behind them.

I even asked one the guys on here if they thought you needed a law degree to own a law firm in Canada. I don't think you do. You could be an expert in something and hire lawyer grads to work for you. Do class actions on cannabis. Look at how much money branch mcmasters is going to make from our class action. We might get say $20k each but they'll get over 200 million.
Lol, I just turned 57, already have a degree in Computer Science and Psychology, been in the 1% crowd for years, money is not a driver for me. I know that's hard to believe on an MJ site but MJ is truly my medicine and hobby. I'll sell the odd qtr to pay for upgrades/toys for the garden but that's it, the hobby pays for itself. All I want is something to do through my retirement which is coming up quick and was hoping to do something in the field. I'd be happy if it just paid for itself and gave me something to keep busy once I retire. Unfortunately, that doesn't look like it'll be in Canada :(
I seen yesterday Quebec isn’t allowing home grows. I wonder if that will flow over to medical like the rest of the stuff?

I’ve been hearing since MMAR that DG will soon only be allowed in commercial areas...might actually be some weight to that if there hammering home grows like this
Medical and Recreational are supposed to be independant of each other.
Lol, I just turned 57, already have a degree in Computer Science and Psychology, been in the 1% crowd for years, money is not a driver for me. I know that's hard to believe on an MJ site but MJ is truly my medicine and hobby. I'll sell the odd qtr to pay for upgrades/toys for the garden but that's it, the hobby pays for itself. All I want is something to do through my retirement which is coming up quick and was hoping to do something in the field. I'd be happy if it just paid for itself and gave me something to keep busy once I retire. Unfortunately, that doesn't look like it'll be in Canada :(

Manitoba will allow private stores catch is its Manitoba. ATM I could pack it up and go there as there's nothing keeping me here its just selling my store shares is a bit in limbo and now I have a chance to buy my partners shares out but not sure if I want to be in the hydro business come legalization.
The wife and I are moving up north to a lakefront acreage. We've been floating the idea of building a few cabins and having a cannabis friendly "resort" so to speak. Every cabin is fully stocked with papers/ buster, dab rig and a volcano. Cabin rental comes with a "gift" package of an ounce of my own homegrown, and a gram or 2 of extracts. Come up to relax, swim, kayak, hike and enjoy nature, all in a super open and friendly environment.

hmmm...wonder what the insurance cost will run...not slaggin'...just curious...;)))

Manitoba will allow private stores catch is its Manitoba. ATM I could pack it up and go there as there's nothing keeping me here its just selling my store shares is a bit in limbo and now I have a chance to buy my partners shares out but not sure if I want to be in the hydro business come legalization.
Alberta too
Why? Are you moving away?
Possibly, I'll be looking for opportunities elsewhere, particularly for breeding/seeds. Going to Uruguay end of January for a couple of weeks. Check out the scene, real estate. I've made a couple of local contacts and it seems pretty chill there, don't get hassled if you keep it low and small. I was born there so still a citizen, passport, speak Spanish etc. Not against living split between here & there, or another warm spot somewhere :)
That sounds really unique to be able to do that. I'd like to what the country looks like but I don't speak spanish which might be a hinderance.
Possibly, I'll be looking for opportunities elsewhere, particularly for breeding/seeds. Going to Uruguay end of January for a couple of weeks. Check out the scene, real estate. I've made a couple of local contacts and it seems pretty chill there, don't get hassled if you keep it low and small. I was born there so still a citizen, passport, speak Spanish etc. Not against living split between here & there, or another warm spot somewhere :)
Can I come with you? citizen...gotta love that.
Can I come with you? citizen...gotta love that.
Lol, GF might have something to say about that ;) Most countries don't strip you of citizenship if you were born there so you can have the dual citizenship.
That sounds really unique to be able to do that. I'd like to what the country looks like but I don't speak spanish which might be a hinderance.
The language is a bit of a barrier there. Some English in the resort cities/towns but not a lot elsewhere. Will be interesting to gage what my GF thinks of it, she has no ties there and doesn't speak Spanish. I'll be doing a lot of translating, she's a talker ;)