Greenpoint seeds!!

All the menthol, spearmint, vanilla peat moss of OG, and all the coffee and cream, musky soilless of the bubba. What are you getting when you smell?

That Bubba Diagonal is some of the greatest smelling/ tasting weed on the planet.

spearmint/menthol!! thats it in my #1's. you hve any other spearmint/menthol in stock my friend?
My #2's are screaming of vanilla/cream.
my twigs arent even snapping yet and I cant keep away
Think I'm going to need a bigger room
Not me. Every time i trim i think about scaling back.
Now if i had help, id take a warehouse
I hear you my friend. I go it alone also.

Finished my first Doc Holiday trim last night. Walking around the house sniffing my fingers like I'd been on a date. Man, that is a unique smell coming out of the jar! Can't really describe it since it's the first purple I'd grown since the Badlands a few runs back.
Did a run of 3 raindance and 3 nightriders. 2/3 nightriders put out a lot of bananas which is unfortunate. The raindances were solid though no intersex issues. Out of a 10 pack I got 7 females and have yet to test 4 phenos. The phenos of raindance were all pretty killer. I photographed my favourite one along with an early finishing pheno that was already dried. Plant picture is day 74
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