the best/funnies job u ever had


Well-Known Member
i was doing tech support for a dialup internet company while in college. i was there mostly on the weekends and there were no managers or other employees working. i'd spark a bowl and try not to laugh while these country bumpkins would call trying to get online. later on my gf would come by and give me a bj while i talked to customers and smoked. i got paid to get high, get head and be online all day.


Well-Known Member
some cool jobs...

i also forgot to mention that in my job that i posted. we all chipped in an bought our supervisor a vibrator for her birthday. that was funny as hell


Well-Known Member
i worked in a restaraunt for over a year and it was probably the most screwed up group of people ive ever met. The head manager got fired for cheating on his wife with one of the waitresses. The manager underneath him was sleeping with a hostess who was pregnant with a waiters baby. We had someone get fired for shooting up in the bathroom. There was a guy that would walk around with a zip fully sliced up in his pockets all day during work. So many more stories


Well-Known Member
I was in the Air Force for a while and after spending a rather shitty year in Korea they sent me to a base scheduled to close in less than a year in Sacramento. I had zero responsibilities or work to do until the last month. I rock climbed in Lake Tahoe and Yosemite and camped out in the high Sierra 5 days a week. I went to my girlfriends house in San Fran 3-4 days a week. I took trips all around northern Cali. I got paid for this, actually, your tax dollars paid for this. Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
I was in the Air Force for a while and after spending a rather shitty year in Korea they sent me to a base scheduled to close in less than a year in Sacramento. I had zero responsibilities or work to do until the last month. I rock climbed in Lake Tahoe and Yosemite and camped out in the high Sierra 5 days a week. I went to my girlfriends house in San Fran 3-4 days a week. I took trips all around northern Cali. I got paid for this, actually, your tax dollars paid for this. Thank you. :)
youre welcome

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
there was a substantial oil spill on the other side of the island I grew up on in alaska, so freshman year of nyu summer break I'm back there as a environmental technician for the D.E.C. lol. talk about comedy. I basically did nothing all day except maybe check the inventory at the command center and got paid excellent pay the whole time(plus hazard pay whenever I flew :D ). Around two or three times during the week I'd ride with the scientists in the sick new helicopters across the island to the site and just chill the fuck out in my survival suit, and I would smoke a fat blunt before every trip man, I'd usually just zone out fuckin with the tidepools n bald eagles and then usually pass out with the chopper pilot who was my homie. he was getting something like $500 an hour and he just slept all day cept for the little bit of flying. flying across untouched wilderness high as a kite in a chopper riding shotgun is one of the coolest experiences man, i took some wild pictures. and the whole time i'm getting paid by the government haha. that's the best part, the government paying me extremely well to be high as shit and ride in helicopters. fuck i woulda paid THEM to do that. haha. sometimes you get lucky.

The Bud Dude

Active Member
I'm a carpenter in theater. I work odd jobs around for different theaters around town. It's a pretty sweet gig. I graduate in May with a BA. Super excited. Lets see, I made a bong in the shop, welded a 2 ft steel pipe and drilled holes and stuck pins across and made a ice chamber. it was really nice, but it rusted in like a month and threw it away.

another time i was working with a chain motor and I was lifted up about 40 feet above the stage and then everyone left me up there. pretty scary but also awesome.
