Well-Known Member
Here is my SDR 35 quick tent ventilation system. Had some SDR kicking around with a few fittings so I whipped this together.
Solid piece of SDR 35 for the vertical with a fernco cap at the bottom just to act as a vibration dampener in case.
Perforated SDR 35 off at a 30 degree angle to take excess heat out.
2 inch intake stuffed with steel wool as a dust filter.
4 inch inline fan can controled by an autopilot thermostat.
No need for smell control but an inline filter could easily be added...

Solid piece of SDR 35 for the vertical with a fernco cap at the bottom just to act as a vibration dampener in case.
Perforated SDR 35 off at a 30 degree angle to take excess heat out.
2 inch intake stuffed with steel wool as a dust filter.
4 inch inline fan can controled by an autopilot thermostat.
No need for smell control but an inline filter could easily be added...