I hate this bitch

You live close to me sammich. Why don’t you make a road trip up here and find out if I’m making anything up? I will bust out my jerseys, and hockey cards and rings and you can report back to your buddies here. Lunch is on me too. Seems better than just making assumptions, right?

Let me know when you’re on your way....
I believe you, and I'd take you up on that if I were closer. You're probably an alright guy once ya get off line and get a little smoke, maybe a beer in you. I know I am. I just like to give you a bit of shit sometimes, stow.

I'll even extend the olive branch too, if you ever want to come trim for me just let me know.
I believe you, and I'd take you up on that if I were closer. You're probably an alright guy once ya get off line and get a little smoke, maybe a beer in you. I know I am. I just like to give you a bit of shit sometimes, stow.

I'll even extend the olive branch too, if you ever want to come trim for me just let me know.
What if he turned out to be a chick with small tits
Yeah, giving out my address is not going to happen. But, let me know when you’re in town. I’ll take you to a Red Wings game on me and we can solve the worlds problems over a couple brews. Nice new rink here in Detroit.
Do they still have the lawn mower gang up there? I saw a show on them a few years back, they would get together BBQ and mow the city parks and fields. They were having a good time, it was pretty funny.
Yeah, giving out my address is not going to happen. But, let me know when you’re in town. I’ll take you to a Red Wings game on me and we can solve the worlds problems over a couple brews. Nice new rink here in Detroit.
I have people in Dearborn. Lets make this happen. Should we exchange phone numbers
Do they still have the lawn mower gang up there? I saw a show on them a few years back, they would get together BBQ and mow the city parks and fields. They were having a good time, it was pretty funny.

Yes, I believe so. It’s a great idea. Detroit has a ton of land and parks that are not taken care of by the city. They don’t have the tax base and resources to do it, so groups like this step in.

There’s a pretty vibrant urban gardening community here too. I’ve volunteered with the wife and kids a couple times with MUFI which repurposes vacant land and turns it in to gardens. Might even be a vineyard or two I think. The produce is then sold to local families at a discounted price, sold at eastern market, or sold to local restaurants. Some of it is given to homeless shelters and kitchens too. It’s pretty cool to see a garden spring up in the middle of the city.


Plenty, as it happens.

I'm betting you don't have a tax shelter in the Caymans, for instance.

Although I know how much you like to view all successful people as being immoral, they're not. Further, I don't think we're among any tax evading billionaires here on rollitup. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you weren't too poor to pay attention, you'd have known Stowe was trying to write me off as a non contributor, thinking that would nullifying my opinions. It didn't. Just like his higher rate of income didn't nullify his. You never get anything right.
Stowe was trying to write me off as a non contributor, thinking that would nullifying my opinions.
No he didn't. You're just fabricating reality again, like usual. Not to mention we have quotes of Buck doing exactly that to conservatives and getting 'likes' from you.

It's interesting how you treat different people completely different and feign offense and outrage over things you praise members you like for. That's how you can tell it's fake offense.
RIP irony

times unknown - 2017

Although I know how much you like to view all successful people as being immoral, they're not. Further, I don't think we're among any tax evading billionaires here on rollitup. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you weren't too poor to pay attention, you'd have known Stowe was trying to write me off as a non contributor, thinking that would nullifying my opinions. It didn't. Just like his higher rate of income didn't nullify his. You never get anything right.

I said nothing of the sort.

You never get anything right.