When to flush

At my previous house, a new neighbor was moving in next door and he gave me some nutes the previous owner had left behind.
It was a two-part flush! I'm totally serious. It was called "Dutch Majic" (intentionally misspelled). It was really old & I couldn't find it on the internet. Wish I had kept it just for fun.
The funny part is, I never knew my neighbor grew pot!
He had three teenagers at the time & I have no idea how they kept it a secret. Hell, I'm not sure where the grow space was. He didn't have an extra bedroom and parked his cars in the garage.
secret basement?
At my previous house, a new neighbor was moving in next door and he gave me some nutes the previous owner had left behind.
It was a two-part flush! I'm totally serious. It was called "Dutch Majic" (intentionally misspelled). It was really old & I couldn't find it on the internet. Wish I had kept it just for fun.
The funny part is, I never knew my neighbor grew pot!
He had three teenagers at the time & I have no idea how they kept it a secret. Hell, I'm not sure where the grow space was. He didn't have an extra bedroom and parked his cars in the garage.
Secret gimp room.....
man_file_1057381_pulp_fiction_maynard - Copy.jpg
You can grow weed in the wrong medium, at wrong temp and humidity, under poor lighting, with poor airflow, and still get top shelf dank by knowing when to flush. It is the key to everything and really the only thing a good grower needs to know. Dr. Who is afraid to admit this as it would invalidate all the other bullshit he wasted his time learning.

Flush early, flush often. Flush, flush, flush. :bigjoint:
What they don't realise is all this so called crap about flushing apparently came from hippies from the 60s...American hippies.
It's just swings and roundabouts with you guys.
Also you say that these cannabis magazines that are from trusted growers from Amsterdam are full of crap as they say flush.
Just cus it's been legalised in your country doesn't mean you are the top growers of the world.
You learnt about this from them.
Amsterdam is the capital of cannabis you will never take this tital from them. Ever.
If it is not bad enough that you are advocating flushing as a must do.
If it is not bad enough that you are giving bad advice about nutrient use without even caring to know if a person is in soil or is soiless.
Now I see you told a newbie to defoliate his plant not once but to continue removing leaves.
You are a very bad Troll aren't you.
No I don't think so and it doesn't do anything wrong with my crop.
Your a prick. You think you know everything, you need to calm down abit.
All what I have mentioned is from knowledgable resources I know, and I've put these into practise and I've had no issues and perfect crops and good yields for what I've used.
Get your head out your arse.
I pulled of more crop under LEDs on
The average m2 than in presents posts about comparisons to yield with hids.
End this discussion, as like you say there is no solid info on this and there's no solid info on not flushing.
Get over yourself,
A lot of strains in nature for example which is where it all comes from are harvested in October.
October is know as Autumn which is a rainy season.
All this rain acts as a flush.
If a farmer spreds his fertilisers on a field and you have terrential rain it washes nutrients away, hence pollution in rivers etc.
And forums always say for a perfect grow you need perfect conditions...
So you imatate nature.
Your all $$$ and are not interested in people's health and your own.
It doesn't take smoking the buds to put in comparisons, it take hard medical research on lungs to see if it is effecting us.
Then again I bet you know the answer to this don't you.
Smart arse.....
The problem with finding any scholarly reports/papers on that subject is like - none available..... There is nothing that gets flushed! No reason to research it for that and the fact that you can not "flush" nutrients from a plant ....... Not possible by the biology of the plant!

You can not research something that is NOT possible......
So there isn't a report on whether flushing does anything, and I've looked myself.
But then there's no hard evidence on whether not flushing in beneficial either,,,
Learn some English pal....
What your doing is know as contradiction and you are doing that to yourself.
If it is not bad enough that you are advocating flushing as a must do.
If it is not bad enough that you are giving bad advice about nutrient use without even caring to know if a person is in soil or is soiless.
Now I see you told a newbie to defoliate his plant not once but to continue removing leaves.
You are a very bad Troll aren't you.
Well he done it and he was happy.
So what do you know...
I do this an d thousands of others do.
I suppose your going to get all technical now and tell me there's no evidence on whether removing leafs help the plant or not.
It was my opinion shared from Gardeners that have had no issues.
Your a prick.

Get your head out your arse.

End this discussion.

Get over yourself,

So you imatate nature.

Smart arse.....

I'm done. I tell you to slow down on giving advice till we know more and you go off. Granted I may have needled you a tiny bit. Like I said in the other thread, you are easy to tease.

Trust me, whenever one of the many regulars here that I respect says I'm out of line, I will always pause and listen or communicate with them. I have been out of line and I usually would listen if others made a comment. You I'm finished with, others can decide for themselves.

Here is the other thread. The OP is pleasant to chat with. The OP has been growing in coco and perlite, a Pro Mix HP and is just now learning about ppm's and PH however without those tools he has been having some success.
I gave him links to ppm's and PH in growweedeasy, I know, horrible advice. When the OP asked if he should flush I told him IDK wait to see what others say, wait for more info, I know more bad advice.
If anyone can help him or wants to see how DWC helped fix his problems go here.
Well TBH gang most of the people on here that I've come to respect tell me that flushing isn't necessary and is a waste of my time. For a little back up I called the plant lady (mom) she says she doesn't bother with it and that lady can grow anything any time any where and when she grows fruits, tomatoes, or anything edible, it is the biggest and most fantastic food you can put in your mouth. So I'm not going to bother with it moving forward. That said I may experiment with flushing in the future just to satisfy my own curiosity but in my first aeroponic run I'm going to lean on the advice of people I know and trust especially when 'mama says' LOL
I'm done. I tell you to slow down on giving advice till we know more and you go off. Granted I may have needled you a tiny bit. Like I said in the other thread, you are easy to tease.

Trust me, whenever one of the many regulars here that I respect says I'm out of line, I will always pause and listen or communicate with them. I have been out of line and I usually would listen if others made a comment. You I'm finished with, others can decide for themselves.

Here is the other thread. The OP is pleasant to chat with. The OP has been growing in coco and perlite, a Pro Mix HP and is just now learning about ppm's and PH however without those tools he has been having some success.
I gave him links to ppm's and PH in growweedeasy, I know, horrible advice. When the OP asked if he should flush I told him IDK wait to see what others say, wait for more info, I know more bad advice.
If anyone can help him or wants to see how DWC helped fix his problems go here.
SHHHH !! Bye bye
No I don't think so and it doesn't do anything wrong with my crop.
Your a prick. You think you know everything, you need to calm down abit.
All what I have mentioned is from knowledgable resources I know, and I've put these into practise and I've had no issues and perfect crops and good yields for what I've used.
Get your head out your arse.
I pulled of more crop under LEDs on
The average m2 than in presents posts about comparisons to yield with hids.
End this discussion, as like you say there is no solid info on this and there's no solid info on not flushing.
Get over yourself,
A lot of strains in nature for example which is where it all comes from are harvested in October.
October is know as Autumn which is a rainy season.
All this rain acts as a flush.
If a farmer spreds his fertilisers on a field and you have terrential rain it washes nutrients away, hence pollution in rivers etc.
And forums always say for a perfect grow you need perfect conditions...
So you imatate nature.
Your all $$$ and are not interested in people's health and your own.
It doesn't take smoking the buds to put in comparisons, it take hard medical research on lungs to see if it is effecting us.
Then again I bet you know the answer to this don't you.
Smart arse.....
Bad grammar, not txt talk, TRY AGAIN.
Get the gloves out ppl and shit back and watch the show.
I'm here for info on my plant not a shit fight.

Thanks for all the info everyone i took it all into count and I think i know what way ill take it.
So what are you going to do? I've decided not to flush at least the first run or two.