First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
and again... and again... and again... i figure i can start vegging again for the whole time the others are flowering. so veg for like 7-8 weeks and have some HUGE plants... harvest every 60 days... or 45?


Well-Known Member
wen i ordered this Iast eqipment from discount hydro they threw in a coupIe things , one was caIIed Sugar Daddy , it suppose to increase crystaI production and taste. kind of Iike the bIak strap does i guess.


Well-Known Member
yeah, theres this other stuff thats actually called "sweet" haha. i think its pretty much the same. and seems the same as molasses ill have to look at the ingredients...


Well-Known Member
well i hear a lot of people haveing good results with molasses. just wondering about these other nutrients... seems like some organic molasses would be best...


Well-Known Member
yeah i know i needed to get the fan anyway which is already $100... and i never even realized my HPS can be air cooled haha
i thought you knew that so you can place your hps should call them on the phone and you can end up with a better deal..cooltube,fan and filter for 200 dollars or under..i already called for t5s,cooltube,fan and filter and they are giving it to me for a little over 200 sweet deal..