The beautiful human anatomy

I would barbecue that shit, chop you up and throw you in my freezer lol!!! So sorry I'm a psycho lmao!!!! Just so you know I would not do that to a woman who wasn't so fucking fine.
I would barbecue that shit, chop you up and throw you in my freezer lol!!! So sorry I'm a psycho lmao!!!! Just so you know I would not do that to a woman who wasn't so fucking fine.
Hmm, slightly reminiscent of Jeffrey Dahmer...
By your last sentence I'm to understand that u would do that to me? :o
Hmm, slightly reminiscent of Jeffrey Dahmer...
By your last sentence I'm to understand that u would do that to me? :o
Sorry Venus I completely respect you as a person, a sentient being, but my carnal desires are akin to Hannibal Lecter. I've never done it of course but I've always looked at sexy women as a literal rack of meat, I'm so sorry but I think more men do than would ever admit it.
Sorry Venus I completely respect you as a person, a sentient being, but my carnal desires are akin to Hannibal Lecter. I've never done it of course but I've always looked at sexy women as a literal rack of meat, I'm so sorry but I think more men do than would ever admit it.
Are u currently in a relationship?
Are u currently in a relationship?
No why do you wanna bang lol!!!! I'm just kidding I'm just kidding. I'm sorry Venus I didn't mean to give you a glimpse inside the mind of a schizophrenic psychopath; I once had a psychiatrist walk out of a hospital security cell saying to his pupil "I hope that isn't the next Hannibal Lecter" no joke.
No why do you wanna bang lol!!!! I'm just kidding I'm just kidding. I'm sorry Venus I didn't mean to give you a glimpse inside the mind of a schizophrenic psychopath; I once had a psychiatrist walk out of a hospital security cell saying to his pupil "I hope that isn't the next Hannibal Lecter" no joke.
No no all good lol, if anything it spikes my interest. You're on the other side of the world so I'm not particularly bothered or "worried". :) Dont be sorry u've not offended me in any way. Honesty is good.
Legs for dayyyyyys.......... I’m more the type of dude that’s all about what’s on the inside. Of said legs that is. Doesn’t matter, there’s no coming back from that comment now....
Legs for dayyyyyys.......... I’m more the type of dude that’s all about what’s on the inside. Of said legs that is. Doesn’t matter, there’s no coming back from that comment now....
Well yeah there is...... That's what those little edit and delete buttons are for lol

I like the ones that reach from the earth all the way to heaven.
Well yeah there is...... That's what those little edit and delete buttons are for lol

Duly noted, it’s all in the delivery isn’t tit? I feel as if my last post was about as subtle as a sledgehammer, apologies fair maiden.

You can actually say something with quite a rude meaning to it, in an inoffensive way, if firstly you sugar coat it, then throw some sprinkles on top and add dash of tongue in cheek humor. None of which I did however. Thus the epic fail.

Let’s try again; “Thanks for the photo, your man is one lucky guy, hoping he appreciates your sexy physique as much as we all appreciate your sharing it with us”.

As civil as you can be. :-D