Another white guy gun massacre.

Don't call me racist, I have a friend who is a white guy. I always consider white guys armed and dangerous.
I gotta admit I'm white, I live in Atlantic Canada 95% of the people are white, and even though guns are controlled here I would expect a white guy to go nuts before any black, Asian Arab guy. In fact I've never heard of a violent crime committed by a foreigner, of course this is only a population of 100,000 but yes white people are more psychopathic, from what I've observed, it would be interesting to do an actual study.
maybe you guys in canada can do that study. here in the states the NRA made it illegal to do that

The NRA made it illegal to do profiling??? I'm sure most government profilers are clearly recognizing mass murderers and serial killers as white males. There hasn't been a Muslim tied to terrorism since Boston not even gonna consider Manhattan and yes that is the medias projection of madmen based on race but there is a grain of truth. White guys are mentally ill, Muslims believe it is the will of Allah, black guys just have big egos.
White guys tend to get away with shooting people for no reason because of this:
Lies. The National Institute of Justice has made 13 grants in the last 3 years.

Is that piss poor? I dunno. But it's not illegal.
Whatever it is that your propaganda says was funded, it was not a government funded study about gun violence.

Gun nuts even agree that they want studies about gun violence suppressed because of course, any study about gun violence would be bad science.

I am both a physician and a gun owner. As an emergency radiologist working in a level 1 trauma center, I’ve diagnosed more gunshot injuries than I can count in my 20+ years of practice. I’ve seen the death and devastation that gun violence can wreak on innocent victims. It is precisely because this issue is so important, that I don’t want to see the debate over American gun policy distorted by bad science supported by a government agency with an anti-gun bias.

Ignoring the a fact that being a physician and a gun owner hardly makes the man an unbiased analyst, he quite clearly says he doesn't want studies done because they would disagree with his opinions.

LOL, you guys voted for Trump. You voted for alternate facts. You suppress any effort to gather them. You deny that is what you are doing. Dangerous and armed white snowflakes make the most minor or encounters dangerous. That is why I'm scared of old white men wearing the most scary of all patches. No not a nicotine patch but the one that says "member of the NRA".
but when the study comes back showing that guns cause gun violence you crybaby bitches say it advocates gun control and then ban any money being used to study it.

that's what happened with the dickey amendment you crybaby snowflake bitch.
Now we are getting somewhere. So you agree that it isn't against the law. Which makes you a liar.

It is not against the law to study gun violence. Period.