Bridgelux EB Series Build

Wow digikey is quick, I hadn't received the shipping email yet, but just checked the website and my strips should arrive by noon tomorrow!

Also, what's the consensus on lenses? It looks like most people are just running the naked strips, but is anyone planning to install something like the florence optic covers?
Samsung Q strips 3500k now boasts 199 lumens/watt !!
But the diods have way more power! I designed a setup now, with 1200 smd 2835, running at 95w / 190lm/w. I really prefer these small diodes!

Let‘s see what the chinese manufacturers will tell me...

Btw, the new gen2 eb strips, will have 56 diodes (the picture in the data sheet is gen1, but the construction drawing showing different) instead of 24 (gen1), so the may use these new smd‘s, but placing them closer than I would like them to have, and running them harder.
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Hey seshwaan,
I will try my best.
1. Yes, 24v version is max 2,5A

2. No, if you use 5 strips in parallel each strip would get around 500mA. Current is evenly divided thru the number of strips(2,5Av5=0,5A). There is a current poti, which can be used to dimm the strips between 250 and 500mA(50-100%).
At 500mA each strip would probably need 22,5v, so 11,25w per strip, 56,25w net./62,5w total.

3. Look at 2.) The drivers potential will be fully used, around 62,5w at the wall.

4.The voltage poti can be used to limit the max. voltage. If you reduce the vf below 22,5v the current gets also reduced. If you for example reduce to 22,1v, each strip would only get the 350mA in your example.
But I would recommend to set it at least to 23-24vf, because if you switch the strips on at 25° they need up to 23v untill the temps stabilizise.
Dimm the strips only via current poti and let the strips take what they need. The vf poti can stay fully turned open so the stripes can take what they need. In plain language, the vf adapts automatically, as long as you do not regulate it below the min. vf a strip would need(depending on the current, of course).

You can of course use stranded wires, AWG20 for example would work. Twist the wire ends and tin them with a soldering iron or use crimp wire ends. But make sure the diameter is still below AWG18 to fit inside the connectors.

You need only wago's if you have no soldering iron. To connect the drivers AC side you need only a suitable wallplug. For the DC side the + wire would go to the +connector of the first strip. If it fits into the connector there is no need for a Wago. Same goes to the -wire, if it fits, good, if not use a piece of the AWG20 and a Wago or solder it.
Because all MeanWell HLG-xxx-xx A drivers tends to have a bit more juice you can expect ~30w min.(lowest current) - 70w max.(max.current).

Sorry man to querry you again, I guess it won‘t cost you much time... (: I tried to follow your advise on building a safe aquarium light with eb strips. Actually I think I will close everthing within a sheet of plexiglas (93% transmission) and a wooden frame, to hold some easy alu construction inside for easy strip exchangement (how much space is needed between plexiglas and the led’s? Possible to let the sheet sit on the connectors?) So it‘s protected from most sides, and top is closed with a plate, 2 fans mounted underneath to suck off warm air. 1x2 ft, 14 eb strips, running @ max. 60W. You advised some cv driver.

Guess this HLG-60H-24A will be exactly what I am looking for? Strips will suck what they need (max. +190ma), I can let the vf poti open, and they take whats needed? Can‘t belive it‘s that simple, after I racked my brain... thanks for your post!
F562B vs Q562B (4000K)
25,8 vs 9,9 V (Power Consumption)
4500 vs 2000 lm (Luminous Flux)
175 vs 203 lm/W (Luminous Efficacy)
72 vs 40 (LED‘s)

Wave length charts don‘t show any major diffrence.

Just because of the numbers, I would always prefer Q over F. My reason: 100 LED‘s @25W, covering 2,5x more space than F series. This allows me to have a more diffuse light. So please tell me more, why F series is better?!
F562B vs Q562B (4000K)
25,8 vs 9,9 V (Power Consumption)
4500 vs 2000 lm (Luminous Flux)
175 vs 203 lm/W (Luminous Efficacy)
72 vs 40 (LED‘s)

Wave length charts don‘t show any major diffrence.

Just because of the numbers, I would always prefer Q over F. My reason: 100 LED‘s @25W, covering 2,5x more space than F series. This allows me to have a more diffuse light. So please tell me more, why F series is better?!

Posted by Tomate in another thread

LM561C - A1/S6 - 3000K @65mA
VF: 2.9V (max)
Flux: 34.5 lm/W (min)
QER: 321.6 lm/W
LER: 4.86 µmol/J
-> 2.766 µmol/J

LM301B - A1/SK - 3000K @65mA
VF: 2.9V (max)
Flux: 36 lm/W (min)
QER: 331.83 lm/W
LER: 4.816 µmol/J
-> 2.772 µmol/J

And then, F series has twice as much diodes than Q...
but if you are going after lumens for your plants - sure, go ahead ;)
Please define how f series is more effective than new Q series with LM301 diodes ?

Effectiveness and efficiency are 2 different things, ones you grasp it - you will get it.

How many Q series strips are needed to get to 1000ppfd over 4x4 and how many F series strips can do the same job to deliver the same amount of photons?

You have 10% efficiency gain with lm301, but you have almost twice less chips per strip. Gavita is effective, but not efficient.
Effectiveness and efficiency are 2 different things, ones you grasp it - you will get it.

How many Q series strips are needed to get to 1000ppfd over 4x4 and how many F series strips can do the same job to deliver the same amount of photons?

You have 10% efficiency gain with lm301, but you have almost twice less chips per strip. Gavita is effective, but not efficient.
Please compare/contrast effectiveness and efficiency.
Effectiveness and efficiency are 2 different things, ones you grasp it - you will get it.

How many Q series strips are needed to get to 1000ppfd over 4x4 and how many F series strips can do the same job to deliver the same amount of photons?

You have 10% efficiency gain with lm301, but you have almost twice less chips per strip. Gavita is effective, but not efficient.
LOL, it is actually the best point for the Q series, that you need more, so you have a more uniform light, so more diffused light, so less shadows, more penetration, better heat dissipation. So from my pov, Q strips are better in every point (regardless if it‘s effectiveness or efficency) beside your money (I guess, havn‘t seen any price yet).

LOL, it is actually the best point for the Q series, that you need more, so you have a more uniform light, so more diffused light, so less shadows, more penetration, better heat dissipation. So from my pov, Q strips are better in every point (regardless if it‘s effectiveness or efficency) beside your money (I guess, havn‘t seen any price yet).

"You need more strips" to accomplish the same output.....? Now it's my turn to LOL...
"You need more strips" to accomplish the same output.....? Now it's my turn to LOL...
F strip is running with 25w, Q strip with 10w. What do you want compare? Sure you need less F strips, but you won‘t get a better light because of it. You just save money!

Just 2 pages infront a guy is asking to power 5 eb strips with 60w. I will use the same power to light up 14 strips. Expecting, that we will use the same area, who will have the better light, which is more effective, and efficient? Besides a few 100lm I will have more, because of pure efficiency of the led‘s...

Have a look into your wallet, get as many efficient strips as possible, and than run them as soft as needed, to provide a proper ppfd. I think that is actually the way to go for the most efficient light you are looking for!

Samsung offering 0,3w (+200lm) led‘s, while Bridgelux provides us with 0,2w (+180lm) led‘s. Thats why I tend to Bridgelux... Think of a tent which is covered in diods. No need for side lights, when your tent is glowing! The strips now, even the Q strip (because of the 0,3w led‘s) are still too powerful, but there are custom builds possible, to achieve this with bridgelux. I really tink about to learn soldering, or reflow oven, whatever, just to be sure that I dont get jackassed on my way to this cab illumination... how hard can this be?!
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I was just checking out the F strips and though I had just discovered something. I guess I'm pretty late to the party. Seem like 5 of them in a 4x4 tent would do nicely. Even better 10 in a 4x8, then you can get a price break. @Serva are you saying you would run 14 eb strips on 60w total? I am currently running a light that is 3x4 with 10 - 4 ft EB strips. I am pushing about 600 watts in the light. It seems to be doing ok. Its about a 15 inches over the tops of the plants and im reading about 650 umols everywhere i put my meter. the outside edges are a little less maybe 550 umols
F562B vs Q562B (4000K)
25,8 vs 9,9 V (Power Consumption)
4500 vs 2000 lm (Luminous Flux)
175 vs 203 lm/W (Luminous Efficacy)
72 vs 40 (LED‘s)

Wave length charts don‘t show any major diffrence.

Just because of the numbers, I would always prefer Q over F. My reason: 100 LED‘s @25W, covering 2,5x more space than F series. This allows me to have a more diffuse light. So please tell me more, why F series is better?!
Dial the current down on the F-strips to 12.5W and you're at virtually the same efficiency, with similar luminous flux per strip but 80% more emitters. That equals more diffuse light, assuming the same number of strips..
F strip is running with 25w, Q strip with 10w. What do you want compare? Sure you need less F strips, but you won‘t get a better light because of it. You just save money!

Just 2 pages infront a guy is asking to power 5 eb strips with 60w. I will use the same power to light up 14 strips. Expecting, that we will use the same area, who will have the better light, which is more effective, and efficient? Besides a few 100lm I will have more, because of pure efficiency of the led‘s...

Have a look into your wallet, get as many efficient strips as possible, and than run them as soft as needed, to provide a proper ppfd. I think that is actually the way to go for the most efficient light you are looking for!

Samsung offering 0,3w (+200lm) led‘s, while Bridgelux provides us with 0,2w (+180lm) led‘s. Thats why I tend to Bridgelux... Think of a tent which is covered in diods. No need for side lights, when your tent is glowing! The strips now, even the Q strip (because of the 0,3w led‘s) are still too powerful, but there are custom builds possible, to achieve this with bridgelux. I really tink about to learn soldering, or reflow oven, whatever, just to be sure that I dont get jackassed on my way to this cab illumination... how hard can this be?!

Hehe, you should wait a few years and then take a tent which is sewn from flexible OLED covered tent fabrics. No need to buy a separate LED.. Like a real ZunCloak..
Dial the current down on the F-strips to 12.5W and you're at virtually the same efficiency, with similar luminous flux per strip but 80% more emitters. That equals more diffuse light, assuming the same number of strips..
Covering a space closely with f strips, even dimmed, will give you too much w/sqft, so too much light, because the led’s are too powerful. Covering the space closely with q strips, and running them soft, will let you achieve a proper ppfd, because the led‘s are seperated more evenly about the whole area.

Bridgelux‘s smd 2835 with 0,2w, seems not as efficient as Samsung‘s 0,3w, but being more effective when it comes down to design, because they are even more spreadable.

Hehe, you should wait a few years and then take a tent which is sewn from flexible OLED covered tent fabrics. No need to buy a separate LED.. Like a real ZunCloak..
I am looking forward to this! Really! There are so many possibilities... Like simulating the sun movement during the day in your tent, changing the color specs flawlessly and automaticly, simulating the season change. Never have a problem with burnt leaves, or light bleach, because of this awesome diffused light.

But I guess up to the point, when this is possible, and affordable to me, I have to take single led‘s, and play around as much as I can...

I was just checking out the F strips and though I had just discovered something. I guess I'm pretty late to the party. Seem like 5 of them in a 4x4 tent would do nicely. Even better 10 in a 4x8, then you can get a price break. @Serva are you saying you would run 14 eb strips on 60w total? I am currently running a light that is 3x4 with 10 - 4 ft EB strips. I am pushing about 600 watts in the light. It seems to be doing ok. Its about a 15 inches over the tops of the plants and im reading about 650 umols everywhere i put my meter. the outside edges are a little less maybe 550 umols
Actually yes, but I have the 1ft! 2x 12 strips @100w, and 14 strips @50w running in my cab. So I already know what I am looking for now. The aquarium is 70cm wide and about a ft deep so maximum of 29 strips beside each other. But it‘s a lid, so no airflow, and it has to be affordable, we are talking about algae, not cannabis :) so I decided to do 14, like every 2nd.
I am thinking to double evrything in my cab with gen2, if I don‘t get positive feedback from china for some custom panel/strips.
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Let there be light!

So far so good, although I'm not sure if my old drivers are actually running these strips at peak efficiency, I'm at least gettting some decent light at low wattage :). I think these drivers are only 12V though, so I guess I'd get a lot more light if I ran them with some proper 24v meanwell drivers?

Also, I have 9 strips hooked up and running well, but I tried wiring up the last strip to it's own driver for a veg/clone box, but when I power it up the strip just blinks?

Is there a chance I got a bad strip, or is the blinking an indication that the power supply isn't good for running a single strip? I tried both solderless points, and even soldered wire to the end solder points, but when I plug it in the strip lights up, but blinks on and off?

Next step is to get some proper drivers and see how much light these units are capable of ;)
Voltage from one strips seems to low for the driver, it's below the drivers minimum output. And when the driver voltage exceeds the voltage of the strips it starts to blink because of the overvoltage protection.
What typ of driver is it?
More infos are needed to give a proper answer, mate.