I'm cheap! Same strain dif companies?


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in white rhin, northern lights, and any kushs. How come at dif seed banks they have yeild listed as difernet for the same strain info. Is this a big deal or should i just assume that the seeds are close to the same enough that this info can be sorta veiwed as all being equal. Or are the diferent seed bank carrying seeds that are that wildly differnet than each other. Any help is appriciated!


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in white rhin, northern lights, and any kushs. How come at dif seed banks they have yeild listed as difernet for the same strain info. Is this a big deal or should i just assume that the seeds are close to the same enough that this info can be sorta veiwed as all being equal. Or are the diferent seed bank carrying seeds that are that wildly differnet than each other. Any help is appriciated!
strains can seem the same, but some seed comps have better strains.
you get what you pay for, like everything else.


Well-Known Member
like ak47 and ak48 .
the 48 is a cheaper copy made buy a diff seed comp.
ak47 is about £48
ak48 is about £10
they cannot be the same when the price is so diff.


Well-Known Member
Spend $1000's on grow equipment
Spend $10,000 on a lawyer after you are busted

afraid to spend more than $30 on a pack of seeds, priceless..............


Well-Known Member
Spend $1000's on grow equipment
Spend $10,000 on a lawyer after you are busted

afraid to spend more than $30 on a pack of seeds, priceless..............
Hahahaha....that was great.

If it's your first grow, I suggest just going with some bagseed, your best off that way.


Well-Known Member
Spend $1000's on grow equipment
Spend $10,000 on a lawyer after you are busted

afraid to spend more than $30 on a pack of seeds, priceless..............

That's exactly the reason i had to do it. Couldn't resist. Rofl:fire: