Bridgelux® SMD 2835 0.2W 3V


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know, where I can get strips with these diods? Any company doing custom strips? Looked around for a few days now, wrote some mails, but I was not able to find even one...

Especially I am looking for these:


166-178lm/w at nominal 60ma. They were the best smd 2835 I was able to find, with an output of 27,3-29,9lm. What I can find on alibaba for example is 24-26lm, but no bridgelux certificated retailer, like there are some samsung retailers for the lm561c.
I don‘t think so. SMD 2835 are 0.2w diods, eb series gen 2 uses 0.3w diods like gen 1. But I may be completly wrong!
contact Roget Zheng @ Mufue Technoligies ltd

I use him for fabrication of custom strips. He makes many of the smaller strip lights made from LM561C diodes. I also use Roget to make my custom companion boards for my GrowGreen 200w pcb boards. The companion boards use Luxeon diodes which are not readily available on Alibaba but he gets them for me to make a two channel board of 25mm x 300mm or 1" x 12" strip boards with two channels. he can probably make your Bridgeluyx eb series as well if you as him. Great guy. he has also made flexible strip lights for me. My other pcb manufacturer Shenzhen Hansion Techn ology inc is also the fabricator of the QB, but I do not work with QB or their people there, just my people on my boards.

His name is Jeff We i
Both can get the diode and make boards for you.
contact Roget Zheng @ Mufue Technoligies ltd

I use him for fabrication of custom strips. He makes many of the smaller strip lights made from LM561C diodes. I also use Roget to make my custom companion boards for my GrowGreen 200w pcb boards. The companion boards use Luxeon diodes which are not readily available on Alibaba but he gets them for me to make a two channel board of 25mm x 300mm or 1" x 12" strip boards with two channels. he can probably make your Bridgeluyx eb series as well if you as him. Great guy. he has also made flexible strip lights for me. My other pcb manufacturer Shenzhen Hansion Techn ology inc is also the fabricator of the QB, but I do not work with QB or their people there, just my people on my boards.

His name is Jeff We i
Both can get the diode and make boards for you.
Really, thank you! My family is gone till tomorrow, it‘s sunday... my thoughts don‘t wanna stop... I guess it‘s time to design a strip!

Is there a big price difference for strips or pcb boards? Is there like a sqft price? Or is it all about how many diods? Any tips I have to consider when making the plan, so these chinese guys understand what I want? Or can I customize everything perfectly for my driver? All these ways to go now... Thank you!
contact Roget Zheng @ Mufue Technoligies ltd

I use him for fabrication of custom strips. He makes many of the smaller strip lights made from LM561C diodes. I also use Roget to make my custom companion boards for my GrowGreen 200w pcb boards. The companion boards use Luxeon diodes which are not readily available on Alibaba but he gets them for me to make a two channel board of 25mm x 300mm or 1" x 12" strip boards with two channels. he can probably make your Bridgeluyx eb series as well if you as him. Great guy. he has also made flexible strip lights for me. My other pcb manufacturer Shenzhen Hansion Techn ology inc is also the fabricator of the QB, but I do not work with QB or their people there, just my people on my boards.

His name is Jeff We i
Both can get the diode and make boards for you.

Stay far far away from Roget. Do not support his crooked thieving ass.
I would like to have a panel with 16x16 inch (2x 8x16 inch maybe), 1200x SMD 2835, spacing 2/9 inch, each diode: 15lm @ 29 1/6 ma - 2,7v - 0,08W, so max. 95W and 18000lm (~190lm/w). My driver is cc 350ma, so I need a wiring of [10s x 12p]. Is this somehow correct and possible? (: SMD Products Product Selection Guide 20170317 Rev B.pdf

Would it be more safe to buy the smd‘s I want on digikey, and send them to the manufacturer directly? What they are supposed to do with „some“ diods, rather than put them on my strips? We are talking here 5000-10000 diods, guess nothing big enough to make troubles?
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What happened?

What I purchased from Roget was somebody else's design. Roget led me to believe his company created that pcb layout, but in reality it was created by another user who had his work blatantly stolen and sold without their permission. I have ethics and choose not to support thieves so I cannot recommnd people to use Roget anymore.
Really, thank you! My family is gone till tomorrow, it‘s sunday... my thoughts don‘t wanna stop... I guess it‘s time to design a strip!

Is there a big price difference for strips or pcb boards? Is there like a sqft price? Or is it all about how many diods? Any tips I have to consider when making the plan, so these chinese guys understand what I want? Or can I customize everything perfectly for my driver? All these ways to go now... Thank you!
Just have a good idea of what you want to accomplish. He can Skype or email great guy
When you sign a non disclosure agreement you have what is called a contract otherwise you made a business deal. Roget makes my strips for me great job. Roget is also making some small pcbs for me. Am I concerned if someone else goes behind my back to buy from him direct that is their behavior not Roget's.
Any design I accomplish belongs to me and me alone. I do my own engineering. Roget will provide engineering either for a fee or free. If Roget provides free engineer Roget owns design. Property rights understanding. Been there done that. Sued folks for stealing my property rights. Most will.
Roget is good people. I only work with good people hence I don't buy from bad folks. If you have not sold me something perhaps you are on that list of good people.
When you sign a non disclosure agreement you have what is called a contract otherwise you made a business deal. Roget makes my strips for me great job. Roget is also making some small pcbs for me. Am I concerned if someone else goes behind my back to buy from him direct that is their behavior not Roget's.
Any design I accomplish belongs to me and me alone. I do my own engineering. Roget will provide engineering either for a fee or free. If Roget provides free engineer Roget owns design. Property rights understanding. Been there done that. Sued folks for stealing my property rights. Most will.
Roget is good people. I only work with good people hence I don't buy from bad folks. If you have not sold me something perhaps you are on that list of good people.
You don't get it. I didn't go behind anyone's back to source the manufacturer and try to copy their product/success. I looked on alibaba for lm561c and Roget lied and said the design was his(which it wasn't, the design was provided to him). Anyway I don't even know why I'm arguing with you, your reputation speaks for itself.
Really, thank you! My family is gone till tomorrow, it‘s sunday... my thoughts don‘t wanna stop... I guess it‘s time to design a strip!

Is there a big price difference for strips or pcb boards? Is there like a sqft price? Or is it all about how many diods? Any tips I have to consider when making the plan, so these chinese guys understand what I want? Or can I customize everything perfectly for my driver? All these ways to go now... Thank you!
You can go to Jeff Wei at Shenzhen Hansion Technology ltd on Alibaba for pcbs.

I see someone left the door open and let the children with scissors in. Hope the two of them do not fall on their scissors and hurt themselves.
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I see someone left the door open and let the children with scissors in. Hope the two of them do not fall on their scissors and hurt themselves.

The sad part is you somehow think your right. How many people need to disagree with you before you finally get it? Heaven forbid some of us try to warn the OP about some problems so they may not get themselves screwed over. Not everyone on this forum likes looking like a constant jackass. That's just YOU!
Spoke with Roget today/yesterday and he informed me he does not share pcb if the client prefers it that way.
I gave you links for two excellent manufacturer's that are honest upright and fair.