Aussie Growers Thread

What did they get? and what gave you away?

5 plants, only small autos. ton of confiscated gear though and 60 something seeds. no clue what gave me away. like 2 people knew and they are close blood relative family would never have said anything, honestly think it was just a tip or the postie got suss from all the black wrapped packages which i guess is my own fault for sending to where i grow.

Rayuki did you give any grower on here your address example by swapping seeds etc. ? Been on here 2 years and no raids and now 2 raids in 2 weeks.hmmmm

nope, been doing my head in trying to figure out how they found out since i was so tight on my security, other then posting on here and even then its only been a few pics.

there have been a ton of raids going around i shoulda seen it coming but thought i'd covered all my bases.
Why not ? Because medical isn’t legal so saying it’s medicinal means sweet fuck all,so your better of saying nothing. If your going to give advice to people try not to give stupid advice that won’t help. It’s not a joke getting raided you know ffs
Calm down mr loco lol;). Saying that will make some kind of difference as long as u can prove it also. My ex was done with 21 monsters in his back yard and started telling them how he fucked his back whilst working at QR and had tried every painkiller on the market doctors were prescribing (had proof with all the scripts and boxes of meds with only two or so pills missing) like tremadol, stilnox u name it he had tried it and that they all fucked with gut, his sleep, hallucinations, night mares etc and weed was the only way he could cope with day to day activities. And being in the midst of suing qr and unable to work growing to supply his own medication was his only choice (although he'd been growing huge amounts since his teens lol). By the end of it all he had one of the d's sitting with him giving him advice about having the surgery to fuse his back and exercises he should do bla bla bla. He got probation for twelve months, slap on the wrist.
So I guess moral of the story is it can help to say medicinal u just gotta be able to back it too...
Calm down mr loco lol;). Saying that will make some kind of difference as long as u can prove it also. My ex was done with 21 monsters in his back yard and started telling them how he fucked his back whilst working at QR and had tried every painkiller on the market doctors were prescribing (had proof with all the scripts and boxes of meds with only two or so pills missing) like tremadol, stilnox u name it he had tried it and that they all fucked with gut, his sleep, hallucinations, night mares etc and weed was the only way he could cope with day to day activities. And being in the midst of suing qr and unable to work growing to supply his own medication was his only choice (although he'd been growing huge amounts since his teens lol). By the end of it all he had one of the d's sitting with him giving him advice about having the surgery to fuse his back and exercises he should do bla bla bla. He got probation for twelve months, slap on the wrist.
So I guess moral of the story is it can help to say medicinal u just gotta be able to back it too...
How can telling a cop that the plants are yours help,if they have a warrant to search they are searching and they are charging you with possession and or cultivation you are wasting your breath trying to tell a cop anything you have to remember police don’t hand out the sentence they only hand out charges and they are two very different things,and the more you say the more ammunition you are giving them for their brief. As soon as you say they are medicinal you have #1 admitted that the plants are yours,so any hope of using that as your defence has gone #2 if they have any evidence that you are involved in the sale of cannabis you have shown a willingness to be untruthfull and prosecuters absolutely love to bring things like that up mid trial “well your honour it’s been proven that ozcocoloco has shown a willingness to lie to police in the course of investigation so how is it that we can trust anything he has had to say in this court “. Ask any lawyer worth his silly wig and they will tell you give your name,date of birth and home address that’s it that’s all your legally obligated to tell them,don’t be rude and try to be a prick just let them know you won’t be answering any other questions till your legal representative arrives and then you will be more than happy to be interviewed. It’s not legal anywhere that I’m aware to grow your own pot,medical or not at least not over 4 plants or whatever S.A’s prescribed number is. And how may I ask can you prove it’s medical ? You can’t prove something that doesn’t exist and we don’t have home grown medical laws so it’s just as illegal to grow for personal consumption as it is for “medical” . The moral of the story is don’t say anything unless your lawyer tells you it’s a good idea to say it,police are only there to charge you and gather evidence they don’t judge on guilt or innocence save your talking for the judge they make the call on that stuff.
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5 plants, only small autos. ton of confiscated gear though and 60 something seeds. no clue what gave me away. like 2 people knew and they are close blood relative family would never have said anything, honestly think it was just a tip or the postie got suss from all the black wrapped packages which i guess is my own fault for sending to where i grow.

nope, been doing my head in trying to figure out how they found out since i was so tight on my security, other then posting on here and even then its only been a few pics.

there have been a ton of raids going around i shoulda seen it coming but thought i'd covered all my bases.
If you have no priors and only had five plants you Should get of fairly lightly,Big numbers,proof of supply and prior convictions are the things that can really fuck you up
Calm down mr loco lol;). Saying that will make some kind of difference as long as u can prove it also. My ex was done with 21 monsters in his back yard and started telling them how he fucked his back whilst working at QR and had tried every painkiller on the market doctors were prescribing (had proof with all the scripts and boxes of meds with only two or so pills missing) like tremadol, stilnox u name it he had tried it and that they all fucked with gut, his sleep, hallucinations, night mares etc and weed was the only way he could cope with day to day activities. And being in the midst of suing qr and unable to work growing to supply his own medication was his only choice (although he'd been growing huge amounts since his teens lol). By the end of it all he had one of the d's sitting with him giving him advice about having the surgery to fuse his back and exercises he should do bla bla bla. He got probation for twelve months, slap on the wrist.
So I guess moral of the story is it can help to say medicinal u just gotta be able to back it too...
I’m glad for your ex only getting probation and I know of other people that got section 10’s( non recorded conviction) for having 6-10 plants but we all have to be careful of handing out advice on legal matters when none of us,unless there is cops or lawyers amongst us are qualified to be giving. I hope you can see my point,the legal system is not black and white when it comes to cultivation you can get lucky and get a sympathetic judge and you might get unlucky and get a real prick.
Rayuki did you give any grower on here your address example by swapping seeds etc. ? Been on here 2 years and no raids and now 2 raids in 2 weeks.hmmmm

nope, been doing my head in trying to figure out how they found out since i was so tight on my security, other then posting on here and even then its only been a few pics.
I’m glad for your ex only getting probation and I know of other people that got section 10’s( non recorded conviction) for having 6-10 plants but we all have to be careful of handing out advice on legal matters when none of us,unless there is cops or lawyers amongst us are qualified to be giving. I hope you can see my point,the legal system is not black and white when it comes to cultivation you can get lucky and get a sympathetic judge and you might get unlucky and get a real prick.

yeah im not one to take much advice on here at face value without seeking legal advice hence why i was mainly after suggestions on anyone. but yeah from looking at it i dont think i'll need to spend $4-5k on anyone just gonna go to legal aid first and check out my options.
nope, been doing my head in trying to figure out how they found out since i was so tight on my security, other then posting on here and even then its only been a few pics.

yeah im not one to take much advice on here at face value without seeking legal advice hence why i was mainly after suggestions on anyone. but yeah from looking at it i dont think i'll need to spend $4-5k on anyone just gonna go to legal aid first and check out my options.
The other bust sounds like it had more to do with hard drugs and trafficking. He said he was under surveillance for some time and was throwing around long prison sentences. I'm thinking receiving seeds from over seas may have given you away Customs have passed the details onto bored cops. . Have you had seeds delivered in the last few months?

I know it doesn't relate to your case per say but a good friend of mine got done, it was either last season or the season before for 6 plants and dealing and got a 6 month good behaviour bond and a fine which from memory was 1 or 2k. They didn't use a lawyer. But each case and state laws are different.
My household has legit medical reasons that are helped greatly by weed. I'll never use that as a defence though because you can open your partner up to charges as well if you say "my wife has cancer so we grow weed" (she doesn't, that's just an example) It has been argued successfully in the past that if your cancer-stricken partner knew about you growing on premises then they share the load when it comes to sentencing. This was in the act where they aren't normally as gung-ho when it comes to drug sentences. You never know when they want to make an example of someone. In short, don't try and wing it. Get a lawyer
My household has legit medical reasons that are helped greatly by weed. I'll never use that as a defence though because you can open your partner up to charges as well if you say "my wife has cancer so we grow weed" (she doesn't, that's just an example) It has been argued successfully in the past that if your cancer-stricken partner knew about you growing on premises then they share the load when it comes to sentencing. This was in the act where they aren't normally as gung-ho when it comes to drug sentences. You never know when they want to make an example of someone. In short, don't try and wing it. Get a lawyer
I fully believe that cannabis can and should be used as a medicine but we are stuck with a backwards corrupt government that will not open the door for people to be able to grow their own medicine at home,it’s not going to happen. Turnbull is a very astute business man and he isn’t going to upset his mates in the pharmaceutical industry,the framework for medical is going to be structured so Big pharma can make the most profit possible not so the average person can grow their own.
goodmorning fellas just throught id throw up a update .after i was talkn to one of you blokes about the c99 i sent gorrilla seeds an email asking about the c99 n they told me its from g13 seeds so not even c99 .i have to say i dont like it. just the way its growing seems like a real pedantic bitch the monster mass just grows doesnt give a fuck .cause i havnt grown in a while iv completely miss judged space when planting in that little area


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goodmorning fellas just throught id throw up a update .after i was talkn to one of you blokes about the c99 i sent gorrilla seeds an email asking about the c99 n they told me its from g13 seeds so not even c99 .i have to say i dont like it. just the way its growing seems like a real pedantic bitch the monster mass just grows doesnt give a fuck .cause i havnt grown in a while iv completely miss judged space when planting in that little area
I think that might have been me? Bugger - yeah looks like the G13 is a remake of some kind. The original came about by luck in many ways and would be hard to replicate. Bros Grimm are quality breeders which is also a point of difference so a remake would be hard to stack up against it. I hope it still turns out some good smoke for you when its all said and done
I think that might have been me? Bugger - yeah looks like the G13 is a remake of some kind. The original came about by luck in many ways and would be hard to replicate. Bros Grimm are quality breeders which is also a point of difference so a remake would be hard to stack up against it. I hope it still turns out some good smoke for you when its all said and done
A few guys made c99 f2’s,3’s when Mr Soul shut down for a few years so it’s probably from one of those lines and then has been reversed to make the fem line. They both are looking great though you may need to top them if you don’t want 10 ft monsters popping there heads over that fence :) it’s not a bad problem to have though.
I’m glad for your ex only getting probation and I know of other people that got section 10’s( non recorded conviction) for having 6-10 plants but we all have to be careful of handing out advice on legal matters when none of us,unless there is cops or lawyers amongst us are qualified to be giving. I hope you can see my point,the legal system is not black and white when it comes to cultivation you can get lucky and get a sympathetic judge and you might get unlucky and get a real prick.
Yes I definitely agree with you. I'd say he got very lucky indeed.