What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Any body have a good BHO oil browny recipe? My friend wants me to cook him some drugs.
Ok found one, gonna cook some medibles tomorrow, double potency. Ive only had ebible a few times, very different high. Suckers are my fave. Rather not wait an hour and a half to be hit by a train lol.


Well-Known Member
I know it doesn't look like much but considering this wasn't the plan at all....

So I had some vent work done to my boiler related to a kitchen remodel cause square peg round hole...anyway the power vent (shiny thing in pic) was improperly located and didn't pass inspection. Thing is there really isn't a location that would meet all the mfg. specs so I'm building a dog house this weekend. Even the location suggest ed by the inspector was flawed And also as he agreed it wouuld have put it in an area suceptible to more snow load. WTF now It can't be attached to the house "perminantly" otherwise I wont pass framing inspection.

Now I sit here...