hello..i was wanting to post this message..this is my very first post..i doubt if it is my last..i have been watching and learning alot from many of you..al B FUCT is one of my favorite RIU characters..so is MANE MSM ect and many others..i want to thank you all for the knowledge you impart...now..my experience of the last couple days..not to pleasant i might add..i got a call from work from the drug boys..apperantly doc chronic sent someones order to my home...
with a great big pot leaf printed on the package..needless to say customs opened it up..they send it to the indiana state police..then they will be out to your home with the drug dogs..the fucking swat team and every other varios and sundry criminals to all invade your home.ill try and keep of tangents..so ill start with the days events..i was called by a policeman..name shall remain unmentioned...and he said he was at my home and they had a drug dog that alerted on my home..( im certain that was a lie)well anyhow they wanted me their to search my home..i called my lawyer right away and he asked me what was up..i told him..he said just make them get a warrant so i told the law.im on my way over you can not search my home without a warrant...i got there..they BS.s with me.trying to get me to talk of course..do not normaly bull shit with the law.it will do you NO GOOD.THEY WILL ONLY TRY TO USE IT AGAINST YOU..SO BE CAREFULL.so we waited..there was about 8 or more police and a drug dog at the house..they got the warrent..i opened up the doors and let them enter the home..they didnt find a grow..of course..they found less than a dime bag of swag..and a bunch of reciepts ..they also down loaded the hard drive of the computors and email straight to there computors..so,.this computor can get you into a of trouble as all the data is easly accessable to the law..they hand cuffed me and turned the house upside down..they found one pill on one bottle that was not my familys..this wasnt on the warrent..and also a switch blade knife..also not on the warrent...im not sure what all they confiscated..as i have no info on it yet...my wife and i spent the night in jail...and also the police liberated 2000 out of my house safe...i am sure this money went straight into the pocket of one of the invading gestopo well needless to say..there were highly upset that all they got me on was a minor misdameanor.....possession of marijuana...as far as i know..the judge told me when i was leaving the police might decide to drop the case..so i dont know..at least now you know how a man with a back problem and a friend with cancer is treated..i am very upset with the police stealing my money out of my safe..but what can you do? and by the way..saftey means pulling the plug on everything everywhere...fucking doc chronis is a stupid fucker..