Cue the Censors; Twitter, Facebook, Google all censoring 'fake news' outlets

so jews did the holocaust to themselves and also 9/11'ed us?

jeez those jews are good

"Israeli Citizens Get Tipped Off

Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting.

This warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives.

Odigo has a feature on its service that allows the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality, such as Israeli. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewanred, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Israelis considering that out of the 4000 Israelis believed to be in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died. 5/4000 Israelis. Mathematically (if Israelis were not forewarned) about 10% (400/4000) would have died; even as low as 200-300/4000 would not really indicate foreknowledge. Yet only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were actually aboard the supposedly hijacked flights; therefore only three Israelis died at the WTC on 9/11. An astonishing feat. We're talking about 'Israelis' here, not 'American Jews'. Many Jews died in the wtc on 9/11.

Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Do the math.[/b]
"Israeli Citizens Get Tipped Off

Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting.

This warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives.

Odigo has a feature on its service that allows the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality, such as Israeli. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewanred, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Israelis considering that out of the 4000 Israelis believed to be in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died. 5/4000 Israelis. Mathematically (if Israelis were not forewarned) about 10% (400/4000) would have died; even as low as 200-300/4000 would not really indicate foreknowledge. Yet only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were actually aboard the supposedly hijacked flights; therefore only three Israelis died at the WTC on 9/11. An astonishing feat. We're talking about 'Israelis' here, not 'American Jews'. Many Jews died in the wtc on 9/11.

Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Do the math.[/b]
did you get this from the same website that celebrates hitler's birthda by inviting the KKK grand wizard on?
did you get this from the same website that celebrates hitler's birthda by inviting the KKK grand wizard on?
triggered. big time.


triggered. You still on this cheating thing? Jesus dude, you've been debunked repeatedly, move on dot org already.
I expected more from you.

You're on the 'it's cool for others to censor my news' train, too?
Lol, you fucking Bernie Cucks are all the same.

Everyone here remembers you posting multiple fake news threads in short succession yet you just lie about it just like the racist menopause Telesales Operator and the Virgin Duct Rape Anal Tape noob, and pretend it never happened.

Your credibility is as small as your intellect.
Hate speech and name calling.

And no evidence.

Why you care what Facebook does if you don't have an account and "would never give them your details"?

You Cucks can't even keep your retarded story straight, you're living fake news, man.
That's an excellent question. Why do you think that might be?

Maybe so hate miners like you can't pick through my private life in an attempt to smear me because you can't stand that I'm a threat to your comfy lil worldview?

You're intolerant and a hater. You should be a replicable, but you're Republican lite- so being an established Democratic shill is appropriate.
That's an excellent question. Why do you think that might be?

Maybe so hate miners like you can't pick through my private life in an attempt to smear me because you can't stand that I'm a threat to your comfy lil worldview?

You're intolerant and a hater. You should be a replicable, but you're Republican lite- so being an established Democratic shill is appropriate.
"I want to go fly fishing more often, in places at the end of a beautiful hike. But I'm tired of going by myself... "

You're a loser, man.
No, it's editorial discretion. Only the lazy rely on google or especially, facebook. All of the sources you are so fearful about are freely available. All you have to do is visit them.

Every newspaper in the world picks and chooses it's content. That's not censorship.

If the government or some cartel tells them they can't cover something, or tells them what they can and can't say, that is censorship. It's no different in new media.
If you think all that's going on is 'editorial discretion', I pity your insularity.

Have you ever put your hand on a Bible and sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but?

The WHOLE TRUTH phrase is there because simply not saying something can easily be a lie. The tactic even has a name; 'lying by omission'.

You've just defended censorship.