EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Brazile herself apologized for leaking questions to the Clinton campaign

Like I asked you before, did Russia get Brazile to apologize?

It's verified by her admission of guilt and her apology afterward. You are an idiot
"they admitted it"

"Brazille admitted it"

Do you see any difference between your two statements? The first one is Russian propaganda. The second one was posted after UB called you on it.

Weak, weak, weak.
Brazile herself apologized for leaking questions to the Clinton campaign

Like I asked you before, did Russia get Brazile to apologize?

It's verified by her admission of guilt and her apology afterward. You are an idiot

obama disowned reverend wright for saying and doing nothing wrong. this shit happens all the time in politics you nave child.

by all means, keep falling for unverifiable russian propaganda released with the direct purpose of getting trump elected and thenwonder why we keep calling you a trump loving traitor.

oh, and make sure to question the validity of someone's sexcual assault claims while you're at it.
The first one is Russian propaganda.
How is referring to Brazile and her team as "they" "Russian propaganda"?

"They" is Donna Brazile, CNN, the DNC, and the Democratic establishment

"They" fed the Clinton campaign the exact question Brazile felt Clinton was weak on before the actual debate. My entire point is that this is cheating. This in effect, means the Democratic primary was not held fairly. And you agree with me that she and her team cheated, specifically to benefit Hillary Clinton. You agree with me that the Clinton campaign cheated.

So keep holding up the Dem. primary votes as evidence Clinton was the better candidate. Anyone is the better candidate when they cheat to win. Americans who actually support democracy don't condone cheating to win.
obama disowned reverend wright for saying and doing nothing wrong. this shit happens all the time in politics you nave child.

by all means, keep falling for unverifiable russian propaganda released with the direct purpose of getting trump elected and thenwonder why we keep calling you a trump loving traitor.

oh, and make sure to question the validity of someone's sexcual assault claims while you're at it.
Obama and Reverend Wright are irrelevant to this discussion

Brazile was very specific in her apology. She admitted leaking debate questions to the Clinton campaign and claimed that she will forever regret her decision to do it. She got caught, admitted she fucked up because she knew it was undeniable, then apologized for doing it. Then, Tom Perez appointed her to the DNC's Rules committee, after admitting breaking the rules to cheat for Clinton. That'll spur unity!

What a fucking disgrace.

You're the ones who want Trump to win by promoting establishment Democrats nobody else supports who lose elections to embarrassing candidates.
Fogdog already admits it. His claim is that the emails didn't change the outcome of the election. He admits Brazile sent the emails seeding the Clinton campaign the question about capital punishment, does he just buy into Russian propaganda, too?
the emails didn't change the outcome of the election.

i'm not so convinced about that since trump used it as a talking point non-stop in the last weeks of the campaign and had good little trumptards like you to parrot and repeat the claim, which originated from unverifiable russian propaganda.
How is referring to Brazile and her team as "they" "Russian propaganda"?

"They" is Donna Brazile, CNN, the DNC, and the Democratic establishment

"They" fed the Clinton campaign the exact question Brazile felt Clinton was weak on before the actual debate. My entire point is that this is cheating. This in effect, means the Democratic primary was not held fairly. And you agree with me that she and her team cheated, specifically to benefit Hillary Clinton. You agree with me that the Clinton campaign cheated.

So keep holding up the Dem. primary votes as evidence Clinton was the better candidate. Anyone is the better candidate when they cheat to win. Americans who actually support democracy don't condone cheating to win.

there was a time cheaters got disqualified when caught.
How is referring to Brazile and her team as "they" "Russian propaganda"?

"They" is Donna Brazile, CNN, the DNC, and the Democratic establishment

"They" fed the Clinton campaign the exact question Brazile felt Clinton was weak on before the actual debate. My entire point is that this is cheating. This in effect, means the Democratic primary was not held fairly. And you agree with me that she and her team cheated, specifically to benefit Hillary Clinton. You agree with me that the Clinton campaign cheated.

So keep holding up the Dem. primary votes as evidence Clinton was the better candidate. Anyone is the better candidate when they cheat to win. Americans who actually support democracy don't condone cheating to win.
So you continue to spout right wing or Russian propaganda. You continue to use the word "they" when the only admission is Brazile's. I get that you have to win in every argument. But you should hold up the mirror when you complain about cheating.

Do not speak for me, sir.

I don't agree that her team cheated in this event but I'm sure they crossed the line more than once. All campaigns do in large, closely fought elections. I agree that Brazile admitted to passing on a debate question. I have no idea what Clinton's campaign did with that. You get all breathy about a supposed cheat when your own sacrosanct Sanders campaign staff materially benefited from a staff member hacking DNC's computers to raid Clinton's database. I don't equate these events I'm just pointing out that large campaigns in closely fought elections do this all the time. The only response if a person who is "shocked, shocked that cheating occurs during a campaign" is to never vote.

I voted for Sanders in the primary. There are plenty of posts of mine in this thread where I make this clear. At the time, I thought Sanders was the better candidate. At this time, I think they were about the same. Bernie is every bit as dirty as Clinton. And he lost bigly.
Fogdog already admits it. His claim is that the emails didn't change the outcome of the election. He admits Brazile sent the emails seeding the Clinton campaign the question about capital punishment, does he just buy into Russian propaganda, too?
Since when do you need to lean on me to win an argument? Get you hands off me sir. Also step back, you are too close. I'm not into duct tape either. Yuck.
Yes, you just did by admitting Brazile cheated. If Brazile cheated, the primary was illegitimate. Cheating during the election renders the outcome of the election moot. Anybody could win an election they cheated in. Duh.
Why do you hate women?
I don't hate women. If I did, I wouldn't support women like Cori Bush or Elizabeth Warren or Jill Stein.

Why do you hate progressives?
Yes, you just did by admitting Brazile cheated. If Brazile cheated, the primary was illegitimate. Cheating during the election renders the outcome of the election moot. Anybody could win an election they cheated in. Duh.

I don't hate women. If I did, I wouldn't support women like Cori Bush or Elizabeth Warren or Jill Stein.

Why do you hate progressives?

You hate women