The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Or perhaps educated.

To. The. Right.

Is that simple enough for you?
Which has resulted in the decline of middle/southern states as a result of the exploitation by the "RIGHT" to utilize and take advantage of the uneducated (segregation?), which was INSTALLED by REPUBLICANS to disenfranchise the masses from Democratic control. (remember FDR or Johnson?)
This is SO evident in the last election.
ALL the problems, (like no good paying jobs, or a job at all, the cost of health insurance/medication/your offspring being dumb as fuck/ your wife not giving you head/ your husband not bringing you too orgasim), was the result of the Democrats, or for the last 8 fucking years as the Republicans would claim, was Obama primarily , Clinton secondarily, and the Democratic Party in general.
Is that YOUR fucking point?
Oh, I know, Sanders would change all that shit, right?
Give me a fucking break.
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