In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

Mounting height preference. (Same canopy coverage)

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Instead of many small lenses which looks like Lego stones btw, large Fresnel lenses would be also conceivable. They are available in many beam angles and shapes. Look here:

I forgot which manufacturer it was, but I believe a dutch or english one. Many of their lights are used in the Dutch Passion's forum and they also have exchangeable fresnel plates with 40x 40 ° - 90 x 90 ° degrees. And I believe the new SpectrumKing unit with Osram E10 is also available with this typ of -let me call it- "directed diffusers". I've seen them on their website.
I will try to get samples of this light shaping diffuser because there are no more losses than with lenses, but they would be very easily replaceable.

Below a few screenies! They work like diffuser and bundles the light in the same time like a diffuse lens also if you choose clear pmma/acryl.

i like the fact they are called LSD (:(:(:
Yeah, but then you'd have to wait 30 years to get in on all the fun we're having now!

Haha, believe me, we have missed nothing and honestly, I would like to have a lot back, which is lost forever.
Some old-school varieties or pure landraces for example were so falsified by "introduced" strains that the original properties are lost forever.
The only thing I would really miss to play with would be powerful LEDs, LOL!
Haha, believe me, we have missed nothing and honestly, I would like to have a lot back, which is lost forever.
Some old-school varieties or pure landraces for example were so falsified by "introduced" strains that the original properties are lost forever.
The only thing I would really miss to play with would be powerful LEDs, LOL!
I lost my virginity in the 80s and I have to say I don't miss it a bit!
The diffuser look pretty awesome! As I am height restricted, I need to run the lights 2‘‘-4‘‘ above the canopy, these could do some great job spreading the light.

So in my perfect world I would like my light 1‘ about the canopy, and it wouldn‘t even matter, if the plant is growing into it!
Actually it would depend on beam angle. Think of it this way. A 60° lens would need to be farther away than a 90° lens to have the same spread. So the light is spreading slower with the 60°. Even if the par map (think 2D) was identical the 60°being at a higher mounting height. At 1' into the canopy the 60° would have not spread out as far as the 90° even though the spread is identical at the top of the plants. I'm asking these questions as we may actually have options with the Elite and even the HLG-550. All will come to light eventually.

Thank you guys so far for the feedback. It really helps!

I've heard frequently mentioned the leaf surface temp being considerably lower using LED over HID, which of course makes sense. I wonder if including a small number of IR diodes might help increase leaf temps without needing to keep the entire grow at a higher temp to compensate..
I've heard frequently mentioned the leaf surface temp being considerably lower using LED over HID, which of course makes sense. I wonder if including a small number of IR diodes might help increase leaf temps without needing to keep the entire grow at a higher temp to compensate..
you dont get anywhere near enough ir to produce the heat you are after with diodes. But really ir other than 730nm is waste energy THere are better way to get there than an IR diode. 730nm is another topic. Runnig IR is either a by product or a stop gap to solve for other issues in your grow
you dont get anywhere near enough ir to produce the heat you are after with diodes. But really ir other than 730nm is waste energy THere are better way to get there than an IR diode. 730nm is another topic. Runnig IR is either a by product or a stop gap to solve for other issues in your grow
Nothing wrong with letting the environment run warmer.
I would grow outdoors/ greenhouse if I could, but we're not living in a perfect world: )

With indoor sources I always kept the fixtures as close as possible without causing severe damage or completely killing coverage........boards are good for this method. 8- 12 inches if possible, more end product trumps convenience imo
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