Discuss the advantages of "Vert"

SO do you really mean side lighting , one plant with many lights around it? If so I wouldn't consider that vertical growing. That is common practice up here in bc because of the medical plant count laws. I have heard of monster plants with 4 1000 watters around them. Not the best yield per photon but fantastic yield per plant

Think of a wall of green, four plants with the stalks and stems spread out over a trellis, the lights are lined up on just one side. You could see ~50 sq ft to play with in a footprint of 24 sq ft.

You could also use a 600W HID in a 3x3 tent with four plants or a 1000W HID in a 4x4 vertically.
SO do you really mean side lighting , one plant with many lights around it? If so I wouldn't consider that vertical growing. That is common practice up here in bc because of the medical plant count laws. I have heard of monster plants with 4 1000 watters around them. Not the best yield per photon but fantastic yield per plant

All vertical bare bulb growing is side lighting really.

And yes. I am thinking 2 600's and 1 315 per plant and a grid above to easily move the bulbs and support branches from overhead.

Like heath Robinson.

But really just for fun. Vertical is being adapted in here ways but like said earlier in the thread it is really a way to maximize space with little plants on shelves and a lot of them as a production method
I'm running pretty much the exact setup you guys are describing...4 plants in a top feed hydro system, 5 1000w bare bulbs hung amongst them. Grid above to move lights and to tie off main branches.

I'll just leave this here for you guys to have a look if you want.


Thanks man. That's about what I was planning.

Awesome grow! Hope I can do the style justice.
These vertical reflectors are a dream come true.

They allow the use of DE double ended bulbs, which means more intensity of light and the DE bulbs last much longer than socket style of lights.

Another benefit, when growing trees with vertical bare bulb, up till now if one was wanting to use CMH lighting, they would have to double, possibly triple stack the 315 watt bulbs on top of each other. This configuration would require its own contraption to stack the 315 watt bulbs, with the addition of multiple wires to each of the vertical bulb receptacle back to the ballasts.

Greatest Christmas gift for a vertical bare bulb grower :)
I am sad anyone will pay that much for a glass tube and a pair of connectors.

My glass enclosed air cooled blockbuster with German 95% reflective material cost a lot less.