Government claims it owns children, threatens 2nd mom with jail

The passage of time is relevant in the prosecution of certain crimes.

We are talking about any laws drafted by the 'involuntary government' of your 'plantation', whether they pertain to child protection, land ownership, ownership of goods, or other.

You either believe your government is completely 'involuntary', rendering any and all laws (particularly 'age of consent' laws) it passes or enforces 'illegitimate', or you cherry pick certain laws passed by your 'involuntary government' (most likely the ones protecting your current ownership rights) to support and want enforced.

Would you let a Native American family take possession of your home and its contents when you aren't home, and do you support the nonintervention of the 'involuntary government' when the Natives use 'defensive force' against you and your family upon your return (particularly if they DO NOT CONSENT to being forced into interacting with you or your family)?

Hang on there smart guy. You pretty much declare that my "ownership" of property is protected by a central coercion based government, when that's not precise. It's more like a tenancy isn't it ?

Also, you'd need to be more specific in your question / argument for me to answer. Are you talking about any old native American Family or a family that could trace their ancestry to the exact spot I occupy?
This is all part of bullshit propaganda to displace people from knowing who they really are. they really are. The same bullshit that enable land to be stolen and then claim it can not be claim by it's rightful owner because we now are supposedly clueless as to what is what and who is who.
I would suggest you do some reading on the Dawes Roll and 5 dollar Indians
In the mean time enjoy some pics of Indians.


Do you know who Henry L. Gates is ? I wonder.
Hang on there smart guy. You pretty much declare that my "ownership" of property is protected by a central coercion based government, when that's not precise. It's more like a tenancy isn't it ?

Also, you'd need to be more specific in your question / argument for me to answer. Are you talking about any old native American Family or a family that could trace their ancestry to the exact spot I occupy?

I think you're scared as fuck of anybody who isn't white.

You would piss your fucking pants if a non white made eye contact with you.

You seem very interested in presenting an insult wrapped in machismo as some kind of an argument, which is why I don't think you're very bright.
"Your blood makes you guilty"...aren't ALL people related to one another if you go back far enough ? That's why I asked if there is a time limit and what it should be.

I'm not suggesting I can or should go back in time centuries and reconstruct a case for restitution, I wouldn't know how to do that or how I could interview dead people to ascertain who did what to who.

If somebody wants to enact revenge on me for what my ancestors may have done, that seems a little racist, if the basis of there claim is based on my race rather than on actions I didn't do and wasn't even alive when those events took place. It gets complicated doesn't it?

It's based on your recent, direct genetic lineage and the fact that you are still benefitting from their use of offensive force, not on your race.

Libertarianism isn't complicated, it's retarded.
Do you know who Henry L. Gates is ? I wonder.
I realize who he is. Is it because he is black I suppose to say. Damn Robbie you are right ?
Did you know Indians were referred to as Negros. You do know that Negro in Spanish and Portuguese means black, Deriving from the Latin word niger also meaning black. Portuguese colony of Brazil, Indians were called negros da terra which means Negros of the land. Blacks of the land.
It's based on your recent, direct genetic lineage and the fact that you are still benefitting from their use of offensive force, not on your race.

Libertarianism isn't complicated, it's retarded.

What if my ancestors were abolitionists ? Or slaves ? Or both ?
Hang on there smart guy. You pretty much declare that my "ownership" of property is protected by a central coercion based government, when that's not precise. It's more like a tenancy isn't it ?

I gave you the benefit of the doubt in this scenario by assuming that you own your own property. If you do own your own home, then it's nothing like a 'tenancy'. You can sell your Deeds to someone else as an owner only, not as a tenant.

Also, you'd need to be more specific in your question / argument for me to answer. Are you talking about any old native American Family or a family that could trace their ancestry to the exact spot I occupy?

Ok, specificity for you. The Native American family can trace their roots back to the exact spot you occupy. They move in when you're out somewhere. You support their use of 'defensive force' against any of your attempts at 'interacting' with them or trying to reclaim your house from them?

Ultimately though, would it matter who took your things from you? You should be against any form of government intervention in anything, because the whole setup is 'involuntary' (your words, not mine). Why should there be any laws protecting your property, but no laws protecting the rights of children?

Libertarians love to cherry pick self-serving government policy even though they 'hate' government.
I realize who he is. Is it because he is black I suppose to say. Damn Robbie you are right ?
Did you know Indians were referred to as Negros. You do know that Negro in Spanish and Portuguese means black, Deriving from the Latin word niger also meaning black. Portuguese colony of Brazil, Indians were called negros da terra which means Negros of the land. Blacks of the land.

Thanks for the Spanish lesson. It's been decades since Spanish 101.

So, anyhow since you mentioned people should be responsible for the actions of their ancestors, when will you be restituting your ancestors victims and about how far back will you go ? Are you responsible for any crimes committed by your white ancestors too? ,(assuming you might have some)
Thanks for the Spanish lesson. It's been decades since Spanish 101.

So, anyhow since you mentioned people should be responsible for the actions of their ancestors, when will you be restituting your ancestors victims and about how far back will you go ? Are you responsible for any crimes committed by your white ancestors too? ,(assuming you might have some)
Sorry guy I'm indigent to the land. I seek restitution from others for the wrong that has been done to my ancestor and continues today. Now when will you seek to give back your land to the rightful owners.
Yes, I'm aware of what you are saying. Certainly if I'm alive and the car thief is alive, I could get restituted. Unless of course if the car theft crime was committed by a government agent and involved an asset forfeiture, then kiss my car good bye.

However my question was more about if your ancestor committed a crime centuries ago, are you personally liable to restitute the ancestors of the victim of the crime?

"Your blood makes you guilty"...aren't ALL people related to one another if you go back far enough ? That's why I asked if there is a time limit and what it should be.

I'm not suggesting I can or should go back in time centuries and reconstruct a case for restitution, I wouldn't know how to do that or how I could interview dead people to ascertain who did what to who.

If somebody wants to enact revenge on me for what my ancestors may have done, that seems a little racist, if the basis of there claim is based on my race rather than on actions I didn't do and wasn't even alive when those events took place. It gets complicated doesn't it?

we all share 99% of the same DNA, it's the 1% which defines us.
What if my ancestors were abolitionists ? Or slaves ? Or both ?

What if the theif that stole your car was an abolitionist ? Or a slave ? Or both ?

Was that a brain fart? Are you saying if you have a certain identity or beliefs that you don't have to abide by the NAP?
I gave you the benefit of the doubt in this scenario by assuming that you own your own property. If you do own your own home, then it's nothing like a 'tenancy'. You can sell your Deeds to someone else as an owner only, not as a tenant.

Except people are really selling their tenancy and not actual ownership in that case, since the land carries a rent / tax and other prohibitions imposed by a central authority.

Ok, specificity for you. The Native American family can trace their roots back to the exact spot you occupy. They move in when you're out somewhere. You support their use of 'defensive force' against any of your attempts at 'interacting' with them or trying to reclaim your house from them?

Thank you for being specific. About how far back would a persons ancestry have to go, for their claim of ownership to be valid? For instance what if that Native American familys ancestors took it from somebody else one thousand years ago. what then ?

Ultimately though, would it matter who took your things from you? You should be against any form of government intervention in anything, because the whole setup is 'involuntary' (your words, not mine). Why should there be any laws protecting your property, but no laws protecting the rights of children?

I didn't say children shouldn't be protected. I've said people who CAN consent to something, can't possibly have their rights being protected if another party strips them of their right to self ownership. You and the jackals here, conflated that into something else. Derp.

Libertarians love to cherry pick self-serving government policy even though they 'hate' government.

I may address this another time, maybe. I'm a Voluntaryist, BTW.
"Your blood makes you guilty"...aren't ALL people related to one another if you go back far enough ? That's why I asked if there is a time limit and what it should be.

I'm not suggesting I can or should go back in time centuries and reconstruct a case for restitution, I wouldn't know how to do that or how I could interview dead people to ascertain who did what to who.

If somebody wants to enact revenge on me for what my ancestors may have done, that seems a little racist, if the basis of there claim is based on my race rather than on actions I didn't do and wasn't even alive when those events took place. It gets complicated doesn't it?

You never answered how you will get restitution for your stolen car. Are you planning on using offensive force?