Eye Hortilux DE/LED hybrid system

i'll take him being 99.8% right over your 0.2% exception which proves the rule.

no one wants shitty chinese LEDs. snake oil.

Oooh...a technical argument.....Dem chineez LEADS be racist and full of white light.

Literally the dumbest comment of the year, maybe ever in the LED threads, congrats.

Enlighten us to the "rule", as I believe you would have trouble calculating Watts, even if given the formula to work with.... so you might be out of your league a tad, super nice binary.....
Its so dead it is still the #1 best selling horticulture bulb world wide. Every commercial grow is using HPS. Every single one of them.
This is demonstrably not true. Some run 315W CMH and quite a few are slowly upgrading to various types of LED.

Where are you getting your information from? It's years out of date.
That's a strong statement, man. And difficult to swallow, because I would find it hard to believe that you had been to every commercial grow there is. Also, unless you think they're all just liars, you can find commercial LED grow ops on YouTube.
What do you mean You Tube Led commercial ops? Why would you even say something like that unless your just telling jokes?
Some people are able to build thousands of miles of oil or gas pipelines.
Why shouldn`t it be possible to build huge water pipelines to the deserts ?

Gaddafi of Lybia build a man made river, which was destroyed by NATO.

The Great Man-Made River (GMR, النهر الصناعي العظيم) is a network of pipes that supplies water to the Sahara in Libya, from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer. It is the world's largest irrigation project.[1]

According to its website, it is the largest underground network of pipes (2,820 kilometres (1,750 mi))[2] and aqueducts in the world. It consists of more than 1,300 wells, most more than 500 m deep, and supplies 6,500,000 m3 of fresh water per day to the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere. It is also the world's largest irrigation project.[3] The late Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi described it as the "Eighth Wonder of the World.".[4] But in 2011 it was damaged by NATO, due to which Libya is still facing water shortages.
it is the largest underground network of pipes

didn`t knew that - thanks for the info :clap: ...

...during the last weeks and months, several medias do report about refugees camps (african people on their way to Europe) in Lybia, to be overcrouded and in terrible conditions, similiar to those german concentration camps, that we know - since world war # 2.

they also report, that these conditions are initiated, payed and organized in "political" contracts - by italian administration

Germany in an EU parlarment accordance transfer billions of Euros to the turkey dictator Erdogan, to keep the refugees out of Europe.

The alternative of these poor people often is: to stay with their families - in war or desert, with or without water but allmost in a completely destructed infrastructure.

you seem to be a wise man....can you tell me a better solution, than to take the above mentioned money and use it for reconstruction of the "Eighth Wonder of the World" ?

this could create: millions of jobs for the refugees,
millions of acres of cultivations, - !!! food for Africa !!!
billions and billions of plants are a powerfull
"watercooling against climate change"
blinders = assuming all commercial grows use HPS

reality = understanding that while the vast majority of commercial grows still use HPS, the percentage of commercial gardens using LED is real and steadily increasing, ya know, like this thread about hortilux entering the LED market....