it is the largest underground network of pipes
didn`t knew that - thanks for the info

...during the last weeks and months, several medias do report about refugees camps (african people on their way to Europe) in Lybia, to be overcrouded and in terrible conditions, similiar to those german concentration camps, that we know - since world war # 2.
they also report, that these conditions are initiated, payed and organized in "political" contracts - by italian administration
Germany in an EU parlarment accordance transfer billions of Euros to the turkey dictator Erdogan, to keep the refugees out of Europe.
The alternative of these poor people often is: to stay with their families - in war or desert, with or without water but allmost in a completely destructed infrastructure.
you seem to be a wise man....can you tell me a better solution, than to take the above mentioned money and use it for reconstruction of the "Eighth Wonder of the World" ?
this could create: millions of jobs for the refugees,
millions of acres of cultivations, - !!! food for Africa !!!
billions and billions of plants are a powerfull
"watercooling against climate change"