Eye Hortilux DE/LED hybrid system

Depends on where you live, I suppose. It's not good news for people with beachfront property, in the tropics or those who depend on glaciers for drinking water.

No matter; Yellowstone will blow up soon, destroy the United States and will cause world-wide famines. Unless we build out the world's biggest geothermal power generation complex to draw out the heat and convert it into other forms, like electricity. Hmmmmmm... Sounds like 'incentive'!

If yellowstone blows itll kill every living thing on the surface of this planet within a year. I'll see you boys on Mars. Lol
If yellowstone blows itll kill every living thing on the surface of this planet within a year. I'll see you boys on Mars. Lol
I don't think so. The only thing that will kill every living thing on Earth is unlimited nuclear exchange.

Yellowstone has blown up every 640,000 years or so and it didn't even cause massive world-wide extinctions- or we'd have seen them in the fossil record.

Setting off several thousand nuclear weapons would leave only soil microbes and cockroaches to repopulate the Earth.
If the extreme hysterical theory on global warming is true humans will eradicate themselves. Problem solved! The earth will continue on with a new generation of abundant plant life. maybe another round of giant herbivores eating up all the co2 enhanced vegetation.

I don't think so. The only thing that will kill every living thing on Earth is unlimited nuclear exchange.

Yellowstone has blown up every 640,000 years or so and it didn't even cause massive world-wide extinctions- or we'd have seen them in the fossil record.

Setting off several thousand nuclear weapons would leave only soil microbes and cockroaches to repopulate the Earth.
If the extreme hysterical theory on global warming is true humans will eradicate themselves. Problem solved! The earth will continue on with a new generation of abundant plant life. maybe another round of giant herbivores eating up all the co2 enhanced vegetation.
Indeed, we're harming ourselves. Problem is, we're eradicating a large portion of the planet's biodiversity at the same time. Set aside the fact that 99.99% of all species on earth are now extinct, it poses a moral dilemma: do humans have the right to cause the next possible extinction event?

Well, whatever theory you subscribe to, we're already causing it. And ironically, we'll probably survive - we're one of the most adaptable species to evolve. But what kind of world do we want to evolve into?
"firefighter" actually has some method of "putting out the fire"

Of course everybody has the possibility to stop or slow down the big fire.
Big part of global population even hasn`t started yet, to burn fossiles, driving a car or producing electricity...................they are lucky to find clean drinking water .... and many just don`t.

40 years ago I passed a formation as a firefighter - and the first basic rule as a firefighter is:


Driving towards globalisation and overpopulation this will get harder in the future.

My suggestion would be to install a UNO fire-department !
Some people are able to build thousands of miles of oil or gas pipelines.
Why shouldn`t it be possible to build huge water pipelines to the deserts ?
There are dozens of powerfull national armies, millions of pioneers - able to contribute
infrastructure and training against the common enemy - the global warmup.

If you specially prefer it a little bit hotter - you are invited.
If you want to grow tomatoes or even weed in the arctic - you are invited,
but make shure to claim your garden by time, because millions of citizens,
specially coming from Hongkonk, Sidney, Johannisburg, Hamburg, Amsterdam, New York,
San Francisco, Lima, Rio and other New Orleaners will come along and tell you that 60 feet of rising sea level was too much to have a stable tomatoe grow.... after wasting billions and billions of tax money for useless flood dams. ??? are you crazy my friend ???

You think it can be a good idea to melt down glaciers and ice caps ?
Have you ever heard about ALBEDO-EFFECT ? one of the best sun protection ever ?

You don`t have any idea what kind of evolutional pressure you put on billions
of natural species from micro-algea to fish and ice bear..... ! and human beings.

You clearly lack any overview at all, and you are not the person who can tell us, what a firefighter is able or not.

In my country 70% of the insects dissapeared during the last 30 years... where are the birds ?
( ouuuups - sorry this is another building site - poison in industrial agriculture is not caused by climate change) we are working on a solution later...:sleep:

You can keep on rolling with your consumers, never ever thinking party and easy going happieness,

- but it`s a farewell-party - also for you.

Albert Einstein gives you 8 years after dead of the bees

- I give you 15-20 years, because I don`t like to kill your hope.
Of course everybody has the possibility to stop or slow down the big fire.
Big part of global population even hasn`t started yet, to burn fossiles, driving a car or producing electricity...................they are lucky to find clean drinking water .... and many just don`t.

40 years ago I passed a formation as a firefighter - and the first basic rule as a firefighter is:


Driving towards globalisation and overpopulation this will get harder in the future.

My suggestion would be to install a UNO fire-department !
Some people are able to build thousands of miles of oil or gas pipelines.
Why shouldn`t it be possible to build huge water pipelines to the deserts ?
There are dozens of powerfull national armies, millions of pioneers - able to contribute
infrastructure and training against the common enemy - the global warmup.

If you specially prefer it a little bit hotter - you are invited.
If you want to grow tomatoes or even weed in the arctic - you are invited,
but make shure to claim your garden by time, because millions of citizens,
specially coming from Hongkonk, Sidney, Johannisburg, Hamburg, Amsterdam, New York,
San Francisco, Lima, Rio and other New Orleaners will come along and tell you that 60 feet of rising sea level was too much to have a stable tomatoe grow.... after wasting billions and billions of tax money for useless flood dams. ??? are you crazy my friend ???

You think it can be a good idea to melt down glaciers and ice caps ?
Have you ever heard about ALBEDO-EFFECT ? one of the best sun protection ever ?

You don`t have any idea what kind of evolutional pressure you put on billions
of natural species from micro-algea to fish and ice bear..... ! and human beings.

You clearly lack any overview at all, and you are not the person who can tell us, what a firefighter is able or not.

In my country 70% of the insects dissapeared during the last 30 years... where are the birds ?
( ouuuups - sorry this is another building site - poison in industrial agriculture is not caused by climate change) we are working on a solution later...:sleep:

You can keep on rolling with your consumers, never ever thinking party and easy going happieness,

- but it`s a farewell-party - also for you.

Albert Einstein gives you 8 years after dead of the bees

- I give you 15-20 years, because I don`t like to kill your hope.
Yeah, right. Whatever dude.
Libya did this- under Qaddafi?

:peace: heavy stuff to answer it here - as long as the bulk of the money moves inside oil, gas and weapon industries, organized by a global vampire connection,
it does not seem possible for us to build a democratic, nonviolent, global leadership.

My personal answer is: " I am a mental weapon, of massive destruction.
my allies are time ... ! and the SUN :idea:.
I am master of desaster and fertility.

sounds like donald j. - but it`s under my artists` copyright - macias :shock:;)

but with a basic online (24h/365d -select and choose) democracy it could be thinkable
to transfer back the power to the people. I trust them more than most of our politicians.

All you need

I bought an 80L brandnew, electr. waterboiler with integrated heatexchanger
on ebay for only ~US$ 200,- fittings and shipping incl.
A built in anticorrosion magnesium diode and a 3 year warranty is worth the money.

Make shure to seperate the water, which is running through your lamp system
from the hot service water.

Huge, plastic (industriel ?) liquid containers, a metal coil and a little pump is all you need
for bigger growing sites like yours` .:weed:
Guess who blew it up? Yep, the good ol' USA!

:peace: Ahhm Sorry - with your permission !
Before USA blew it up - there was good ol EUROPE
selling a whole chemical-industry-unit to produce SARIN and other chem. weapons, together with all the other conventionel stuff like tanks and bulletshit...WE
first gave u the reason to blow up.
The profits R us - EUROPE FIRST:finger: - but you can keep your oil-snorkels in the desert sand -
we share this holy, greasy liquid for some crazy parties.
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HPS is dead technology. LED has finally reach the point where its only moderately more expensive up front. If you but a kit, what so hard about connecting a few wires, when you even get a wiring diagram? With the QB form factor changing color temp is no harder than changing a bulb, actually easier, no fragile glass to deal with. A QB board is cheaper than a quality bulb and hasn't lost 25% of its output in 6 months, give directional light that you'd have to buy expensive hoods to gain some of, negating the so called price savings of HPS.

HPS, especially with them old inefficient magnetic ballasts is dead technology. Yes you can still haul a load with a model T pickup..... but it doesn't make sense. It will be around a while yet, but you can see the writing on the wall.

And efficiency had better be on everyone's minds. The newest ideas in regulating them nasty cannabis growers is to tax them based on how much electricity they waste.......

I actually ran this system back in 2015. I had a mix of cobs, and 1000k SE HPS XXXL raptor hoods.

I was still using the greentrees, cause the heat makes you go though water fast.

anyways, I didn't see much change in yield/quality. TBH: I would just run DE's; I still think DE's are the best for anything more then 10x10sf canopy.

when I changed to LED/CMH I thought I found a nice combo. IMHO, if you want pretty flowers a CMH will bring out color, dunno why it just has for me.

don't bulbs have the EPA deal expiring too, hazardous waste disposal fee due a purchase. its like $13 bucks. CA will like rape you for like $30 lol.

google it, ends this year. its for all gas(HID(FL)) type bulbs.

one more thing, find some magnetic ballasts, everyone is looking for them right now, bet tthey start making them again.
And vinyl records still sold like hotcakes after CDs came out........ then what happened. Tell me this in 5 years. And if its still so great, why did Gavita sell its HPS business to get into LED hmm?

Its so dead it is still the #1 best selling horticulture bulb world wide. Every commercial grow is using HPS. Every single one of them.
Actually a good buddy of mine owns a couple vinyl-only record stores...they're doing great and he's definitely not poor but only because nerds like to collect old shit.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about boxer bro he's just burnt that he bought CREE @$40 and can't seem to get over it.

It's okay @a mongo frog, if it makes you feel any better I jumped in @$42.

I dont know about "dead technology", but I can tell you for sure the folks who run facilities are hard-headed! First you have to trust the technology, then you have to find someone experienced with the technology to run the thing! There are hundreds of gifted growers in CA with years of large-scale HPS grows under their belt that you wouldnt mind giving the keys to your million dollar investment. LED growers? Not so much.

And vinyl records still sold like hotcakes after CDs came out........ then what happened. Tell me this in 5 years. And if its still so great, why did Gavita sell its HPS business to get into LED hmm?