If you're not careful with CO2 it will do more harm than good. You can't exactly just blindly pump a tank of CO2 into the tent or keep chunks of dry ice sitting around, its best to use a CO2 ppm meter and adjustable regulator with a tank, which are all relatively costly. There is a lot of misinformation out there in regards to CO2 enrichment. There are optimal levels and above optimal levels, no beneficial effects will be seen. I'm not saying CO2 doesn't work, it just has to be done right.
Because you're using soil I would recommend three things, other than the obvious
LST, Topping, etc.
A quality Mycorrhizal fungi inoculant (ie. MYKES) will work wonders, especially when combined with Molasses or another source of carbohydrates. Mycorrhizae can increase the bidirectional carbon movement in plants by as much as 20% and increase yield by approximately the same percentage.
Pure Humic Acid (PHA) or Pure Fulvic Acid powder which are recognized as the single most productive inputs for sustainable agriculture. I'm aware fulvic acid is already present in the Advanced Nutrients formulas you already use, and like anything else humic and fulvic acid can be overused, but in my experience, they can be used in much higher quantities than often present in pre-mixed nutrient formulas. Stay away from bottled humic acid made from Leonardite like "Humax" and just be sure to keep an eye on Ph. That will tell you if you're overdoing it.
Soluble Silica such as Potassium Silicate (or even a small amount of Diatomaceous earth lightly tilled into the surface of the soil seems to have benefits in my experience). I believe Advanced nutrients has a Silica product available but I'm not too familiar with it.
1 gram per watt is definitely
bullshit. Not only does yield depend greatly on many other factors,
wattage does not determine lumen output of a light. Grams per lumen is a more accurate measurement, but even that is nothing close to a guarantee.