Random Jabber Jibber thread

i was sitting at a stop light today in my wife's prius when a couple in a jeep drove up next to me flipping me off before puling slightly ahead of me. i pulled forward a little so i could talk to them, put on a big smile and waved at them.

they called me a "prius fag" and kept flipping me off. the scrawny dude who was driving asked me if i wanted to be missing some teeth (he himself was missing several teeth). so i said yes and got out of the car. they must not have expected me to be 6'3'', 210, and in shape. poor little meth head sped off.

i have no idea what their problem with fuel efficient cars may have been.
For some reason, I always pictured you with 12-pack abs... :P
Every time I recommend this video mini series, I end up watching it all again. It's a PBS series entitled The Brain with Dr. David Eagleman. It is amazing and so fun to watch; the pacing, the camera work, the music, and the cgi all come together with David's genius narrative to teach volumes of neuroscience and cognitive science in less than six hours. This, the third video in the series demonstrates that who we are and how we live our lives, from the decisions that we make to our belief systems, is not chosen by our conscious minds. It is the result of processes we don't have access to, while our consciousness convinces us that it (we) is in control. Fascinating.
In large part, studying this kind of data for the last decade or so led to me giving up my belief of one of my favorite illusions, free will. So if you really enjoy that concept, you may want to avoid this series. Seekers, proceed with caution...

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@ANC - have you been taking flying lessons?

Man flies over South Africa using 100 balloons strapped to camping chair


South African adventurer ANC flew over South Africa in a stunt reminiscent of the movie "Up"

A South African adventurer just pulled off a stunt straight out of the Pixar movie “Up,” flying across South Africa in a camping chair suspended by 100 balloons.
Only because you'd get arrested if you tried that shit anywhere else.
In 1982 in Los Angeles Lawn Chair Larry did just that straying into the LAX TCA area. He was immediately arrested on touch down. Apparently he did not visit the local FSS for winds aloft data or he would have known he would not make his planned Mojave destination.

In 1982 in Los Angeles Lawn Chair Larry did just that straying into the LAX TCA area. He was immediately arrested on touch down. Apparently he did not visit the local FSS for winds aloft data or he would have known he would not make his planned Mojave destination.


Kinda reminds me of this moron who crashed into the upper deck during the post game show after the Steelers played the Baltimore Colts in the playoffs in Dec. 1976.

He had been buzzing the stadium for a few minutes and boom. (10 minutes after the end of the game.)

Kinda reminds me of this moron who crashed into the upper deck during the post game show after the Steelers played the Baltimore Colts in the playoffs in Dec. 1976.

He had been buzzing the stadium for a few minutes and boom. (10 minutes after the end of the game.)

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LOL at least he had a pilot's license they could take!
@ANC - have you been taking flying lessons?

Man flies over South Africa using 100 balloons strapped to camping chair


South African adventurer ANC flew over South Africa in a stunt reminiscent of the movie "Up"

A South African adventurer just pulled off a stunt straight out of the Pixar movie “Up,” flying across South Africa in a camping chair suspended by 100 balloons.
