Pain Disorder: Will marijuana help?


Active Member
Hello. Posting this thread for a friend. She has been diagnosed with pain disorder. She's asking if this can help her. I'm not so sure about this because I'm afraid that this could lead to an addictive behavior later on.
While I am not a medical doctor I can offer some advice.

In my opinion, Cannabis isn't a highly effective treatment for chronic pain, especially if its caused by psychological stress (which pain disorder is thought to be caused by).

If however, your friend does decide to use Cannabis as a way of managing pain, I would recommend strains or extracts high in CBDA consumed by a means other than smoking. CBDA, according to my research, has the most significant analgesic properties of the phytocannabinoids found in Cannabis. Most strains contain very low levels of this Cannabinoid and, upon smoking or vaping, it is decarboxylated to CBD, which does not appear to have the same properties as an Analgesic. Cannabidiolic acid as a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory component in cannabis.
While I am not a medical doctor I can offer some advice.

In my opinion, Cannabis isn't a highly effective treatment for chronic pain, especially if its caused by psychological stress (which pain disorder is thought to be caused by).

If however, your friend does decide to use Cannabis as a way of managing pain, I would recommend strains or extracts high in CBDA consumed by a means other than smoking. CBDA, according to my research, has the most significant analgesic properties of the phytocannabinoids found in Cannabis. Most strains contain very low levels of this Cannabinoid and, upon smoking or vaping, it is decarboxylated to CBD, which does not appear to have the same properties as an Analgesic. Cannabidiolic acid as a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory component in cannabis.

Thank you for your information. We are all looking into different possibilities in helping her. Just to let you know, I have come to this site -- and they provide online therapy for different types of mental health issues. We want to give this a try.
Well to be honest yes marijuana can lead to addiction, I smoked 4 grams a day for 10 years; I was self medicating for anxiety and it did help, but after two episodes of cannabis induced psychosis I cut down to a gram a day, now I just micro dose smoking just 0.1 grams of hash a day. Not thc is not going to help with chronic pain, however it may help with stress if you think their might be a connection. I will say this I would much rather smoke pot than take pain pills which are usually addictive themselves and far more dangerous than pot.
In my opinion, Yes Marijuana can cure Pain disorder. But, you have to firstly choose the best marijuana strains which can cure this problem. As there are many marijuana strains which can cure many problems. Some of the strains like lemon skunk, purple pineberry, willie nelson can cure problems like stress, Depression and Anxiety.

So, Firstly choose the Best Marijuana Strain which can cure friend's Pain Disorder.
Hope your friend will get well soon.
Thank you for your information. We are all looking into different possibilities in helping her. Just to let you know, I have come to this site -- and they provide online therapy for different types of mental health issues. We want to give this a try.

Does she get any exercise? A lot of pain, especially people sitting in an office all day, can be remedied by joining a gym.

Shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain, wrist pain, arm pain.. Too many people sit on their ass and eat food and get no exercise. I am not trying to be a prick but I have seen it and personally experienced it. Our muscles are so important along with skeleton.
I suffer from painful inflammation and without marijuana it's worse. Hundreds of thousands of patients in my state use cannabis for their pain. Physicians know, admit and suggest trying it here for pain. I'm able to stop using and have but I need ibuprofen daily to half treat my issues. People die daily from daily ibuprofen use since released and nobody has died in history from cannabis use. I made a good decision to grow my own and help others who cannot, to treat several conditions including my own pain .
I suffer from painful inflammation and without marijuana it's worse. Hundreds of thousands of patients in my state use cannabis for their pain. Physicians know, admit and suggest trying it here for pain. I'm able to stop using and have but I need ibuprofen daily to half treat my issues. People die daily from daily ibuprofen use since released and nobody has died in history from cannabis use. I made a good decision to grow my own and help others who cannot, to treat several conditions including my own pain .

There really needs to be pills or a better delivery to help people. I would really like to see this opiod pain relief shit shot down.

A single family has much of the legal opiod market cornered and they are billionaires.
There really needs to be pills or a better delivery to help people. I would really like to see this opiod pain relief shit shot down.

A single family has much of the legal opiod market cornered and they are billionaires.

cannabis can be made into edibles for a long lasting pain killing effect. I vaporize, smoke joints, pipes too. Patients make capsules filled with active ingredients for ease of dosing.

Big Pharma has gone full circle. they brought us heroin and cocaine now they bring it again ! IN what world would it be acceptable to dose children with methamphetamines? for nail biting, attention span deficits, etc......ours silly, only our current world accepts this.
If I was searching for cocaine supply in the US I'd look into the only (dea sanctioned)business allowed to import tons (literally) of coca leaves yearly.
When Bayer began testing the drug on its workers in the late 1890s, they loved it (no surprise) and said it made them feel heroic—”heroisch.” At the time, the term was used to refer to any particularly strong drug, and even before its effects were well understood, heroin’s strength was readily apparent. Hence, Bayer trademarked “Heroin” and began marketing it worldwide.

As heroin’s legal status began changing in the previous decade, addicts in New York City began collecting and selling scrap metal to support themselves and their habit. They spent their days scavenging junk and thus were called junkies.