wrecked my damn car


well, i got drunk at our local bar last night.... blacked out on the way home, put the car in the woods.... car is totalled... and i think i broke my foot... waiting on my grandpa to bring me to the hospital. fuck:sad:


Well-Known Member
I know it sucks, but, at least you didn't get a DWI....
I have had a broken foot....ouch!
Hope it all works out for you.
well, i got drunk at our local bar last night.... blacked out on the way home, put the car in the woods.... car is totalled... and i think i broke my foot... waiting on my grandpa to bring me to the hospital. fuck:sad:


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to my buddy, he got arrested with a DUI, he flipped the thing and got the worst shiner. Were the cops involved?


same thing happened to my buddy, he got arrested with a DUI, he flipped the thing and got the worst shiner. Were the cops involved?

hell no, no cops.... i walked 10miles home and only saw one car... wife got the car towed home.


New Member
I just think you deserve to get your license taken away ... If you drank and drove once, why wouldn't you do it again? Next time it's gonna be like ... 'Well, I won't get as drunk as I did last time... I'll make sure I'm more sober this time when I drive...'

Not only are you putting yourself in danger when you drink and drive, but you're risking taking another innocent life just because you choose to get wasted. Alcohol is a really stupid thing to get in trouble for. I'm sorry about your broken foot and such.. But I'm just sayin.


Well-Known Member
totalled car and broke foot not enough for ya....

when the car is replaced and foot is healed you'll do it again.. You wont learn till you get caught... Its how humans act .. once you take a sip of booze all logic goes out the window .. Im an Ex Drunk.. never a dui.. Just learned the hard way and I said a prayer for you that you dont have to learn the hard way


New Member
when the car is replaced and foot is healed you'll do it again.. You wont learn till you get caught... Its how humans act .. once you take a sip of booze all logic goes out the window .. Im an Ex Drunk.. never a dui.. Just learned the hard way and I said a prayer for you that you dont have to learn the hard way
You got it. :clap:


Well-Known Member
NO NO NO Vette....
He doesn't need the fucked up court system to teach him anything...The only thing a court is good for is taking your money....

Im sorry Sunny . I disagree,, He is a Parent .... what kind of example is this setting ... If the cops would have came he would have to pay the piper .. and the LESSON would be learned .. He got away with it ... No lesson learned .. When your a parent I think you should act like one .. IMO.. Drink at home If one must drink Till they ""BLACKOUT""


Well-Known Member
haha wow i think u shouldnt drink and drive again...haha idk wat im sayin ive been drinking and driving 4 eight years and hav not crashed but i went 2 jail once tho ha!!


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I am the only one that doesn't get it. I don't think ANY judicial system is a good representation to make someone 'learn a lesson'
Life experience is where lessons are learned....just sayin'


Well-Known Member
hopefully this is your wakeup call, cars are costly and noone else hurt. I'd take that as a sign not to drive like that.


Well-Known Member
when the car is replaced and foot is healed you'll do it again.. You wont learn till you get caught... Its how humans act .. once you take a sip of booze all logic goes out the window .. Im an Ex Drunk.. never a dui.. Just learned the hard way and I said a prayer for you that you dont have to learn the hard way

so you quit without getting in trouble but he can't? i don't get it.

i quit drinking when i spun my honda on the freeway at 110 mph. spun around about 5 times across 4 lanes of traffic. i made my exit and only took out my fog lights. i haven't gone over 80 or drank behind the wheel since. :-P:clap: