Eye Hortilux DE/LED hybrid system

For the record I show a large time line that shows we are on course and nothing is wrong... You provide cherry picked graph that cuts off all the highs showing that we are normal as normal can be. That's why GW nutters should not be taken serious with their junk science. You gave partial information, just enough to not be accurate at all but kinda seem like you are.... but your not.

Bye~ =D
Just keep watching. The planet will keep warming and you'll still be wrong.
Water cooling the chips is great Idea, my next buy I would like to have this option. I have changed over from DE HPS's to LEDS and one of the benefits I have lost in the trade is the ability to heat my house with the waste heat from my hps's. I am now paying for heat. So the next chips I buy I hope to have a hybrid pin air cool / water cooling block . I would really like to start using Grow room heat to warm the house again.
Every one of your assertions is wrong.

I win... Look i'm a religions man made GW nutter!

Oh and for the record, when it comes to science you don't measure temperatures one way then change the technology to make these measurements and call it "the same." That's not how science works, everyone knows this. Yes, temps have been rising for hundreds of years at near the same rate, measured by some guy with a mercury thermometer nailed to a tree or by NASA done from space.

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Science proves man made global warming wrong at every step, it's actually funny...
Bro, we know you killed the dinosaurs with your electricity gobbling indoor grow lights ;-)
Water cooling the chips is great Idea, my next buy I would like to have this option. I have changed over from DE HPS's to LEDS and one of the benefits I have lost in the trade is the ability to heat my house with the waste heat from my hps's. I am now paying for heat. So the next chips I buy I hope to have a hybrid pin air cool / water cooling block . I would really like to start using Grow room heat to warm the house again.
There are a few tricks to it but it works great.
Well I can't really see a grow store catering to the DIY crowd? And the quality pre-built units carry a lot of sticker shock; I think they're more for the informed internet shopper than for someone who's browsing the lighting section of a local B&M.

The market needs a low-cost, quality, pre-built, LED light. With good marketing.
A few stores are selling allot of Fluence Spyders where I live. Glad they're at least selling a good light & peeps are getting the results they hoped for w/. Might open the doors for more on the future.
A few tried Kind & CLW & were highly disappointed.
One store tried to get me to get them the SunCloaks but The owner wasn't interested in selling to the grow stores. Guess he'd have to drop his price for them or raise it for us.
transfers it to the room.

Maybe I'm wrong =)

:peace: - yes you are wrong

I transfer it to my heat exchanger and use the hot water in my bathroom and kitchen.
I live with my girl in a 3 room flat with oil central heating.
Normally we consume ~ 25m³ / year of hot water, measured by a hot water clock.

Now with my ~ 330W watercooled led light system I can produce ~80L of hot water / day (29m³ / year).
The money, I can save on my hot water bill is more or less the money I have to pay for the consumed electricity of my led light ( 1800KWH / year).

Apart of the cost neutral set up - the most important aspect is the lower fuel consumption of the central heating system.

And yes - watercooled led light is a mighty tool to combate
high junction led temps. ! and room temps. --- !!! AND CLIMATE CHANGE

He's pointing out that water cooling creates
@ttystikk - thanks nobody can tell it better...
Just take out the heat, where it is an issue and transfer it to the place where you can use it.


You know there are thousands of scientists that don't believe in man made global warming right??? maybe I should make a dumb face too...

I imagine a firefighter refusing to connect the hoses, because he first want to discuss whether
the reason for the burning house is a natural lightning storm or the burning cigarette of the sleeping owner. --- your face is the same and dumb enough - thank you

You and your 1000 experts forgot to touch the cook plate when you were young....
stupid boys... ignoring the heat of fire...

--- Wish you a nice, private...burnt or flooded house :fire:
you would benefit the environment much more by getting off of


:peace: - yes you are wrong

I transfer it to my heat exchanger and use the hot water in my bathroom and kitchen.
I live with my girl in a 3 room flat with oil central heating.
Normally we consume ~ 25m³ / year of hot water, measured by a hot water clock.

Now with my ~ 330W watercooled led light system I can produce ~80L of hot water / day (29m³ / year).
The money, I can save on my hot water bill is more or less the money I have to pay for the consumed electricity of my led light ( 1800KWH / year).

Apart of the cost neutral set up - the most important aspect is the lower fuel consumption of the central heating system.

And yes - watercooled led light is a mighty tool to combate
high junction led temps. ! and room temps. --- !!! AND CLIMATE CHANGE

@ttystikk - thanks nobody can tell it better...
Just take out the heat, where it is an issue and transfer it to the place where you can use it.


I imagine a firefighter refusing to connect the hoses, because he first want to discuss whether
the reason for the burning house is a natural lightning storm or the burning cigarette of the sleeping owner. --- your face is the same and dumb enough - thank you

You and your 1000 experts forgot to touch the cook plate when you were young....
stupid boys... ignoring the heat of fire...

--- Wish you a nice, private...burnt or flooded house :fire:
Automobiles are the biggest problem. If the 500 million Solandra(not sure about spelling) basically swindled the American people out of was spent on either advancing Graphine or a Hemp based ultra capacitor we could seriously have reduced CO2 admissions. Im not a fan of nuclear power. Coal is fine with carbon reclaimation. We could actually switch over to renewable energy as well with an abundant supply of ultra capacitors that can be charged and discharged millions of times and pretty much instantly charged and discharged as well...... The military industrial prison complex is the enemy and the war on climate change is being used to further a globelist elite agenda.

Graphine is old news.
Once upon a time a bunch of scientists said there was a big hole in the ozone layer and that it was caused by chlorofluorocarbons generated by human activity and was getting bigger each year and so the world took notice and quickly phased out CFCs and the hole stopped getting bigger and now it is getting smaller.


Now a bunch of scientists are telling us human industrial activity has pumped into our atmosphere an amount of greenhouse gas the equivalent of burning a forest the size of the USA EVERY YEAR FOR THE PAST 200 YEARS and that these gases make our atmosphere thicker which prevents the earth from cooling and get absorbed by the oceans which makes them more acidic and a bunch of people who are not scientists want to believe this has had absolutely no effect whatsoever and that we can continue to pump as much shit into our atmosphere as we like from here on end and with no ill-effects and 8 billion people which will be 11 billion people in 80 years time can live happily ever after because the trees we keep cutting down will eat it all up.

Whatever bro i like budies story more it makes me feel better about driving my v8 lift'd n' smokestack'd micropeen enhancer.

Usa forever new years is january first shoot guns eat pussy yee haw!

Once upon a time a bunch of scientists said there was a big hole in the ozone layer and that it was caused by chlorofluorocarbons generated by human activity and was getting bigger each year and so the world took notice and quickly phased out CFCs and the hole stopped getting bigger and now it is getting smaller.


Now a bunch of scientists are telling us human industrial activity has pumped into our atmosphere an amount of greenhouse gas the equivalent of burning a forest the size of the USA EVERY YEAR FOR THE PAST 200 YEARS and that these gases make our atmosphere thicker which prevents the earth from cooling and get absorbed by the oceans which makes them more acidic and a bunch of people who are not scientists want to believe this has had absolutely no effect whatsoever and that we can continue to pump as much shit into our atmosphere as we like from here on end and with no ill-effects and 8 billion people which will be 11 billion people in 80 years time can live happily ever after because the trees we keep cutting down will eat it all up.

I can't believe you stooped to claiming "thousands of scientist." You know there are thousands of scientists that don't believe in man made global warming right??? maybe I should make a dumb face too...

Yes, thousands and thousands of scientists have seen the evidence and have come to their own conclusion that indeed global warming is happening and that the likelihood of it being human caused is overwhelming.

The only ones who say no are either on the payroll of corporations who have a vested interest in climate change denial or they're dead, as in the case of Dr. William Gray. Even then, his assertions have been thoroughly investigated, exhaustively peer reviewed and found to be baseless.

I'll say that again; THOUSANDS OF SCIENTISTS. Easily hundreds within a 100km radius of my current location at world respected research facilities including but not limited to; the CSU Atmospheric Sciences Department, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), National Standards Institute, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and many, many more.

Next you're going to try to tell us that the Earth is flat...
:peace: - yes you are wrong

I transfer it to my heat exchanger and use the hot water in my bathroom and kitchen.
I live with my girl in a 3 room flat with oil central heating.
Normally we consume ~ 25m³ / year of hot water, measured by a hot water clock.

Now with my ~ 330W watercooled led light system I can produce ~80L of hot water / day (29m³ / year).
The money, I can save on my hot water bill is more or less the money I have to pay for the consumed electricity of my led light ( 1800KWH / year).

Apart of the cost neutral set up - the most important aspect is the lower fuel consumption of the central heating system.

And yes - watercooled led light is a mighty tool to combate
high junction led temps. ! and room temps. --- !!! AND CLIMATE CHANGE

@ttystikk - thanks nobody can tell it better...
Just take out the heat, where it is an issue and transfer it to the place where you can use it.


I imagine a firefighter refusing to connect the hoses, because he first want to discuss whether
the reason for the burning house is a natural lightning storm or the burning cigarette of the sleeping owner. --- your face is the same and dumb enough - thank you

You and your 1000 experts forgot to touch the cook plate when you were young....
stupid boys... ignoring the heat of fire...

--- Wish you a nice, private...burnt or flooded house :fire:
What temperature does your water system run at? I think this is a brilliant use of an otherwise wasted resource!
Whatever bro i like budies story more it makes me feel better about driving my v8 lift'd n' smokestack'd micropeen enhancer.

Usa forever new years is january first shoot guns eat pussy yee haw!
You and I and 8 billion others can keep polluting as much as we like. It makes no difference to the environment. Apparently.

And what would scientists know anyway? It's not like they've sent rockets to the moon or anything . . .
I imagine a firefighter refusing to connect the hoses, because he first want to discuss whether
the reason for the burning house is a natural lightning storm or the burning cigarette of the sleeping owner. --- your face is the same and dumb enough - thank you
TBH, that is a really terrible analogy. It assumes the "firefighter" actually has some method of "putting out the fire" I.E, some way of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, when in actuality he has no "hose" and is merely being asked to put out his cigarette.

I look at this whole thing from a different perspective - the question of whether it's man caused or not, or even if it actually is occurring or not is really not the question that should be asked. What we should be asking is whether or not a slightly warmer planet is desirable or undesirable? Or restated this way - as a whole, is the planet better off with permanent ice caps which advance and recede over much of the northern hemisphere in regular 40,000 year cycles, causing cyclical flooding and draining of coastal areas, or is it better off with just seasonal ice caps, a wider tropic zone, a wider temperate zone (more arid land in northern latitudes) and stable ocean levels higher than they are now (60 feet is the number often thrown out)? Sci-Fi writers Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven actually explored this idea in the book "Fallen Angels".
TBH, that is a really terrible analogy. It assumes the "firefighter" actually has some method of "putting out the fire" I.E, some way of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, when in actuality he has no "hose" and is merely being asked to put out his cigarette.

I look at this whole thing from a different perspective - the question of whether it's man caused or not, or even if it actually is occurring or not is really not the question that should be asked. What we should be asking is whether or not a slightly warmer planet is desirable or undesirable? Or restated this way - as a whole, is the planet better off with permanent ice caps which advance and recede over much of the northern hemisphere in regular 40,000 year cycles, causing cyclical flooding and draining of coastal areas, or is it better off with just seasonal ice caps, a wider tropic zone, a wider temperate zone (more arid land in northern latitudes) and stable ocean levels higher than they are now (60 feet is the number often thrown out)? Sci-Fi writers Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven actually explored this idea in the book "Fallen Angels".
Don't you go questioning people's lies buddy, its rude. Lol:blsmoke:
TBH, that is a really terrible analogy. It assumes the "firefighter" actually has some method of "putting out the fire" I.E, some way of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, when in actuality he has no "hose" and is merely being asked to put out his cigarette.

I look at this whole thing from a different perspective - the question of whether it's man caused or not, or even if it actually is occurring or not is really not the question that should be asked. What we should be asking is whether or not a slightly warmer planet is desirable or undesirable? Or restated this way - as a whole, is the planet better off with permanent ice caps which advance and recede over much of the northern hemisphere in regular 40,000 year cycles, causing cyclical flooding and draining of coastal areas, or is it better off with just seasonal ice caps, a wider tropic zone, a wider temperate zone (more arid land in northern latitudes) and stable ocean levels higher than they are now (60 feet is the number often thrown out)? Sci-Fi writers Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven actually explored this idea in the book "Fallen Angels".
Depends on where you live, I suppose. It's not good news for people with beachfront property, in the tropics or those who depend on glaciers for drinking water.

No matter; Yellowstone will blow up soon, destroy the United States and will cause world-wide famines. Unless we build out the world's biggest geothermal power generation complex to draw out the heat and convert it into other forms, like electricity. Hmmmmmm... Sounds like 'incentive'!