the best/funnies job u ever had


Well-Known Member
haha i used to work for a boat building company that was slowly going under and by the time i left we had no work on. oh the mahem!
haha one day we had new forman start and i we were all doing nothin just fooling around doing shids in a puddle of diesal on the tractor on th factory floor and any way i came up with the bright idea of lightin a fire haha.
i put a little bit of methalated spirits in an aliminuim pipe an lit it, it mad a cool sucksion sound so i filled the pipe to the top wit meths and lit it. well this time it started to get out of control and the forman came out of nowhere a distracted him for a little than i looked over a boat an it was splurging fames about 5ft into the air so i kind of had to point it out befor it got worse. he tipped it over not relising there was diesal on the floor haha a large area of the factory floor was on fire pepole were running for the extenguishs and all i could do was piss myself laughing along with my work mate who i used to get up to shinanagins with.
i think the following week he was taking a boat to th painters and it fell of is trailer on the main road haha started a bit of a traffic jam. that was my funnest job cause it was all play no work


Well-Known Member
haha i used to work for a boat building company that was slowly going under and by the time i left we had no work on. oh the mahem!
haha one day we had new forman start and i we were all doing nothin just fooling around doing shids in a puddle of diesal on the tractor on th factory floor and any way i came up with the bright idea of lightin a fire haha.
i put a little bit of methalated spirits in an aliminuim pipe an lit it, it mad a cool sucksion sound so i filled the pipe to the top wit meths and lit it. well this time it started to get out of control and the forman came out of nowhere a distracted him for a little than i looked over a boat an it was splurging fames about 5ft into the air so i kind of had to point it out befor it got worse. he tipped it over not relising there was diesal on the floor haha a large area of the factory floor was on fire pepole were running for the extenguishs and all i could do was piss myself laughing along with my work mate who i used to get up to shinanagins with.
i think the following week he was taking a boat to th painters and it fell of is trailer on the main road haha started a bit of a traffic jam. that was my funnest job cause it was all play no work

this thread is starting out really well i hope more people add


Well-Known Member
Im currently working at the funniest job I think Ill ever do. Im a gardner. Illegals are my competition, which isnt really anything since our company is insured and we enrolled in workmans comp. We mow, hedge, weed bank repossessed homes for the bank. I work 6-10 days monthly racking about 5-8gs. Its pretty laid back and definitely worth it.


Well-Known Member
the last job i had was terrible...but had some of the funniest moments ever. i was working in a call center doing inbound customer service for capital one credit cards. there are some really DUMB ASS people out like the one guy who said "now, i realize i dont always pay my bill on time, but im really getting sick of these late fees!" hahaha or this one day my best friend was arguing with a customer about how the letter "D" is not a number...its a letter...fuckin priceless


Well-Known Member
hahahaah I have one.
dude...want some pointers on how to fuck with them? lol u can call and ask them to lower your interest rate...if you're a good customer and you're "retainable" they'll do it to keep ur business...and if you have an annual membership fee on the card u can try and get it waived by threatening to close ur account...if ur retainable...they'll waive it. oh man...theres lots of things...cap one is the most fucked up credit company ever. they deserve to have customers fuck with them a


Well-Known Member
i nvr had a good job..but i did post some computer services on craigslist a longtime ago and all i did wuz stay home and fix computers and toke sum sweet herb


Junior Creatologist
dude...want some pointers on how to fuck with them? lol u can call and ask them to lower your interest rate...if you're a good customer and you're "retainable" they'll do it to keep ur business...and if you have an annual membership fee on the card u can try and get it waived by threatening to close ur account...if ur retainable...they'll waive it. oh man...theres lots of things...cap one is the most fucked up credit company ever. they deserve to have customers fuck with them a
FUCK CAPITAL ONE. i maxed that card the fuck out in a day n never paid that shit back. fuck a credit score, my wifes is perfect :D
s'why im growin now. Fuck a job. long as i pay her bills, i could give a fuck less bout my own credit score, but yeah FUCK CAPITAL ONE


Well-Known Member
FUCK CAPITAL ONE. i maxed that card the fuck out in a day n never paid that shit back. fuck a credit score, my wifes is perfect :D
s'why im growin now. Fuck a job. long as i pay her bills, i could give a fuck less bout my own credit score, but yeah FUCK CAPITAL ONE
You can say that shit now But what if she divorces you .. and you wanna get something,, LIKE A HOUSE,CAR, CELL, LOAN, without your credit being straight or at least close you'll never get anywhere.. you'll rent forever and drive shitty cars ,,, I thought like that when I was 18..... Im a lot older now .. Learn from my mistakes .. pay your bills .. they will catch up to you ... when you least expect it .. It took me 20 years of hard work to fix 4 yrs of careless living..


Well-Known Member
You can say that shit now But what if she divorces you .. and you wanna get something,, LIKE A HOUSE,CAR, CELL, LOAN, without your credit being straight or at least close you'll never get anywhere.. you'll rent forever and drive shitty cars ,,, I thought like that when I was 18..... Im a lot older now .. Learn from my mistakes .. pay your bills .. they will catch up to you ... when you least expect it .. It took me 20 years of hard work to fix 4 yrs of careless living..
find another girl?


Well-Known Member
You can say that shit now But what if she divorces you .. and you wanna get something,, LIKE A HOUSE,CAR, CELL, LOAN, without your credit being straight or at least close you'll never get anywhere.. you'll rent forever and drive shitty cars ,,, I thought like that when I was 18..... Im a lot older now .. Learn from my mistakes .. pay your bills .. they will catch up to you ... when you least expect it .. It took me 20 years of hard work to fix 4 yrs of careless living..
haha niice this is y i stay single


Well-Known Member
I have done a lot of different jobs....
Went to college, got my BA, dental hygienist. Hated that so much, couldn't take it anymore after a couple of years...
Bought a lunch wagon....loved it, loved it so much I bought a pizzeria....failed at that, hard.
Popped locks, autos and homes....okay but the tire changes got to me...
Now, medical transcription....great stoner job.
Out of all my jobs I have to say the lunch wagon was my favorite. Every Friday I would empty out the cold side and fill it with beer. I would do my breakfast rounds and then in the afternoon I would go to my largest site and drink beer with the guys for the rest of the day, my way of saying thank you for being loyal....If I could do it all over again, I would of stayed with my lunch wagon, those were the days....Construction workers rock!


Well-Known Member
I have done a lot of different jobs....
Went to college, got my BA, dental hygienist. Hated that so much, couldn't take it anymore after a couple of years...
Bought a lunch wagon....loved it, loved it so much I bought a pizzeria....failed at that, hard.
Popped locks, autos and homes....okay but the tire changes got to me...
Now, medical transcription....great stoner job.
Out of all my jobs I have to say the lunch wagon was my favorite. Every Friday I would empty out the cold side and fill it with beer. I would do my breakfast rounds and then in the afternoon I would go to my largest site and drink beer with the guys for the rest of the day, my way of saying thank you for being loyal....If I could do it all over again, I would of stayed with my lunch wagon, those were the days....Construction workers rock!
Im a construction worker.. Well I work sometimes ..I own the company