Black/white poly Question


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about a new grow after about four years of inaction. I'm seriously contemplating ripping down the mylar that was used previously...It looks dirty and quite possibly moldy(?) and the prospect of cleaning it just does not appeal to me. So, I thought I'd give black/white poly a try.

Any suggestions for the best way to attach it to ply wood walls? Staples? Two sided tape? I'm lazy and not much of a handyperson so easy and effective are the bywords. Thanks, all!!


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about a new grow after about four years of inaction. I'm seriously contemplating ripping down the mylar that was used previously...It looks dirty and quite possibly moldy(?) and the prospect of cleaning it just does not appeal to me. So, I thought I'd give black/white poly a try.

Any suggestions for the best way to attach it to ply wood walls? Staples? Two sided tape? I'm lazy and not much of a handyperson so easy and effective are the bywords. Thanks, all!!
Get yourself a small piece of card, about 3cm by 3cm, get an industrial stapler (like the image below) or you can use a nail gun.

Put the card against your panda film, over the frame, staple/nail it in, this stops the panda film from tearing when you want to take it out.

As you may know panda film is definitely reusable, so this is a great way of doing it.

A dude in the link below just used duct tape, check it out!

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY extend-a-closet GROW TENT

Hope this helps ya out mate.