How Long Do You Cook Cannabutter For?

I use 1/4 oz of high grade buds minced up per 1 stick of butter usually only doing 1 lb at a time, at a 60 to 40 ratio of water to butter. I cook it at a low heat . I allow the butter cannabis and water to boil and then reduce heat and simmer, I do so for around an hour as anymore for me did nothing but make it greener. take off heat and place in fridge to cool. Butter will solidify on top... Scrape out butter and store in freezer in measured units till ready for use. Avoid temps above 356 degrees F as it will degrade thc and reduce potency ..... Cool to see old threads pop up, the search button works :) BB

EDIT: Chlorophyll absorption does not contribute to taste, I use that ratio because It was what I was taught and it works, I dont know how much cannabnoids could be dissolved into the butter. I also would rather not use any fibers that could alter tastes....
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I use 1/4 oz of high grade buds minced up per 1 stick of butter usually only doing 1 lb at a time, at a 60 to 40 ratio of water to butter. I cook it at a low heat . I allow the butter cannabis and water to boil and then reduce heat and simmer, I do so for around an hour as anymore for me did nothing but make it greener. take off heat and place in fridge to cool. Butter will solidify on top... Scrape out butter and store in freezer in measured units till ready for use. Avoid temps above 356 degrees F as it will degrade thc and reduce potency ..... Cool to see old threads pop up, the search button works :) BB
Why wouldnt you want it green??? Isnt it suppose to be .ive only heard of using oz or more but to each their own i guess
I did it last night according to dirtsurfr's method. 6oz trim/popcorn, a 16oz jar of coconut oil, half stick of butter and some water. Pre-filter with a french coffee press, then filter. A tablespoon kicked my ass.
I must be a light weight. I use 4 ounces of trim, popcorn and old bud in 16 ounces of coconut oil. We use 2 Tbs per brownie mix. If I licked the spoon, I would have to go lay down.
It's better to use equal parts oil and water or butter and water. After you cook and strian you let it cool. The butter hardens on top of the water. Add the butter or oil back to equal part clean water and melt again. Let cool and harden. Separate the oil from the water.

This can be done up to three times to clarify the butter. It will keep it's effects but lose the plant taste.

I've kept butter for a year in the freezer.
It's better to use equal parts oil and water or butter and water. After you cook and strian you let it cool. The butter hardens on top of the water. Add the butter or oil back to equal part clean water and melt again. Let cool and harden. Separate the oil from the water.

This can be done up to three times to clarify the butter. It will keep it's effects but lose the plant taste.

I've kept butter for a year in the freezer.
I just learnt something, thank you
I always make my butter fresh. I usually need 1/2 cup of butter which is one stick so I use 1 and 1/3 sticks of butter and I use 1 and half cups of water and 1 ounce high quality trim. start by grinding your trim very fine. then bring your water to a boil and add your butter once the butter is melted reduce heat to slightly higher than simmer and add your herb. cover and stir every 30 minutes for 3 hours. remove from heat then strain thru your cheese cloth. then let cool for an hour outside refrigerator then add to your fridge and let cool for another 3 or 4 hours till the butter is solidified on top of the water. remove water and your left with butter. I like to make fruity pebbles treats by getting the 13oz box and the 11oz bag of marshmallows heat butter add marshmallows once fully melted add to cereal and stir then press into a 13 x 9 pan. they are very good. If you don't like being paralyzed i would cut this pan into 16 smaller sized treats. Ive done the 12 normal sized and I wont be attempting that again. also I know that the recipe only asked for 1/4 cup of butter but i like to view myself as an over achiever.
There are so many ways to make cannabutter. I’m pretty much doing it this way by accident at the moment, but cooking for about 20 hrs in crock pot because I didn’t decarb - spaced it out and it’s an oz of top shelf. You don’t decarb and you get really strong butter just cooking 3 hrs? It’s giving me hope. Because I like the smell of decarb, making butter, infused oils....I’m not smelling the strong odor I usually get. I hope that has no bearing on the strength. I have unfortunately smoked and eaten my way through life so my tolerance level is off the chart. I think I’ll be making some Rice Krispie treats. Thanks.
I used dirtsurfr recipe..I made 1 change I cooked on high for 2 hour,low for 2 hours instead of 3/4..its ass kickin.I drop a healthy tablespoon in my coffee. Everyday...So far it's the only recipe that works really well for my arthritis and fibermyalga. I have an 8 and 11 year old and it's awesome to play basketball again. Thanks dude, your a lifesaver .Brad
Going to make butter for the first time this weekend. Do I need to decarb? I was going to just put in a crackpot on high? If I don’t decarb how long is recommend to cook for?
I feel like coconut oil has always produced a “cleaner” high than butter. I wonder if it’s plant fat vs. animal fat. I’ve also realized that additional heating to turn the oil from green to black/brown/deep purple on the stove top tends to increase its potency.