Well-Known Member
To prevent a person from consuming something they'd like to consume is simply the inverse of insisting a person consume something they don't want to. Naming which regulatory agency holds the whip doesn't address the idea that in either case it's wrong.
If there is no forcible injection, how would you propose instituting vaccines, on a voluntary basis ?
They aren't directly preventing a person from consuming, only possessing, manufacturing, and distributing. It is not about the agency, it is about the means of controlling dangerous substances. Are you saying we should let Russia and North Korea have access to all the uranium they want because if we don't we are unrightfully infringing on their sovereignty and autonomy?
The current vaccine system we have isn't forced vaccinations, it is informed consent. It has already been enacted making a proposal moot.
It is incorrect to look at a society of people that have sacrificed some rights in exchange for quality of life, safety, justice and order, and view them as slaves. They are acting in their best interest and explicitly consenting in word and/or action. What is good for someone may restrict their freedom, but they will choose it anyway.
My belief system revolves around helping people, what is good for people, not what allows them the most possible freedom no matter what the negative consequences.
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