How much did you harvest outside this year?

OG Jewish connissor

Well-Known Member
OG JC tell you all 5 lbs of primo and 1 lb regular in my backyard in the hood. Success I love the finish curing and smoking. Out of the 40 Pheno seeds I created each like a snowflake was different in every way Seperate containers for each. My friends can't belive how good I did yeah for Indicas. OGJC
6 plants. Half are still drying, cut down the last 2 this morning. Have to report back on total yield, but I will guess that it is all going to be less than a pound total. So far from 3plants @ 180 g. My first real grow, and I think that I learned quite a bit this year, so that next year I will have a better garden all around.

I have been rather fortunate these last few months. I won some Mega Crop from Greenleaf Nutrients, and seeds from MSNL. So that alone will be an improvement for next years grow. I am excited and looking forward to next years grow already. Is it Spring yet? lol
#Greenleafnutrients #MSNLSEEDS
My little Obama only put on a QP. The cherry pie was 868.3 grams. One oz shy of 2 buLBs. Would've easily got 2.5 lbs if I wouldn't have taken a whole side off the plant in early flower.
OK...all femmed:
5 Greenhouse White Widow (These produce very well in my area)
1 Dinafem Seeds White Widow
1 Barneys Cookies Kush
1 T H Seeds M.O.B
1 G13 Labs Seeds Double Black

These gals got 12 hours/day sun. Frankly 8 oz's per plant is no big deal.
I have double black
Df white widow and m.o.b how did they smoke. ? We are just at the start of the season here in australia
I had the year from hell. I started late. It rained just about everyday this summer. Cops found a couple of my patches, which made me stop tending the rest of them. And everything rotted late. If I had to guess, I would say just under a pound. Plenty to last until my fall/winter crop comes in. {I still have most of the Spring crop and some of last season's left}

Some of the strains I ran.

Af X Sh/Sk {male plant, used to make seeds}
TKC X NC X SM X Sh/Sk {male and female. Used to make IBL seeds as well as another cross}
TKC X SM X Sh/Sk {female, hit with PN X SMC X GdR pollen}
Skunk X Sh/Sk {female, hit with TKC X NC X SM X Sh/Sk}
Ass Cheese {2 females, 1 of which was hit with Blue Shiva X Blue Shark pollen}
GdR {male and female, lost to LEOS}
PN X SMC X GdR {at least one male and two females. Made two crosses with this strain}
PN X SMC X AC {I think 2 females, but only 1 of them used in a cross. Hit with Blue Shiva X Blue Shark pollen, but not the same plant as the other BS Squared cross.}
B&S X CP1 {several males and 2 females. I made IBL seeds from both females}
1 blueberry X northern lights 109 g 4 Critical 47 1224 g. Feminized seeds Postronics Critical 47 seeds I'd buy again. So fruity n sweet & a great buzz considering I chopped about 2 weeks early due to mold & security. Legal next year with each household allowed 4 plants without height limit
I have double black
Df white widow and m.o.b how did they smoke. ? We are just at the start of the season here in australia

Both are smooth toking with the m.o.b. having a skunky aroma. Frankly I am most pleased with the Greenhouse WW...nice fat buds and a good producer.
44 plants....all 3-5 ft tall/wide. 7 different varieties. We trimmed (4 of us for a week) up about 5 lbs.... and the rest....whole plants/ chopped up and went into the freezer for bubble hash. It's a 7.0 cu ft of those littler ones...but it's packed full of 1 lb ziplocks stuffed to the brim. At least 60 bags 'o buds, if not more. Had we trimmed it all and still had a robust market here in LegalLand...I'd be lookin for a new truck.... heeeheee......

As it is...I'll just be makin hash every few weeks/all year long. Could be worse!

best of luck gettin em in and dryin em out