Well Sunday is flip day. And in two weeks I'll be throwing pollen. When the lights come on Sunday morning. It will be their first 12 hour day cycle.
And I noticed something I. The 90s Purps. It has three leaves at one of the nodes. Which in turn is three shoots. Not the normal two. I've never noticed if it did it before. In previous grows. But hell I'll take 3 secondary branches instead of two. She's really striping with color now. And when the stretch starts and flowering she will get even darker purple. Assuming it's like the other I've grown. So far pretty close. And she smells honestlt just like a pouch of grape big league chew and skunk. It really does make your mouth water. The first pic you can see the three shoots starting.
90s Purps
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Lamb's Pupil pheno 1
Her smell is ABSOLUTELYridiculous. I have never in my life had such a strong smelling plant in veg. You can't even touch it without the entire area stunk up. Her stem rub is even worse. I hope this one is female so bad. She has huge fans. They bigger than my hand.
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Lamb's Pupil pheno 2
The ugly duckling. Nothing really to report on it. Just kinda hanging there. Literally. And I have no idea why. Like I said before. Even the new growth is like that. The leaves are like 4 times thicker than a normal MJ fan leave. I mean I habe some yellowing on one leaf on the bottom. But that's from laying in the dirt when I feed And water it. And it's throwing some huge 8 finger fans. Hard to see it. But there's 8 finger on it. It also stinks amazingly strong for veg.
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