Moving hydroplants from Appartament to Appartament

I have to move my plants to different appartament they are on a second week of flower, hydro DWC, is it even possible? How can I do it without hurting plants?
Just plant to do the move during their on light cycle. Get everything ready ahead of time as far as something to pack the plants into and then move them. I've transported plants that were 2 feet tall once in a hydro rig without any issues.
i transported some 6 ft flowering plants once but they were in pots and soil. I just threw a couple of garbage bags over them, tapped em up and threw them in the back of a ute (you yanks call em trucks I think). Transported at night thru Sydney's inner west with them waving in the breeze with the GF driving behind me.

But yea, even if you buy a roll of cardboard and make your own box up you should be fine.