Actual power out of uvb bulbs


Well-Known Member
Hey help me figure this out, I'm trying gauge the output of reptisun bulbs. They say 10microwatts radiance per cm^2 . That's only 1mW per meter ^2 of radiant output right?
So, I'm looking at some uvb diodes that emit 40mW. Do i have these in the same unit already? Is radiant mW of the led per meter squared or something else?

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would i need to find the surface area of the bulb to guestimate the used output of a T5 reptisun? say .86m long bulb @ around .02m wide *pi = .054m^2 surface area

so for having only .054 square meters of light emitting area, we would only get .054mW of UVb from a bulb?
Hey help me figure this out, I'm trying gauge the output of reptisun bulbs. They say 10microwatts radiance per cm^2 . That's only 1mW per meter ^2 of radiant output right?
So, I'm looking at some uvb diodes that emit 40mW. Do i have these in the same unit already? Is radiant mW of the led per meter squared or something else?

you may want to check your math 10 micro watts per cm ^2 equals 100MW/meter^2 you want about 5 watts of UVA/ sq meter
2 x 34w Solacure bulbs cover a 4 x 4 at 12-18 inches height, and give the UVA/UVB of the Equator.

The Arcadia 54w Dragon Bulbs are the most powerful Reptile bulbs. But Solacure is much more powerful. I run mine ( Solacure ) 8 hours a day.

2 x 34w are also recommended with 1 x 1000w HID.

The bulbs did have an effect on the potency. 5 out of 5 people tought so, vs the stuff that didn't have UVA/UVB, and are the same clones weve been running 3 years. Mr Nice Super Silver Haze. Its probably 20% better. If it was 18% id say its now 20+%. It is noticeable. More physical, and also gave it a more floral vs citrus flavor.

Did nothing to production. Ive read some say it hurt yield. I didn't notice that.
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.000,01w*100cm=.001w/m though.. why are you guys multiplying by 10,000 to get from centimeter to meter? some amnesia has me zombified .... sorry

waaaait.... is it 100^2?

yep ok
.000,01w*100cm=.001w/m though.. why are you guys multiplying by 10,000 to get from centimeter to meter? some amnesia has me zombified .... sorry

waaaait.... is it 100^2?

yep ok
you need to square the difference to get from sq/cm to sq meters 1 meter /sq equals 1568 sq/inches 1 cm squared equals 0.1568 sq inches 1568/ 0.1568 = 10,000 one of these will give you about 8 watts of UVA. more than enough for a 4ft by 4 ft tent and much less expensive than other UV bulbs
Research says you need way more than that for a 4 x 4. YMMV. And I used way more than that, with 0 bad effects. The Solacure with also penetrate 3 feet from 18 inches.

The Solacure bulbs are way stronger than the Reptisun, and its recommended to use 2 of them in a 4 x 4.

Reptile Bulbs are made for Reptiles, and the Solacure are made for PLANTS. I used to use the 54w Arcadia Dragon Bulbs, but used 4 of them for a 4 x 4. The 54w bulb isn't in the same league as the 34w Solacure.
Research says you need way more than that for a 4 x 4. YMMV. And I used way more than that, with 0 bad effects. The Solacure with also penetrate 3 feet from 18 inches.

The Solacure bulbs are way stronger than the Reptisun, and its recommended to use 2 of them in a 4 x 4.

Reptile Bulbs are made for Reptiles, and the Solacure are made for PLANTS. I used to use the 54w Arcadia Dragon Bulbs, but used 4 of them for a 4 x 4. The 54w bulb isn't in the same league as the 34w Solacure.
cool, easy solution.
How do you go from 23% to 29%?. These are independent lab results from a first time using the Flower Power, and only using them 2 hours per day, two lamps per hood.

This is the ultimate growers UVB light, many times stronger than our other UVB lamps, and infinitely stronger than reptile lights or other makeshift lights. This is the real deal, dispensary tested, proven lab results up to 40% higher THC than not using any supplemental UVB. We guarantee you 20% better results the first season, and 30% or more once you get dialed into using the maximum amount possible. No one else guarantees results like this, but we can.

We give a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, click the image for details. It is a very straight forward guarantee that they will do what we say they will, or we will buy them back from you.


FR40T12 multi-wattage, multi-peak UVB/UVA horticultural lamp.
Wattage: 32-40 watts standard, can be run as high as 80w for special applications.
Color: white to violet. Color temperature >10,000K
Dimension: 4 foot by 1.5 inches. Will fit almost any shop light.
Reflector: Built inside the lamp. No external reflector needed.
UVA/B: 5x the power of the SG-1 and Universal UV. About 20 to 50x the power of reptile lights.
UVA/B rating: Equivalent to a 30% UVB lamp, but we do this in very different frequencies, so they don't equate.
Life: 1000 hours at 70% of original power.

From the ground up, this lamp was engineered to do nothing but operate as a horticultural lamp. It can operate as low as 25 watts and as high as 80 watts, but is centered to us a standard 4 foot 32w fixture and it's own timer. It is four foot long, 1.5" in diameter, so it can be used in virtually every 4 foot fixture at the hardware store. Our entire goal was to make it simple and cheap to operate. All the really interesting things are happening inside the lamp, not in the fixture.

Again we licensed Sol Glass for this lamp, like our SG series lamps. It is more transparent to any other UV glass made, and allows transmission of UVB between 280nm and 300nm, something other lamps don't do well. This is one reason our lamps have been so successful in the labs, testing for resin/flavonoids/terpenes/THC. The new spectrum uses many of the same spectral peaks as the SG, but are 3 to 4 times stronger in the UVB, while still having a solid UVA profile. UVA is seldom discussed in many circles, and it is too large a topic to discuss here, but we design our lamps with a sun similar UVA spectrum because we have good reason to think it is also very beneficial for UV started plants. The UVA to UVB ratio is very different than the sun, however, as the effective ratio is about 4 times higher than the sun. This is why you can use half as many lamps and still get twice as much UVB. In short, you use few lamps farther from from your plants. This makes using them easier and cheaper for you, while being more effective. It is hard to overstate how big a leap this lamp is.


Like most Solacure lamps, the Flower Power has a built in reflector, so you don't need to worry about using reflective material with it. Mylar, white paint, all these absorb UV anyway, they are useless for reflecting it. The image on the left shows a regular lamp, the image on the right is how the Flower Power is designed, with an internal reflector. It forces all the light to go in one direction, making designing and installing a system much easier. This means the lamp has about 50% more total UV output than a non-reflector design with a home made reflector.

For all flowering plants (including fruits and vegetables) grown indoor or in a greenhouse environment. The exact amount of UV needed for each plant will vary, and must be determined by the grower. To offer enhanced UVB, most growers will use two of the Flower Power lamps for every 1000w HPS/MH or equivalent. Obviously these will work on cannabis and are designed to maximize the UVB needs of the buds, but it was designed to be a greenhouse light and to provide the missing UVB for any plant.


How to use these lamps
Use two Flower Power lamps per 1000w hood, one on each side for even coverage, 12" to 24" from the plants (farther is weaker so needs to be run longer, but covers a larger area). Run 1 to 4 times per day, 1 to 6 hours per cycle for up to 12 hours (single cycle). How much depends on your particular plants, so start with 2 to 4 hours and work your way up, looking out for burned edges. The goal is to stress the plants, push them, without damaging them. Only run during your day cycle. Use during flowering and fruiting stage. Also proven to suppress mold and mildew as well as discourage many insects.

Another method that is claimed to produce higher CBD is the "Pulse Method". You run them 15 minutes on, 45 minutes off. This will shorten lamp life somewhat, but will still get you 2 flowering seasons worth of use. These claims have been made by a few professional growers. Most tests that instead run the UVB continuously for several hours have shown to not dramatically affect CBD production (flat to slightly higher).

Already certified to get 20% to 35% higher THC and flavonoids and anecdotal evidence that approaches 40% higher, and results keep coming in.
How do you go from 23% to 29%?. These are independent lab results from a first time using the Flower Power, and only using them 2 hours per day, two lamps per hood.

This is the ultimate growers UVB light, many times stronger than our other UVB lamps, and infinitely stronger than reptile lights or other makeshift lights. This is the real deal, dispensary tested, proven lab results up to 40% higher THC than not using any supplemental UVB. We guarantee you 20% better results the first season, and 30% or more once you get dialed into using the maximum amount possible. No one else guarantees results like this, but we can.

We give a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, click the image for details. It is a very straight forward guarantee that they will do what we say they will, or we will buy them back from you.


FR40T12 multi-wattage, multi-peak UVB/UVA horticultural lamp.
Wattage: 32-40 watts standard, can be run as high as 80w for special applications.
Color: white to violet. Color temperature >10,000K
Dimension: 4 foot by 1.5 inches. Will fit almost any shop light.
Reflector: Built inside the lamp. No external reflector needed.
UVA/B: 5x the power of the SG-1 and Universal UV. About 20 to 50x the power of reptile lights.
UVA/B rating: Equivalent to a 30% UVB lamp, but we do this in very different frequencies, so they don't equate.
Life: 1000 hours at 70% of original power.

From the ground up, this lamp was engineered to do nothing but operate as a horticultural lamp. It can operate as low as 25 watts and as high as 80 watts, but is centered to us a standard 4 foot 32w fixture and it's own timer. It is four foot long, 1.5" in diameter, so it can be used in virtually every 4 foot fixture at the hardware store. Our entire goal was to make it simple and cheap to operate. All the really interesting things are happening inside the lamp, not in the fixture.

Again we licensed Sol Glass for this lamp, like our SG series lamps. It is more transparent to any other UV glass made, and allows transmission of UVB between 280nm and 300nm, something other lamps don't do well. This is one reason our lamps have been so successful in the labs, testing for resin/flavonoids/terpenes/THC. The new spectrum uses many of the same spectral peaks as the SG, but are 3 to 4 times stronger in the UVB, while still having a solid UVA profile. UVA is seldom discussed in many circles, and it is too large a topic to discuss here, but we design our lamps with a sun similar UVA spectrum because we have good reason to think it is also very beneficial for UV started plants. The UVA to UVB ratio is very different than the sun, however, as the effective ratio is about 4 times higher than the sun. This is why you can use half as many lamps and still get twice as much UVB. In short, you use few lamps farther from from your plants. This makes using them easier and cheaper for you, while being more effective. It is hard to overstate how big a leap this lamp is.


Like most Solacure lamps, the Flower Power has a built in reflector, so you don't need to worry about using reflective material with it. Mylar, white paint, all these absorb UV anyway, they are useless for reflecting it. The image on the left shows a regular lamp, the image on the right is how the Flower Power is designed, with an internal reflector. It forces all the light to go in one direction, making designing and installing a system much easier. This means the lamp has about 50% more total UV output than a non-reflector design with a home made reflector.

For all flowering plants (including fruits and vegetables) grown indoor or in a greenhouse environment. The exact amount of UV needed for each plant will vary, and must be determined by the grower. To offer enhanced UVB, most growers will use two of the Flower Power lamps for every 1000w HPS/MH or equivalent. Obviously these will work on cannabis and are designed to maximize the UVB needs of the buds, but it was designed to be a greenhouse light and to provide the missing UVB for any plant.


How to use these lamps
Use two Flower Power lamps per 1000w hood, one on each side for even coverage, 12" to 24" from the plants (farther is weaker so needs to be run longer, but covers a larger area). Run 1 to 4 times per day, 1 to 6 hours per cycle for up to 12 hours (single cycle). How much depends on your particular plants, so start with 2 to 4 hours and work your way up, looking out for burned edges. The goal is to stress the plants, push them, without damaging them. Only run during your day cycle. Use during flowering and fruiting stage. Also proven to suppress mold and mildew as well as discourage many insects.

Another method that is claimed to produce higher CBD is the "Pulse Method". You run them 15 minutes on, 45 minutes off. This will shorten lamp life somewhat, but will still get you 2 flowering seasons worth of use. These claims have been made by a few professional growers. Most tests that instead run the UVB continuously for several hours have shown to not dramatically affect CBD production (flat to slightly higher).

Already certified to get 20% to 35% higher THC and flavonoids and anecdotal evidence that approaches 40% higher, and results keep coming in.
A smaller tube would be a much for all the small tents 1x1 m and 0,8x0,8 m whichuse a lot of people in Europe....
I ran UVB for a while.
Light penetration was negligible, effect on bud was negligible.
You want better bud?
Get good seeds and good general lighting (LED/HID), and save the money you would spend on those lights.
Research says you need way more than that for a 4 x 4. YMMV. And I used way more than that, with 0 bad effects. The Solacure with also penetrate 3 feet from 18 inches.

The Solacure bulbs are way stronger than the Reptisun, and its recommended to use 2 of them in a 4 x 4.

Reptile Bulbs are made for Reptiles, and the Solacure are made for PLANTS. I used to use the 54w Arcadia Dragon Bulbs, but used 4 of them for a 4 x 4. The 54w bulb isn't in the same league as the 34w Solacure.

Agromax has pure UVB bulb also ??
Agromax has pure UVB bulb also ??

Its not nearly as strong as the Solacure, and the Solacure is the only bulb that has a built in reflector, and also the Solacure light spectrum goes UNDER 290nm.

We licensed Sol Glass for this lamp, like our SG series lamps. It is more transparent to any other UV glass made, and allows transmission of UVB between 280nm and 300nm, something other lamps don't do well. This is one reason our lamps have been so successful in the labs, testing for resin/flavonoids/terpenes/THC. The new spectrum uses many of the same spectral peaks as the SG, but are 3 to 4 times stronger in the UVB, while still having a solid UVA profile. UVA is seldom discussed in many circles, and it is too large a topic to discuss here, but we design our lamps with a sun similar UVA spectrum because we have good reason to think it is also very beneficial for UV started plants. The UVA to UVB ratio is very different than the sun, however, as the effective ratio is about 4 times higher than the sun. This is why you can use half as many lamps and still get twice as much UVB. In short, you use few lamps farther from from your plants. This makes using them easier and cheaper for you, while being more effective. It is hard to overstate how big a leap this lamp is.

Forums are full of posts about how UV is either great or useless, and generally full of well intentioned misinformation. I understand this, but wanted to clear up a few things. First, we aren't a start up or new to UV, we have 35 years of experience, since 1985. From tanning beds, to UV curing and over a decade working with growers. We know what we know, and what we don't know. We don't grow, but we work with the best growers in the US every day, who do extensive testing for us.

First know this: the right UV mixture will produce 20-35% higher THC in your plants. It isn't a sales pitch, it is established scientific fact based on actual lab results, and the science behind it is solid. It is also fairly straight forward and not difficult to understand if you take the time to read why this happens. This page is to explain that, why this happens and why it works, in plain english.

Mamas protect their babies

The humble cannabis bud is a nursery, where the mama plant will host her children, her seeds. She assumes she will get fertilized and go to seed, even if you won't let her. The plant will do anything to protect this flowerbud because this is how she makes more plants just like her. Plants exist only to make seeds, to perpetuate their species. These things are true of all plants.

UV damages the DNA in seeds, making them less viable and less likely to grow a good, sturdy plant next year. Mama plant knows this, and over the years, she has evolved to secrete a chemical that absorbs ultraviolet, and she coats the flowers with it to protect her future children. This chemical is THC. Forget about the psychoactive properties of THC, to the plant it is simply sunblock, and for this task it works wonderfully. Many plants have a protective cover for their seeds (oranges, pecans, cucumbers, etc) but cannabis has fairly exposed seeds, making them more vulnerable.

Mama plant is hard wired to automatically produce a lot of THC. This is evolution; plants that produce lots of THC were more likely to have good seeds that would sprout come spring. Since cannabis traces it's roots to the mountains of Afghanistan where the UV is very high, it has evolved to withstand a staggering amount of ultraviolet.

Mama will adapt well to whatever environment you put her in. If you put her in a room with lots of sunshine, water, warmth but no UV, she will do fine. She won't spend extra time worrying about making additional THC because their is no need, she will only produce what she is hardwired to produce. This is still a fair amount, but it isn't what she is capable of, it is merely the default amount of THC in her genes. She adapts by producing lot of green matter, because she can.

If we expose mama plant to high levels of the right kind of ultraviolet, we can force her into protect mode. This means she will produce a little less plant material and a lot more THC. She will shift her resources to protecting her children, and higher THC is the reward. She adapts by choosing to spend more resources on THC than on growing more leaves. Changing the environment has caused her to mature in a way that is more beneficial to you

The leaves will be greener, the plants will be more compact, the buds will be much more compact and dense. These are generally beneficial changes and this is actually the natural state of the plant, since they are used being in ultraviolet when outdoors.

It is worth noting that these have also proven to suppress mold and mildew and discourage insects. It isn't a 100% solution for everyone, but many report it took care of their mild to moderate problems.

Any UVB source will help, however, most of the people claiming it didn't help used reptile lights or similar. Our Flower Power is around 50x stronger (that isn't a typo, it is literally 50 times stronger in key frequencies). You can't expect award winning results using a weak little light. At a minimum, we are trying to recreate the UV profile of being on a mountain in Afghanistan, where the genes developed.

UVC will flash burn them, and they will die within a day, so don't try it. Tanning lamps are mainly UVA and aren't going to trigger a hard response. Lamps for animals like reptiles are simply too weak. UVB is a spectrum, a "color", you have to have the right shades of UV, the right frequencies, in the right amounts. It isn't rocket science, but it is physics and plant biology, and we have that part figured out. The Flower Power is the lamp you want. How much you give is determined by you by controlling your timer.

The how is simple: Use two Flower Power lamps (or four Universal UV lamps) for each 1000w hood, or the equivalent. Use two single bulb, F40T12 light fixtures (we will soon stock them), one on each side of the hood. Run the lamps even with your hood, 18" or more from the canopy, but put on a different timer, around 6 to 12 hours per day. Different strains have different tolerances, just work your way up and if you see a little sunburn, pull back on the UV. No biggie. Start as soon as you shift into flowering mode.

Conclusion You already manipulate the "sun" with your lights and timer. You manipulate the "rain" with watering. You set the room temperatures. Now you need to start manipulating the ultraviolet because it is the single most influential factor in THC production. If you are already doing a great job growing, adding a controlled UV system to your grow operation is the biggest improvement you can do. And it is actually fairly and one of the least expensive things you can add and doesn't require you do anything else differently. It works with metal halide, high pressure sodium, LEDs, greenhouses, any regular light source. It won't radically change your color temperature (they are around 10,000 degrees), you only add about 80 watts of UV per 1000 watt hood using these new generation lamps. You don't need shiney metal or special reflective material, we put a reflective coating in the lamp itself so it only shines down.
Its not nearly as strong as the Solacure, and the Solacure is the only bulb that has a built in reflector, and also the Solacure light spectrum goes UNDER 290nm.

We licensed Sol Glass for this lamp, like our SG series lamps. It is more transparent to any other UV glass made, and allows transmission of UVB between 280nm and 300nm, something other lamps don't do well. This is one reason our lamps have been so successful in the labs, testing for resin/flavonoids/terpenes/THC. The new spectrum uses many of the same spectral peaks as the SG, but are 3 to 4 times stronger in the UVB, while still having a solid UVA profile. UVA is seldom discussed in many circles, and it is too large a topic to discuss here, but we design our lamps with a sun similar UVA spectrum because we have good reason to think it is also very beneficial for UV started plants. The UVA to UVB ratio is very different than the sun, however, as the effective ratio is about 4 times higher than the sun. This is why you can use half as many lamps and still get twice as much UVB. In short, you use few lamps farther from from your plants. This makes using them easier and cheaper for you, while being more effective. It is hard to overstate how big a leap this lamp is.

Forums are full of posts about how UV is either great or useless, and generally full of well intentioned misinformation. I understand this, but wanted to clear up a few things. First, we aren't a start up or new to UV, we have 35 years of experience, since 1985. From tanning beds, to UV curing and over a decade working with growers. We know what we know, and what we don't know. We don't grow, but we work with the best growers in the US every day, who do extensive testing for us.

First know this: the right UV mixture will produce 20-35% higher THC in your plants. It isn't a sales pitch, it is established scientific fact based on actual lab results, and the science behind it is solid. It is also fairly straight forward and not difficult to understand if you take the time to read why this happens. This page is to explain that, why this happens and why it works, in plain english.

Mamas protect their babies

The humble cannabis bud is a nursery, where the mama plant will host her children, her seeds. She assumes she will get fertilized and go to seed, even if you won't let her. The plant will do anything to protect this flowerbud because this is how she makes more plants just like her. Plants exist only to make seeds, to perpetuate their species. These things are true of all plants.

UV damages the DNA in seeds, making them less viable and less likely to grow a good, sturdy plant next year. Mama plant knows this, and over the years, she has evolved to secrete a chemical that absorbs ultraviolet, and she coats the flowers with it to protect her future children. This chemical is THC. Forget about the psychoactive properties of THC, to the plant it is simply sunblock, and for this task it works wonderfully. Many plants have a protective cover for their seeds (oranges, pecans, cucumbers, etc) but cannabis has fairly exposed seeds, making them more vulnerable.

Mama plant is hard wired to automatically produce a lot of THC. This is evolution; plants that produce lots of THC were more likely to have good seeds that would sprout come spring. Since cannabis traces it's roots to the mountains of Afghanistan where the UV is very high, it has evolved to withstand a staggering amount of ultraviolet.

Mama will adapt well to whatever environment you put her in. If you put her in a room with lots of sunshine, water, warmth but no UV, she will do fine. She won't spend extra time worrying about making additional THC because their is no need, she will only produce what she is hardwired to produce. This is still a fair amount, but it isn't what she is capable of, it is merely the default amount of THC in her genes. She adapts by producing lot of green matter, because she can.

If we expose mama plant to high levels of the right kind of ultraviolet, we can force her into protect mode. This means she will produce a little less plant material and a lot more THC. She will shift her resources to protecting her children, and higher THC is the reward. She adapts by choosing to spend more resources on THC than on growing more leaves. Changing the environment has caused her to mature in a way that is more beneficial to you

The leaves will be greener, the plants will be more compact, the buds will be much more compact and dense. These are generally beneficial changes and this is actually the natural state of the plant, since they are used being in ultraviolet when outdoors.

It is worth noting that these have also proven to suppress mold and mildew and discourage insects. It isn't a 100% solution for everyone, but many report it took care of their mild to moderate problems.

Any UVB source will help, however, most of the people claiming it didn't help used reptile lights or similar. Our Flower Power is around 50x stronger (that isn't a typo, it is literally 50 times stronger in key frequencies). You can't expect award winning results using a weak little light. At a minimum, we are trying to recreate the UV profile of being on a mountain in Afghanistan, where the genes developed.

UVC will flash burn them, and they will die within a day, so don't try it. Tanning lamps are mainly UVA and aren't going to trigger a hard response. Lamps for animals like reptiles are simply too weak. UVB is a spectrum, a "color", you have to have the right shades of UV, the right frequencies, in the right amounts. It isn't rocket science, but it is physics and plant biology, and we have that part figured out. The Flower Power is the lamp you want. How much you give is determined by you by controlling your timer.

The how is simple: Use two Flower Power lamps (or four Universal UV lamps) for each 1000w hood, or the equivalent. Use two single bulb, F40T12 light fixtures (we will soon stock them), one on each side of the hood. Run the lamps even with your hood, 18" or more from the canopy, but put on a different timer, around 6 to 12 hours per day. Different strains have different tolerances, just work your way up and if you see a little sunburn, pull back on the UV. No biggie. Start as soon as you shift into flowering mode.

Conclusion You already manipulate the "sun" with your lights and timer. You manipulate the "rain" with watering. You set the room temperatures. Now you need to start manipulating the ultraviolet because it is the single most influential factor in THC production. If you are already doing a great job growing, adding a controlled UV system to your grow operation is the biggest improvement you can do. And it is actually fairly and one of the least expensive things you can add and doesn't require you do anything else differently. It works with metal halide, high pressure sodium, LEDs, greenhouses, any regular light source. It won't radically change your color temperature (they are around 10,000 degrees), you only add about 80 watts of UV per 1000 watt hood using these new generation lamps. You don't need shiney metal or special reflective material, we put a reflective coating in the lamp itself so it only shines down.
I'm pretty sure the pureuv by agromax as is stronger or it allows shorter wavelengths through. Do you have data sheets comparing? I know they claim 75% uvb and 25% uva.
Solacure goes down to 280nm. 10nm lower vs Argomax, and the Solacure has a Built In Reflector.
The reflector needed in the Agromax also takes away UVA/B because it is not reflected efficiently, and is not as efficient vs Solacure Built In Reflector.

Solacure can also run up to 80w. Its an Overbuilt 32w bulb