I need to do a better job here. i'll make sure I'm documenting the germination results of new batches and sharing them from now on.
Always improving.
Bam ! Good news!
four lucky 7's are above soil ! (2 were soaked direct from mailbox, then soil, 2 chilled, then frozen, then soaked, then soil)
I'll keep those others on watch. I was in the grow room at 5 am this morning and watered, including the L7's and they were not up yet.
you're off the hook @ Gu~ , no, really man, you are OFF the hook!!

This Raindance is still knocking socks off every time! right on! its got the whole thing going, roast beef, heard that today, its perfect!
add that to fuel, floor cleaner, rot, skunk, moth balls,,,,and I'ma happy cat every damned day!