trump hires a pedophile (again)


Well-Known Member

The arrest, on child pornography charges, of a researcher for the controversial Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity is intensifying conflict inside the group, with two Democratic members asserting again that a small band of conservatives holds disproportionate power. The researcher, Ronald Williams II, who was arrested late last week, previously worked as an intern at the Department of Justice on a case with J. Christian Adams, who is now a Republican member of the commission.

this is not the first time trump has hired a fucking pedophile:

Trump Campaign Chair Charged with Pedophilia & Sex Trafficking

this is not even the second time:

Former Donald Trump campaign chair faces child prostitution charges

this is not even the third time:


and then there is trump himself, who is a pedophile:

Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Pedophilia Lawsuit

once you start retweeting dinesh d'souza it is pretty much all over.

i like how outraged she is about sexual assault now though.
I had meetings with D'Souza a couple of times. I had him speak at an event in college. What a self serving prick he was. But even though I found him distasteful, I am still surprised at the levels he has stooped to. I shouldn't be, but I am.
Before I get labeled something ignorant I must first disclose that I do NOT support sexual deviation of any sorts.

The American society is really at a moral crossroads when it comes to the treatment and subsequent social shaming in the form of labeling of "criminals" . I am not a subscriber to social laws, I personally am in the jean-jacques rousseau camp. Societies are against a humans Natural Order, period. Societies don't work, period. There is thousands of years of evidence to show that neither party, any party, in a bound to fail, including those who support it.

With that, how can any supporter of a societies "laws and orders" argue that one crime is more desirable to commit than another? I get the assumption that sexual "criminals" are somehow a lesser than say a murderer or a thief. I can surmise that "UncleBuck" has some valuable logic and reason to spread here.

Why are you so Anti-Trump ( complete misuse of the English language) .....when should be anti-Social Order ...anti-social...anti-society...anti-authority ...The problems of the world has never, nor will they ever, lie on the shoulders of one individual. Its a collective problem, that has no resolution. All of Americas history is PROOF that there IS NO KNOWN RESOLUTION.

Americans think that a piece of a paper coined the Constitution is so righteous that there must not be any better way. It is the collective sum of mankind. When in fact, the American constitution defies logic as much as its citizenry do.

Leave it to the "wise man" to think, act, and live like they can solve the collective issues of a multi-million...citizenry. Its a pipedream, to keep the one defense you have ( a mind) very preoccupied with challenges. The only challenge that a human needs to over come, is to revert back to its natural self.

I am sure you don't agree, and I am sure that you are convinced you see it right. And right you are. To those who wish to see you stay a slave to society. Have hope. Hope all you can, that its worth it, that its the good fight, that one day America will be back in its glory. You are SURE, to DIE, VERY TIRED. Mostly of your fellow citizens. Its always someones fault. Just not yours. Just not Americas. Just not the left or the right. Right....good luck.

There is nothing in logic, that says a "pedophile" is any more qualified to be a leader than say a barbarian. Its not only the rich who can prey upon. More so, you don't know shit about any politician other than what the media wants you to know. So, raise your first. Ball that shit up, stand for whatever bullshit you stand for. Its all hopeless in a society.
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Before I get labeled something ignorant I must first disclose that I do NOT support sexual deviation of any sorts.

The American society is really at a moral crossroads when it comes to the treatment and subsequent social shaming in the form of labeling of "criminals" . I am not a subscriber to social laws, I personally am in the jean-jacques rousseau camp. Societies are against a humans Natural Order, period. Societies don't work, period. There is thousands of years of evidence to show that neither party, any party, in a bound to fail, including those who support it.

With that, how can any supporter of a societies "laws and orders" argue that one crime is more desirable to commit than another? I get the assumption that sexual "criminals" are somehow a lesser than say a murderer or a thief. I can surmise that "UncleBuck" has some valuable logic and reason to spread here.

Why are you so Anti-Trump ( complete misuse of the English language) .....when should be anti-Social Order ...anti-social...anti-society...anti-authority ...The problems of the world has never, nor will they ever, lie on the shoulders of one individual. Its a collective problem, that has no resolution. All of Americas history is PROOF that there IS NO KNOWN RESOLUTION.

Americans think that a piece of a paper coined the Constitution is so righteous that there must not be any better way. It is the collective sum of mankind. When in fact, the American constitution defies logic as much as its citizenry do.

Leave it to the "wise man" to think, act, and live like they can solve the collective issues of a multi-million...citizenry. Its a pipedream, to keep the one defense you have ( a mind) very preoccupied with challenges. The only challenge that a human needs to over come, is to revert back to its natural self.

I am sure you don't agree, and I am sure that you are convinced you see it right. And right you are. To those who wish to see you stay a slave to society. Have hope. Hope all you can, that its worth it, that its the good fight, that one day America will be back in its glory. You are SURE, to DIE, VERY TIRED. Mostly of your fellow citizens. Its always someones fault. Just not yours. Just not Americas. Just not the left or the right. Right....good luck.
Stopped reading after "sexual deviancy".

Stopped reading after "sexual deviancy".


You misread swallow. "sexual deviation" not "sexual deviancy"....perhaps the eye doctor is in store?

I should also have put a disclosure that I am not responsible for ones inability to communicate or read properly. But I surmised that we are in the presence of many "sneeky ninja's"...

You are begging for the ban hammer, and a new pair of lenses.

If you can go to the extent of attempting to get others to dismiss what I offered then ...well show yourself big guy. Introduce yourself ....whats your facebook ...whats your identity? Who you come from, what makes you think that was the right thing to do???

You are a coward. I will prove it, here and now.

Don't hide behind your avatar. Put your face to the matter. Otherwise I am going to dismiss you as you have a ignorant coward.

I am (Ret.) SSG Terry Gonzalez.
I live in upstate NY. I am stationed with the 2-14th Infantry Regiment , 10th Mountain Division.


I am a 11Bravo Infantryman. I am a 2-40 Gunner. I literally kill people for a living. ANd its sponsored by our great Government.

Your move coward.
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You misread swallow. "sexual deviation" not "sexual deviancy"....perhaps the eye doctor is in store?

I should also have put a disclosure that I am not responsible for ones inability to communicate or read properly. But I surmised that we are in the presence of many "sneeky ninja's"...

You are begging for the ban hammer, and a new pair of lenses.
Perhaps you could explain the obviously massive difference between sexual deviation and sexual deviancy in your mind please?

You should try a finger in the butt sometime, it might loosen you up a bit.
Perhaps you could explain the obviously massive difference between sexual deviation and sexual deviancy in your mind please?

You should try a finger in the butt sometime, it might loosen you up a bit.

No, Please enlighten all of us, coward.

"massive difference between sexual deviation and sexual deviancy"....its all yours tuffguy.

You started this word war, and you started this massive disrespect. Live up to it. Please.

You are a unaccountable coward. I refuse to entertain you, or anything you have to offer. I will however be a decent human being and NOT attempt to have other DISMISS something you say because it does not fit my ideals.

You are also still a coward. That I sadly defend. Everyday. You are welcome to my size 12 up your ignorant ass and thats it.
No, Please enlighten all of us, coward.

"massive difference between sexual deviation and sexual deviancy"....its all yours tuffguy.

You started this word war, and you started this massive disrespect. Live up to it. Please.

You are a unaccountable coward. I refuse to entertain you, or anything you have to offer. I will however be a decent human being and NOT attempt to have other DISMISS something you say because it does not fit my ideals.

You are also still a coward. That I sadly defend. Everyday. You are welcome to my size 12 up your ignorant ass and thats it.
I'm the one saying there's no difference, big guy.

Don't have a stroke over it, you'll cost the rest of us a fortune.