a sad end_ please read


Active Member
I started my 1st serious grow this spring, I think it it was May. I started with 4 plants from bagseed.at the time i was only getting flame so i knew itd b good stuff. they grew to around 17 in outside and decided to bring them inside. under 2 48 in tubes they grew to about 24in and then i changed to 12/12, 1 had already displayed pollen sacks but kept it longer to make sure. i ended up getting 1 female, my friend said he would take one of the guys.so i grew her and named her penelope. i found so much joy in growing, ive been a smoker since 13 and im 22 now. she was 6 weeks into growing and had stopped growing at 33 in before ii sampled the first bud i was hestitant to clip buds but after the fisrt one i noticed it did no harm so a week and a half later i clipped another it was awesome i micro steam dried like i did on the 1st one and got higher han id ever been( except for the 1st time) she was at 50/50 ornage hairs. it was an energizing high i think i hit the best of both worlds spot. i loved it i was hooked on growin my own stuff besides that i said forget buying it @ ridiculous prices im a broke single dad. ( my bm started slutting around and abondoned us for some gang banger, i mak 2 g /mo wi a $1550 mortgage) doesnt get much broker than that! so i decided to not to buy n e more and start again right after harvest annd stretch it till then, i figured it would be atlest and o dry (ATLEAST) the next day i pcked 2 buds to last me while it finished maturing, she was right in the middle of the swelling stage and new budsites were still just starting to form in some spots. this was 2 days ago. ten days ago i let the friend who had taken a male moven in with me. i forgt to mention i successfuly pollinated 3 buds. last sunday his gang banger little brother came and had just done a shooting and wanted to leave the gun at my house. i said fuck that kicked him and his guys out and told them they wernt welcomed any more. these two brother were like my brothers i knew them since i was 13 but i couldnt allow that. well last night the guy living with me let his little brother in and he cut down my plant. he was at work i had jsut goten off and went to check on her and saw the pot with a cut stem sticking out. i freakd i prayed with was a prank. well i threw the gus stuff matress and all out on the street while he was at work the little brother is nowere to be found his gangster buddies who lived with him said he moved out last week which is a lie. only good thing is that i told the guy i put is pc outside and somebody musthave


Active Member
I started my 1st serious grow this spring, I think it it was May. I started with 4 plants from bagseed.at the time i was only getting flame so i knew itd b good stuff. they grew to around 17 in outside and decided to bring them inside. under 2 48 in tubes they grew to about 24in and then i changed to 12/12, 1 had already displayed pollen sacks but kept it longer to make sure. i ended up getting 1 female, my friend said he would take one of the guys.so i grew her and named her penelope. i found so much joy in growing, ive been a smoker since 13 and im 22 now. she was 6 weeks into growing and had stopped growing at 33 in before ii sampled the first bud i was hestitant to clip buds but after the fisrt one i noticed it did no harm so a week and a half later i clipped another it was awesome i micro steam dried like i did on the 1st one and got higher han id ever been( except for the 1st time) she was at 50/50 ornage hairs. it was an energizing high i think i hit the best of both worlds spot. i loved it i was hooked on growin my own stuff besides that i said forget buying it @ ridiculous prices im a broke single dad. ( my bm started slutting around and abondoned us for some gang banger, i mak 2 g /mo wi a $1550 mortgage) doesnt get much broker than that! so i decided to not to buy n e more and start again right after harvest annd stretch it till then, i figured it would be atlest and o dry (ATLEAST) the next day i pcked 2 buds to last me while it finished maturing, she was right in the middle of the swelling stage and new budsites were still just starting to form in some spots. this was 2 days ago. ten days ago i let the friend who had taken a male moven in with me. i forgt to mention i successfuly pollinated 3 buds. last sunday his gang banger little brother came and had just done a shooting and wanted to leave the gun at my house. i said fuck that kicked him and his guys out and told them they wernt welcomed any more. these two brother were like my brothers i knew them since i was 13 but i couldnt allow that. well last night the guy living with me let his little brother in and he cut down my plant. he was at work i had jsut goten off and went to check on her and saw the pot with a cut stem sticking out. i freakd i prayed with was a prank. well i threw the gus stuff matress and all out on the street while he was at work the little brother is nowere to be found his gangster buddies who lived with him said he moved out last week which is a lie. only good thing is that i told the guy i put is pc outside and somebody musthave
no use in spamming this forum to tell everyone about your plant getting chopped.. WHO CARES.. dry it and smoke it. grow a pair of balls, you arent the only one with a problem..