My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre

I'm literate, educated and prefer using English over acronyms that show a complete lack of intelligence. I can type 75 words per minute. I probably type 'fixed that for you' faster than you do 'FTFY'.

Hell, I probably typed this entire response faster than you could 'FTFY'.


I agree. Sorry I was wrong about that.

But there you go assuming again. I have been working with computers since I became an internet manager back in the 90's.

And I have typed 1000's of customers info and deals into databases since then. I can't type as fast as you claim but I'm ok.

I have used my iPhone for all these posts.
They still sell grits but I honestly never heard of anyone besides black people eating them. Slavery ended a long time ago but grits are still eaten. Pigs feet black people love them but I tried it no way plus the thought of an animal walking through it's shit it's entire life no thanks.
What? Grits are awesome! So is hominy.

They ain't jes' fer colored folks thar, feller!
I don't know I never tried grits myself just only heard of black people eating them well except for the few white people who tried them but said it was gross like cream of wheat only worse.
What? Grits are awesome! So is hominy.

They ain't jes' fer colored folks thar, feller!
True that

grits and eggs with bacon on the side was a childhood favorite. Eggs over easy so the yolk could mix with the grits. Damn, I'm hungry now.
Shrimp and grits, cheese grits, grits n gravy
It really bothers me to see such a absence of reasoning into this tragic event. The one loudest requiring cry is, why did he do this?

I don't think it takes much thought process to reason why. It is sick, but I think its obvious.

He didn't savagely kill 60 ....cows....he killed human beings. I know it is hard to swallow, but its a fact. And its the reason why. I reason its fair to surmise, he had enough of human beings, so much so that it pushed him to murder. Some may try to blame mental illness, and thats a really slippery slope to argue. The naked truth is, this was premeditated murder. This individual had enough of society, and he expressed it in his way. Its unthinkable, unimaginable, but its the truth. It wasn't the booze, or anxiety, or habitual addictions.

Lastly, I can't understand why people who where not at this event, having a hailstorm of bullets rain down on them try to purpose theories of multiple gunman. Ask anyone of the survived. It was very obvious to , a Marine Veteran who risked his own life to save others...that it was ONE GUNMAN, and Rounds being sent from ONE LOCATION. The conspiracy theories on this are really ludacris.
It really bothers me to see such a absence of reasoning into this tragic event. The one loudest requiring cry is, why did he do this?

I don't think it takes much thought process to reason why. It is sick, but I think its obvious.

He didn't savagely kill 60 ....cows....he killed human beings. I know it is hard to swallow, but its a fact. And its the reason why. I reason its fair to surmise, he had enough of human beings, so much so that it pushed him to murder. Some may try to blame mental illness, and thats a really slippery slope to argue. The naked truth is, this was premeditated murder. This individual had enough of society, and he expressed it in his way. Its unthinkable, unimaginable, but its the truth. It wasn't the booze, or anxiety, or habitual addictions.

Lastly, I can't understand why people who where not at this event, having a hailstorm of bullets rain down on them try to purpose theories of multiple gunman. Ask anyone of the survived. It was very obvious to , a Marine Veteran who risked his own life to save others...that it was ONE GUNMAN, and Rounds being sent from ONE LOCATION. The conspiracy theories on this are really ludacris.
First, it's 'ludicrous'.

Second, many in the crowd and police at the time mentioned multiple shooters. They could have been mistaken, not hard to do in the midst of such a situation.

I'm not sure, I wasn't there. The entire story strains credulity in many ways. It is possible that a lone gunman was responsible for the whole thing. It's also possible that there were others- and entirely possible that those others, if they existed, could have slipped away in the chaos.

Follow the trail of evidence and see where it leads. If there's one thing I'm absolutely certain of, it's that the FBI hasn't released everything it knows to the public- and that's not an assertion of conspiracy either, it's standard operating procedure.
choice of oils is the makers. Olive oil is said to be great, coconut oil is where I'll focus I think
miracle whip replaces fat with dangerous fake sugar.
choice of oils is the makers. Olive oil is said to be great, coconut oil is where I'll focus I think
miracle whip replaces fat with dangerous fake sugar.
as you drink fucking soda. Don't Russians use sunflower seed oil for Mayo.
Miracle Whip still has eggs so you still keeping fat proteins. It also adds spices such as paprika and garlic powder which I prefer. I would still eat Mayo if that is the only options, but I buy and keep Miracle whip in the fridge.