If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

I wish I had my old motor cycle, it was a 72 Yamaha 650. Maybe someday, you'll get a bike, but your wife hasn't consented yet.
Had a bike all this summer. May do it again next summer. Nope don't think my wife will ever consent to me owning one and parking it in the garage. I thought you were a big guy. why pussy foot around on a 650
So it's ok that you are just fucking kids?

You seem to be getting ahead of yourself, Prohibitionist. You seem to be assuming that I approve of you relieving your carnal needs with kids.

I don't.

Do you approve of militarily killing kids or do you only get your panties in a bunch when somebody might be poaching your prey
from the school yard ? (that was a question wrapped up in a clever retort)
Had a bike all this summer. May do it again next summer. Nope don't think my wife will ever consent to me owning one and parking it in the garage. I thought you were a big guy. why pussy foot around on a 650

I've had lots of other bikes since then, in the seventies a 650 WAS a big bike. I just saw an old Yamaha twin the other day which reminded me of mine.

Since the seventies I owned lots of other bigger bikes. I am an enormous guy. My hands are huuuuge too.
When I was 18 several chics lied about their age, saying they were 18 when they were 17. That didn't stop me, there isn't much of any difference between 17 and 18 but there is a huge difference between 13 and 31.
This is not statutory rape.
Had a bike all this summer. May do it again next summer. Nope don't think my wife will ever consent to me owning one and parking it in the garage. I thought you were a big guy. why pussy foot around on a 650

Hah, I've seen smaller engines beat bigger engines a lot.

600 cc dominating 1200 cc
Hah, I've seen smaller engines beat bigger engines a lot.

600 cc dominating 1200 cc
Most fools think speed when talking bikes.
I speak on comfort and safety as my first options. ALL fucking bikes are fast enough to get you killed.
You also will be switching gears a lot more on that 600cc vs that 1200 cc in the city ( torque characteristics ).
Rob Roy is supposedly a bigger older guy. I'm thinking he can handle the weight of the 1200 and would enjoy more of the cruising. The model that he was speaking on also does not have the ABS feature ..going again back on safety.
Not in the case of my 1275 sportster

If you are talking light to light, yes.

If you are talking interstate, hell no.

Most fools think speed when talking bikes.
I speak on comfort and safety as my first options. ALL fucking bikes are fast enough to get you killed.
You also will be switching gears a lot more on that 600cc vs that 1200 cc in the city ( torque characteristics ).
Rob Roy is supposedly a bigger older guy. I'm thinking he can handle the weight of the 1200 and would enjoy more of the cruising. The model that he was speaking on also does not have the ABS feature ..going again back on safety.

It is the gearing, pulleys or sprockets and the primary gears.

A 1200 with the primary gears and chain of the 883 will be faster but interstate rpm will suck.
A 600cc 4-cylinder would probably smash your Sporty, not in as much style I must say and I'd take the Sporty personally because I think if you ride too fast then you miss the ride.
100+ hp
1275 30 degree domes connected to S&S rods and flywheel, Headwork, oversize valves, Compression releases, Andrews V4 cams
I always win off the line, Its about 50 feet after that that I start losing.
If you are talking light to light, yes.

If you are talking interstate, hell no.

It is the gearing, pulleys or sprockets and the primary gears.

A 1200 with the primary gears and chain of the 883 will be faster but interstate rpm will suck.
I'm running a 22 front 48 rear 530 chain. I don't have a tach. No idea what my rpm is. But its no problem comfort wise. The mirrors don't shake
100+ hp
1275 30 degree domes connected to S&S rods and flywheel, Headwork, oversize valves, Compression releases, Andrews V4 cams
I always win off the line, Its about 50 feet after that that I start losing.

Change to the 883 primary, you should be pulling the wheel up in third with ease.

Edit: you might not be able to given the year of your engine.
Wow this thread has run the course hasn't it, it would be funny but for the 12 year old consent thing ..... what the fuck (pardon the pun) is that, Jesus. That's just a very fucked up argument to try and defend, the age of consent varies around the world not based on science but on values, traditions, and sadly economics. In some cultures women are a burden to be unloaded as fast as possible, to put it crudely, when a girl bleeds she is ready to breed. This belief has led to the utter horror these girls face for the rest of their lives. How the hell can you justify your belief that a young child is able to form a coherent thought process that allows them to decide he/she is ready? It is the parents responsibility to instill values that help ground the child, yes making their own choices but this takes time, effort and a little luck to be successful. A child is not able to do this on their own and to argue that they are lends me to believe you are one of the worst types of parent. The parent that believes the child is capable of forming values on their own and consequences be damned. I see this every day when I see a 15-16 year old couple/single mom pushing their baby down the sidewalk, how the hell can you justify this, let alone an adult brought into the fold. Kids rely on adults to help them to build a foundation of trust and when an adult breaks this trust they are subjecting the child to a life of depravation and horror of untold proportions. You sir are the reason this shit carries in from generation to generation. I could go on and on and on but fuck just think about what your saying and how wrong it is ....... fuck!!!!!
Wow this thread has run the course hasn't it, it would be funny but for the 12 year old consent thing ..... what the fuck (pardon the pun) is that, Jesus. That's just a very fucked up argument to try and defend, the age of consent varies around the world not based on science but on values, traditions, and sadly economics. In some cultures women are a burden to be unloaded as fast as possible, to put it crudely, when a girl bleeds she is ready to breed. This belief has led to the utter horror these girls face for the rest of their lives. How the hell can you justify your belief that a young child is able to form a coherent thought process that allows them to decide he/she is ready? It is the parents responsibility to instill values that help ground the child, yes making their own choices but this takes time, effort and a little luck to be successful. A child is not able to do this on their own and to argue that they are lends me to believe you are one of the worst types of parent. The parent that believes the child is capable of forming values on their own and consequences be damned. I see this every day when I see a 15-16 year old couple/single mom pushing their baby down the sidewalk, how the hell can you justify this, let alone an adult brought into the fold. Kids rely on adults to help them to build a foundation of trust and when an adult breaks this trust they are subjecting the child to a life of depravation and horror of untold proportions. You sir are the reason this shit carries in from generation to generation. I could go on and on and on but fuck just think about what your saying and how wrong it is ....... fuck!!!!!