Name a country that's better than America

As with MarWan, you appear to be overly concerned with score keeping and side-drawing. Any idea what's up with that? Why does it matter?

And not the point at all. You can't just pick one part of one post and draw conclusions that are meaningful.

That's a tactic. I guess for score keeping and side taking huh.
those damn cops, always taking it hard on the whitefaces and letting the black go. or the hispanic.

Like I posted above. The law was to allow them to arrest outside white people for contributing to the unruly behavior on their city.

And fine them. I had to say I was contributing to the "unruly behavior" as they call it in court or go right to jail.

None of the locals there were arrested during the street raid.

Just read all this that was written. It's that simple.
Like I posted above. The law was to allow them to arrest outside white people for contributing to the unruly behavior on their city.

And fine them. I had to say I was contributing to the "unruly behavior" as they call it in court or go right to jail.

None of the locals there were arrested during the street raid.

Just read all this that was written. It's that simple.

Yeah, sure bro.

The cops never target minorities and only go after crackers...

That's totally reality.

Yeah, sure bro.

The cops never target minorities and only go after crackers...

That's totally reality.

I told the story just as it happened. Choose to believe what you want.

There were a bunch of us grouped together to talk to the appointed D.A. Monday morning after a nice weekend in holding with all the young gang members. I never said they avoided busting blacks in Camden. Buck did. I said none of them on the street were when I was. And explained what I was charged with.

We were all white 20 something drug users. And we were told the deal all together in the hallway.

I met others in probation with a similar story.

Yeah, sure bro.

The cops never target minorities and only go after crackers...

That's totally reality.
There is a grain of truth in it. Black neighborhoods have been set upon by little white assholes looking for drugs. Damn near every black kid walking home from school will often have some pasty white assholes drive up to them and ask if they are selling drugs. The cops tend to discourage this sort of thing. It sends the wrong message to a young kid - why get a job when there is a never-ending stream of suburbanites willing to give you easy money?
There is a grain of truth in it. Black neighborhoods have been set upon by little white assholes looking for drugs. Damn near every black kid walking home from school will often have some pasty white assholes drive up to them and ask if they are selling drugs. The cops tend to discourage this sort of thing. It sends the wrong message to a young kid - why get a job when there is a never-ending stream of suburbanites willing to give you easy money?
In a handful of specific cases.

He makes it out as if cops target crackers when generally the inverse is true.
There is a grain of truth in it. Black neighborhoods have been set upon by little white assholes looking for drugs. Damn near every black kid walking home from school will often have some pasty white assholes drive up to them and ask if they are selling drugs. The cops tend to discourage this sort of thing. It sends the wrong message to a young kid - why get a job when there is a never-ending stream of suburbanites willing to give you easy money?

You have got to be kidding. Didn't you ever go into the city and see young adults who happen to have an addiction to drugs pull up on sets?

In case you don't know. Sets are groups of organized drug dealers that hang out on the street to sell.

I was still a car salesmen when I was caught. And wearing a suit and tie driving a dealer car.

And many other working white men and women are out there every night.

I tried to share a relevant experience that happens to go against some opinions and am automatically discounted. Basically what I was trying to tell buck in the first place days ago.

I have been clean for 17 years now. But nothing has really changed since then but population and communications technology. People are the same.
In a handful of specific cases.

He makes it out as if cops target crackers when generally the inverse is true.

Again. Buck made it out like I said that. Not me. I shared a story about a situation that was different.

And I'm sure Camden is not the only town to figure out how to make money off its criminal element.

The gang members go in and out of jail like a boarding house. There friends are even there.

Only costs money to bust them on the street.
Scotland.! When we're eventually separated from the rest of the uk (ENGLAND), but even as part of the uk ,we ALL have free access to health (NHS) & a GP and education AND cops don't routinely carry guns.. we're far from perfect but as for America , meh ! i have visited a few times but wouldn't wanna stay there.! Happy growing
Just wish it was warmer there...

your exact words:

"try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

At least put the rest of my sentence into your saved quote.

Isolated and cherry picked quotes you post prove nothing more than you are an narrow minded ass hole.

Hope you are enjoying all your new friends. I notice more and more new members are tearing you a new one.

Lol at the memory of little buck.
You drop the shittiest, most lame, cringe inducing idiot shit comebacks. Only an absolute fucking clueless shitball would be unaware enough to post that pitiable comment

I will say this at a maturity level you have a chance of understanding.

I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to......

Uncle Buck/ you.
In a handful of specific cases.

He makes it out as if cops target crackers when generally the inverse is true.
Generally you are right. But there are specific cases where the opposite may seem true. The West side of Chicago is one of these. But to say that the cops ignore obvious black drug sellers is nonsense. The white people in upscale cars are just so damn obvious though - they get hassled a lot. I guess it depends one one's perspective.