Open Show and Tell 2017-18

Welp first half of the Harle Tsu plants are trimmed (sloppy job due to how much it produced & trimming solo) still have a whole room hanging, with 2 more plants needing to be's what I got so far. White tote is smaller buds and trim.


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NIICE. I think I'm going to substitute jars for tote bins. I'm looking at approx a half pound harvest. Do shoe boxes actually work, I guess its like a cardboard box huh?

The boxes stay closed and it seems to slow down the drying. Especially the ones that are not hanging and just laying in the box.
Nice jj nice
How do u find the weight of bud in the raw sun compared to greenhouse ?
Can u notice the difference or no difference?
Plants will grow bigger & the buds a little long as the weather cooperates. Greenhouses take a lot of the gamble out of it & the buds may get a little frostier because they have less stress. Greenhouses add a lot of security & peace of mind. I didn't fret the heavy winds the other day in my greenhouses, but I was worried about the annex plants
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